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ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#281 » Fri Sep 29, 2017 5:46 pm

Shooshpanzerer wrote:I think that Wam and others tried to tell that there's no point in actually defending BO against superior numbers. With locks you can stall the zerg for a few prescious seconds to get it locked for you, now you just run away and return.
I now miss those bo lock fights, Kagaz was PERFECT for staying at the flag and keeping whole warbands from taking bo's in the last few seconds of a bo lock, i once held a whole warband off from taking a bo for almost half a minute until reinforcements arrived to help, punt-aoe-shield-and-repeat and i EXCEL at that, i saved COUNTLESS bo locks.

The bo fights are now quite weak unless both sides are zerging, they were the biggest most important fights outside of the keep take and they were, of course, very common but now we just run away and return cos that is more tactically prudent.

Having less reason-to-defend means having less reason-to-care and that is not good.
. -= Cult Of Chaos =- GUILD -= Cult Leader =- . -= Kagaz Wrathson - The Decioblidevannihilator - Black Orc =- .
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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#282 » Fri Sep 29, 2017 8:11 pm

Dresden wrote:
Shooshpanzerer wrote:I think that Wam and others tried to tell that there's no point in actually defending BO against superior numbers. With locks you can stall the zerg for a few prescious seconds to get it locked for you, now you just run away and return.
I now miss those bo lock fights, Kagaz was PERFECT for staying at the flag and keeping whole warbands from taking bo's in the last few seconds of a bo lock, i once held a whole warband off from taking a bo for almost half a minute until reinforcements arrived to help, punt-aoe-shield-and-repeat and i EXCEL at that, i saved COUNTLESS bo locks.

The bo fights are now quite weak unless both sides are zerging, they were the biggest most important fights outside of the keep take and they were, of course, very common but now we just run away and return cos that is more tactically prudent.

Having less reason-to-defend means having less reason-to-care and that is not good.
Well we do not often agree. But we agree on the timers.

I mentioned multiple times halfed timers were the best.

movement ways and estimated traveltime. (enough time? even with fight? etc. )
anticipation of enemy movements. to get them or to avoid them for not getting delayed.
map knowlege in general, how to get from A to B, flightmaster? sneaky passages for bypass?
holding a BO outnumbered.
Pushing a manned BO, tapping the flag while there is still fighting and protecting the guy tapping.
Tapping a BO with 2 seconds left.
Fighting a fight you know you will lose but you just have to hold for 45 seconds and hold.

now it's: lul evacuate the landingzone and comeback later.

especially the close timer things felt super rewarding, like last second defuse in CS,... is obvsly all gone.

same as fliphammer, which was a far better gameplay than siege n funnelhammer. blocking a needlehole with 80ppl+ and canon support. lol.

but whatever. I wait for the more "finished" version and invest playtime in other games and don't give feedback anymore.
I already deleted my detailed feedback. It's anyway spoken to the wind.

easy as that.
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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#283 » Fri Sep 29, 2017 10:53 pm

Welcome To the Age of TabHammer.

I Hated the Supply running but this new Afk at BOs is awful, this is what I propose.

Pve Heros Bosses that when killed give a item that buffs to help the war effort or that gives an edge on sieging say more damage on ram if you are using one. just as easy as the buff can be put on it also can be lost by being killed.

BOs are active to get supplies as well as contribution towards a bag you have to actively be doing something at the battlefield objective Be it Mining in the quarry , making bandages [minor animations to pump supplies to the keep that require being active.] Large amounts of supplies can be found in certain parts of the map and respawn at a rate of 15-20 mins this may require a killing a boss who guards it. or finding it in a remote location. kinda like an artifact.

Anyway Just BrainStorming here. I have other Ideas for KV too and i know alot of this would require client control but a man can dream :P

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#284 » Sat Sep 30, 2017 12:11 am

Regarding the critizism of people just running away and returning to recap, that is sort of the point in my understanding. You need to station guards at the BO to stop them from returning. It's a way of trying stop you from running around in a blob from point to point, you have to coordinate groups, call incs and support wherever it is needed.

