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[RPRvR] The Eternal Host - High Elves Med-RP & RvR Guild is recruiting!

Order must unite, as they are strong in great numbers. Order players look no further! Guild advertisements are posted here.
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Re: [RPRvR] The Eternal Host - High Elves Med-RP & RvR Guild is recruiting!

Post#31 » Fri Jan 29, 2021 9:06 pm

Tall Asur pushed himself through the rough looking crowd in front of the big notice-board on Altdorf Market Square, distaste clearly written on his face. He took a quick look at all the notes fixed to the notice-board on top of each other in many layers. Most of the notes were written on dirty pieces of paper in barely recognizable handwriting but he could see also some notes written in Dawi runes. Sighing loudly, he started to search among the notices. Finally he got a glimpse of a pearl white paper covered in neat and flowing handwriting. He brushed some dirty notes carelessly into the mud, pulled the pear white letter out and secured it on top of all others on the notice-board. Asur turned around and stared at the crowd as if challenging anyone to object. Since nobody dared to object or they simply didn't care, High Elf left the crowd and strode towards the Lord's Row and the Bank of Altdorf.

Great time to join us since we have become more active lately and running weekly hunting squads. Last week we had 10 man hunting party roaming Eataine and some desolate place that Dawi call their home!

RP is not required, just a lore friendly name and positive attitude.
Discord recommended for RvR.
Elthelion WL
Elthelia AM
The Eternal Host
High Elves only RvR / light RP lore friendly guild


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