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[DoK/WP] Willpower based melee healing

Proposals which did not pass the two week review, were rejected internally, or were not able to be implemented.
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Re: [DoK/WP] Willpower based melee healing

Post#31 » Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:35 pm

Bozzax wrote:Guys melee healing can never be reliable as long as a KD + superpunt gives you about 10-20 seconds of downtime. More if you were low on sf/rf when cced. Changing to willpower based does not make melee healing.

However removing damage kills melee heal for 2-3 man roam where it actually is viable atm.
Melee healing that is 100% reliant on melee is, as you say, not reliable enough to be considered viable. However, my proposal clearly states how this downside is overcome. It is capable of temporary periods of decent ranged healing. Also my proposal does not affect, in any way, the DPS based melee healing. If you dont slot my adjusted tactic then the current skills and specs still work exactly as they did before. Still allowing those that wish to do damaged based melee healing an option.

There is subtlety in my suggestion that has passed people by. Yes my proposal is still based on damage. But from the numbers I propose in this thread it shows that even with negligible damage, the heal out put is still very strong. Many people might spot that mildly increasing your damage would have a exponential affect on the healing output. But if you raise you damage slightly you begin to lower your survivability and healing bonus. Taking you back to a squishy melee healer that needs a guard 100% of the time and cant range heal effectively - which is what melee healing is at the moment.


When considering a proposal for changes you have to take into account what is actually achievable by the Devs. It is obvious that how some people would like to change the DoK would take hundreds of hours of design, coding and testing. You need to accept that the Dev's may not have the time to completely redesign the dok and its skills in the way that you'd like them to.

Whilst my proposal may not be the perfect solution, I believe it is a good comprise:
- It may actually be workable in game and result in viable melee heals
- Hopefully wouldn't take the Devs hundreds of hours to code
- Does not affect DPS, DPSmelee healing and pure range healing specs

Surely having some kind of melee healing that actually works in game is better than keeping it how it is because the changes you want to make are too difficult to ever be coded or implemented.

If you believe you can come up with a better solution that overcomes the issues then feel free to make another proposal. The issues are:
1. Melee healing requires a melee target, thus CC is a massive issue, kiting is an issue. - How to heal with no target or out of range?
2. Risk v reward of putting the healer in dangerous positions. Providing enough benefits to make it worthwhile.
3. Limited Dev resources/time
4. Current lack of client control - mainly meaning tooltips are an issue with multiple changes to skills and tactics.
5. Changing skills could ruin DPS and range healing specs
6. Half of the population will rage quit if you change too much. Thus a complete overhaul and change to the class is probably not possible.
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Re: [DoK/WP] Willpower based melee healing

Post#32 » Thu Aug 03, 2017 4:20 pm

Two weeks is up. Taking this one to internal review as most discussion seems to have ended.
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