I think it is good, but prefered when it was neutral when it was not guarded so you could actually see where it was guarded and where it wasn't. I think they should cap the people getting ticks on a BO or radically increase the range of the ticks in map sectors and maybe make them less frequent and bigger, it's honestly ridicilous seeing 20+ people leeching on a BO when there is 20+ destro on the next one doing the same.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#285 » Sat Sep 30, 2017 12:26 am

nebelwerfer wrote:I think it is good, but prefered when it was neutral when it was not guarded so you could actually see where it was guarded and where it wasn't.
You still see it - if BO doesn't have glow on it it mean it is abandoned and noone is there.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#286 » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:19 am

Some clarifications.

Many of you seems to think the actual reward system (rp/medals/lock/loots/contribution) is actually definitive.

Thats absolutely not the case.

After the next rework implementations, (BO ticks system tweak, lock conditions, ruins), there will be a solidificaton phase to refine rewardings.

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#287 » Tue Oct 03, 2017 12:22 am

well from somewhere you must start. so fr i like this new system compareds the old one. Maybe something in future wll happen. balance and redesigna game mechanic is far harder than we can think!

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#288 » Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:36 am

My 2 cents about new system

What I noticed people complain about:
T2 merged with T3 and T4 – lower level players complain at the either lack of fight in their zones or them being completely underpowered for T4 fights. From what I noticed – lower lvl zones suffer lower populations only when there is a big battle going on in T4 (but that also it’s not always the case – last Tuesday or Wednesday Shadowlands fight was immense, more than 100 players each side). And about lowbies being underpowered for T4 is somewhat players thinking that needs to be changed. If let’s say 6 people below 30lvl come into Praag they can group up and successfully cap some of the BO’s and kill soloers, ofc they won’t be able to kill another wb or roaming groups (or they will have a hard time doing so) but that goes for everyone – sooner or later you will meet the force which will mop the floor with you, you just need to find your place in every environment. And if someone thinks this is the system fault it’s better if they drop the pvp game.
AFK at BO's - truth is, before that people afked at warcamp, so now at least one side gets resources generated and the other got potentially freekills. It doesn't punish any side, except for the contribution for bags is too big in comparison to keep taking/defending, recapping BO's. But I guess you are aware of that :D

It promotes zerging - honestly, this is the thing I often see on chats and I don’t get how it promotes zerg, if anything it divided the population into smaller blobs. In peak hours I see all kinds of groups roaming around: 24+ blobs, 6man roam parties, soloers, 2mans, 3mans etc. I haven’t seen that diversity in ages.

Bag contribution sucks – well, I must admit I agree with that, for a couple of days I played in WB and actively ran around capping BO’s and killing stuff and my highest contribution was 100 points to roll. At the same time people that afked at one BO’s for hours were in top 5 of contributors and didn’t even deny it. It’s not players fault that system works like that, but if it goes on there will be no one to run around because everyone will leech of a BO’s for the highest contribution and chance for bag.

So now to the good things
I mentioned earlier that the zerg is divided now – this is great, I love it as it gives space for more tactics, specs, etc. Fun stuff! If we were to go back to one time renown ticks for a BO then people will blog together once again and run from one BO to another.
Teleporting to BO’s – this is something that at first I didn’t like but after one siege I loved it to the core. Keeping BO near keep is essential for keep take/defence now if you want to avoid roamers and get your reinforcements there quickly. It’s not OP in any manner.
BO’s generating resources – it’s great way to boost either defenders or attackers, you can decide to blob all your forces on a siege attack or divide it and hold BO’s to generate ammo/siege weapons for your realm. It once again bring diversity to the fights which is all we love (I guess?)

Overall I really like the new system, from my point of view it is more dynamic and diverse than the previous one. It needs few tweaks here and there but you guys did a very good job with this. Cheers

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#289 » Tue Oct 03, 2017 10:12 am

i thing that bolster sux and you have no change again lvl 40.
and before few days we make alt party one lvl 40 dps and rest players 25-30 and it works pretty well.
with my RP lvl 28 i have more wounds and willpower then with my rr65 zealot :D

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Re: ORvR rework+ DOOMSDAY : All the truth

Post#290 » Tue Oct 03, 2017 10:34 am

Foltestik wrote:i thing that bolster sux and you have no change again lvl 40.
and before few days we make alt party one lvl 40 dps and rest players 25-30 and it works pretty well.
with my RP lvl 28 i have more wounds and willpower then with my rr65 zealot :D
You should decide what you want to say, because you said 2 different things that contradict each other.

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