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Any reason to play SW over BW or WL?

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Re: Any reason to play SW over BW or WL?

Post#21 » Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:29 pm

try this build in fort, city and orvr. - Skirmish AoE + morale drain

stay in 45ft Barrage range.
rotation : Lileath - Spiral - one of ( Broad, Shadow, Flame ) - Spiral until Lileath CD.
wait WW and Barrage spam. better have enough AP b4 WW.

hard part is managing AP and maintain 45ft from MA target.
rest is up to tank/heal support and WW. that's more than 50% of this build imo.
it's not class problem that your tank don't know 30~45 ft range.

stupid boring bomb meta but SW have one at least.
you'll see how much destro love it when m2 delayed.

mobility trend is moved to Guerilla Training.
scout-skirmish, skirmish-assualt.
back in my skirmish days... it's too old. it was only viable build for SW kiting. still no match for BW or WL.
now you have various builds, need more control but possible to compete other dps.
SM8, SW8, AM8, WL7, KoBS5, BW6, WP8, WH7, IB7, Eng5, RP5, SL6
BG8, Sorc8, DoK8, WE7, Chs8, Mg8, Ze7, Mara8, BO6, SH7, Shm6, Chop4
SC summary - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=20415
( last update : 2020.06.09)

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Re: Any reason to play SW over BW or WL?

Post#22 » Sat Mar 05, 2022 8:09 pm

Came here to see about 3 classes and why you should play... Faced with bunch of babyrage sw rants. Lmao.

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Re: Any reason to play SW over BW or WL?

Post#23 » Sat Mar 05, 2022 9:18 pm


SW is not the First SC or city sought after class.
Still not a reason to not play it and have fun while roaming. You will die a lot as you are a first targeted destro snack.

For roaming with sniper engis the critical number is two Engis to successfully down a target on 125ft. On SW the Break even Point is 3 SW to securely delete a target in the timewindow of the ranged knockdown.
The 1sec Eagle Eye is the highest dps on ranged physical.
Apart from that some 65ft abilities are strangely in there.
If you come from the Engi with his 125ft or 193ft snipes then most 110ft scout stuff is shorter. 65ft skirmish stuff feels like meele. :)

When I run my snipers Engo on RR85 in SCs you can catch an unaware dps shaman and destroy him in one rotation. With my RR55 SW this is hardly possible. Maybe there are greater players here. But I have the feeling my SW looses his air before the target is dead.
So get a friend and us dem /assist to get the kills. SW is definitely NOT your solo kill Legolas.

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Re: Any reason to play SW over BW or WL?

Post#24 » Mon Apr 18, 2022 10:31 pm

Hola! hace mucho tiempo que no juego al WAR y justamente lo estoy descargando porque hoy me he enterado que esto sigue vivo por fans y que ha mejorado mucho, pero en el original era Yekar SW mixto asalto/escaramuza y llegué a reputación 100, y a mi me encantaba. Si bien es cierto que en asalto no había manera de matar un choosen ni en escaramuza tampoco con todo lo que regeneran de vida, si tenías muchas armas para matar al resto. Es verdad que habían clases mejores, el squig herder es mejor y el marauder igual, o el white lion, ya que estas tres comparten habilidades, pero a mi siempre fue el que más me gustó por su complejidad, y porque daba mucho placer matar a gente cuando pensaban que te iban a matar a ti y no pasaba. El quiteo siempre fue bueno con el SW, excepto cuando los bug´s hacían que te atrancases, pero en términos generales era muy bueno, más aún cuando whirling ping lo modificaron para que además saltases para alejarte. Mientras se descarga el juego (lleva 6 horas descargando y al menos 3 o 4 más le faltan) he estado mirando y han mejorado la clase, ahora flecha espiral al hacer AOE no reduce un 40% su daño (antes si) han puesto bombardeo que baja la moral, recordad que hay táctica que por critico que infringes le das un 10% de crítico extra a tus compañeros de grupo y he visto que sigue estando. La verdad que estoy deseando jugarlo de nuevo , simplemente hay que saber que para exprimirlo hay que controlarlo muy bien, no es sencillo de manejar para sacarle su esplendor. Todo depende de la paciencia y ganas que tengas, si no te gusta sufrir y mejorar para sacarle el máximo partido, entonces coge otra clase. Un saludo y nos vemos pronto!!!

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Re: Any reason to play SW over BW or WL?

Post#25 » Tue Apr 19, 2022 3:43 pm

Farrul wrote: Sat Feb 19, 2022 7:30 am I don't know how Shadow warriors performed in the live version, but if left like it currently is i would consider it a clear balance failure from this dev team.

SW has come a long way. From being the worst class I've ever played in any game ever to playable again. If you asked me years ago if SW was even fixable I would have said "no - not without deleting it first". I personally view this as an incredible success for the dev team, so take that into consideration.
80+ WP/Dok/RP/Zealot 60+ AM/Shaman/Knight/Chosen/SM/BO/BW/Sorc 40+WL/Eng. SW deleted

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Re: Any reason to play SW over BW or WL?

Post#26 » Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:20 pm

Yes, if u want play the worst class in the game.

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Re: Any reason to play SW over BW or WL?

Post#27 » Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:32 pm

Arthem wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:44 pm
Tanski wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 4:05 pm Have 65 wl and bw, but there is something appealing about sw to me even though I hear nothing but negativity about the class. Im talking about the class in context of roam, I know they have a niche place morale draining in wbs . As for their scout spec, bw also has ranged kd and snare while having enormous crit, and for melee does asw offer anything over wl? I know they don’t have sprint or snare removal.
Take it from someone who has BiS SW and BiS Sorc (more or less same thing as BW) there's no reason to play SW over BW if you wanna roam etc. SW mobility is trash compared to BW who can cast most spells on move and can do quick 1sec cast times. SW blows a tactic just to have a 2sec cast time on their best dmg ability which is still slower than BW burst abilities except for Fireball which ur not gonna use much in roaming pvp.

On paper SW is supposed to be better at this content than BW but they gutted the SW making it very immobile like an Engineer. The mobility spec does trash damage and lost its range too since the rework.
Perfectly said, not sure how they plan on Fixing SW. Maybe mirror the SH... drop the stupid stances.
-= Agony =-

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Re: Any reason to play SW over BW or WL?

Post#28 » Thu Apr 21, 2022 4:19 pm

Akalukz wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:32 pm
Arthem wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 8:44 pm
Tanski wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 4:05 pm Have 65 wl and bw, but there is something appealing about sw to me even though I hear nothing but negativity about the class. Im talking about the class in context of roam, I know they have a niche place morale draining in wbs . As for their scout spec, bw also has ranged kd and snare while having enormous crit, and for melee does asw offer anything over wl? I know they don’t have sprint or snare removal.
Take it from someone who has BiS SW and BiS Sorc (more or less same thing as BW) there's no reason to play SW over BW if you wanna roam etc. SW mobility is trash compared to BW who can cast most spells on move and can do quick 1sec cast times. SW blows a tactic just to have a 2sec cast time on their best dmg ability which is still slower than BW burst abilities except for Fireball which ur not gonna use much in roaming pvp.

On paper SW is supposed to be better at this content than BW but they gutted the SW making it very immobile like an Engineer. The mobility spec does trash damage and lost its range too since the rework.
Perfectly said, not sure how they plan on Fixing SW. Maybe mirror the SH... drop the stupid stances.
I think a good start should be removing stance requirement for most instant - and cast on the move - skills :
- Broadhead Arrow was useable on all stances before they changed it to be stackable ; now that's reverted, the DoT should be usable on all stances, including assault. It's a key opener for the debuff heal, and assault got no mid-range option for that, saving glass arrow wich only allow a very short window, and need to be cast under max range.
- Lileath arrow should be usable in assault stance, now that it has a 5s cooldown it's not overpowered anyway
- Spiral fetched arrow is a skirmish signature spell, and should be usable on all stances ; it will provides a better mobility to scout stance, wich is currently very static
- Ranged snare is 65ft, but not useable in assault stance, which needs more options for gap-closing range ; remove stance requirement for snare, since there is the only one available anyway. SH got ranged snare as long he is ranged (and pet have one too iirc).
- Flanking shot should be usable in scout stance ; SH got 2 finishers, usable as long he is ranged, why WH got only one (and the speccable one) ?
- Sweeping slash on 20s cd is ridiculous, given the fact Assault got like one AoE skill ; make cd to 5s, to get another synergy option with SM's WW, and a viable melee aoe in solo/pve. If it's going to be the only availabe aoe to assault, at least make it remotely usable. Having to spec split arrow is nice, but assault could use some love too.

There are some example amongst other, but definately, either stance cd should be lowered (to 2 or 3s), or more skills should be allowed by given stance. I dont know, for marauder, the required stance switches, but looks like it's a lot less than an optimized SW rotation should require. And ofc, SH wont even care about stance, as long he doesnt use the melee mode, wich is obviously more convenient (And I dont talk about superior kiting ability here, it's a no match).

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Re: Any reason to play SW over BW or WL?

Post#29 » Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:10 pm

Armor debuff.

Thats literally it.
80+ WP/Dok/RP/Zealot 60+ AM/Shaman/Knight/Chosen/SM/BO/BW/Sorc 40+WL/Eng. SW deleted

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Re: Any reason to play SW over BW or WL?

Post#30 » Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:06 pm

Other suggestions :
- Buff Smoldering arrow with viable damage to actually worth a tactic slot, add to it : "another skirmish skill now deal elemental damage instead of physical", and place it to 7 pts into skirmish tree,
- Put Keen Arrowheads from 7 pts to 11 pts, and buff it with shortened ticks interval (a bit like the 11pts tactic is doing for Sham/AM channeled attack) instead of the current iteration (wich is just letting more time to enemy to cleanse the DoTs).
- Make Powerful Draw a core tactic, wich buff all ranged attacks (to match the one from the SH). Scout build will benefit less from it since it relies more upon eagle eye/Festering combo (and need 2 tactics already), but it could improve hybrid ranged builds.
- Make Merciless Soldier tactic fully working with Swift Strikes (it currently only increases the crit chances, not the crit damage, despite being a direct damage ability, bug reported by #19687 since december already), and/or make the tactic increase all assault skills crit damage by 25 or 50% ; actually picking No Respite is a far better choice (equal about +30% crit damage, and work for ranged skills, AA, etc.).

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