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[AM] Is it worth lvling up one?

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Re: [AM] Is it worth lvling up one?

Post#21 » Thu Aug 27, 2020 3:29 pm

Wuu wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:45 pm And DPS AM is the best solo class on Order ( possibly the game) hands down.
I am pretty sure Goblin shaman takes that title.... at least comparatively between AM and Shaman... if only because of the run buff.

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Re: [AM] Is it worth lvling up one?

Post#22 » Fri Aug 28, 2020 10:36 pm

I pretty much have the same issue on my Shaman. Archmage is a near (not identical) mirror to Shaman. So I would have been on the same boat if I had played Order.

You can view some of the responses folks posted here if it helps.

Posts: 160

Re: [AM] Is it worth lvling up one?

Post#23 » Wed Sep 23, 2020 10:59 am

AM and probably SM are great PvE classes. But in RvR/Scenarios I have some issues with my AM. Most time selecting a secondary friendly target for heals is so cumbersome. Therefore I can either heal or dps but can not combine both as like in PvE. Therefore I switched to a SW order side or a sorcerer destru side for the RvR stuff. They are much easier to play.

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Re: [AM] Is it worth lvling up one?

Post#24 » Wed Oct 14, 2020 4:52 pm

people here be like

"AM the WORST healer on order" -and coincidently the one with the most powerful burst heals on order undisputed, as well as aoe heals, you can easily top healing charts if you play well, and don't run the tactics that most metatards tell you to run like insta res or morale pump unless it's really necessary

"AM is high skill ceiling class you need to do 3 **** consecutive summersaults whilst spinning your staff in midair at 7000rpm so you can fly across the map and laser beam 5 people at once but also cross healing your entire warband and putting puddles on the wall every 3 sec and changing gear mid combat to make use of mechanic" - when in reality it's like a **** 5-6 button class max not including detaunts.. And all of your debuffs that you think are so important basically every dps or tank already has and won't stack, so don't waste your gcds dicking around unless it's for an important puddle, HoT the **** out of everyone but be prepared to heal burst damage which requires you to LOOK at your dps/teams position to accurately guage how much healing they need.
Mekanik/Cqb [engi] 40/86
Zuu [AM] 40/83
[magus] 40/70

Posts: 423

Re: [AM] Is it worth lvling up one?

Post#25 » Wed Oct 14, 2020 6:54 pm

AM is a beast dps and very good healer with support. Sucks you have to wear a dress though.
Order: 70 AM / 76 RP/ 72 Knight/ 58 WH
Destro: 82 Sham / 79 Zealot/ 70 DoK /70 Magus /68 Mara
Many alts on both sides now ruined by new currency change

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Re: [AM] Is it worth lvling up one?

Post#26 » Wed Oct 14, 2020 7:21 pm

I think Order needs more AMs. The class isn't wanted in a City setting much more then one per 24man. However, they are super critical to a WBs success. Some may argue the fact and we win city's without them. But the insta res build and the dps/heal builds are worth it. Often times as a healer I wish we had an insta res in the WB to assist with the res chain. Many fights are lost because the heals cant get ahead of the curve. That said be rdy to be the 1st target in this type of setting and if your not with good support you'll die a lot. They are great healers dpsers and have tons of CC to deal with. Still not as good as a shamy but its all we got.

Posts: 132

Re: [AM] Is it worth lvling up one?

Post#27 » Wed Oct 14, 2020 10:34 pm

Yundakkor10 wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 3:17 am Hello all! I'm newish (about a month playing) and I'm wondering if lvling up an AM is worth it for group PVP content. I keep hearing it's not the best and nigh on useless compared to RP/WP. I enjoy playing as a High Elf, but I don't want to feel gimped and excluded when it comes to endgame content, should I stop now and continue leveling up my DoK or zealot instead?
The fact that you are newish makes me recommend you to try another class first. AM is an amazing healer but has a very high skill requirement compared to the other two healers, making there be very useless AM´s out there, giving that class a bad name/reputation.

If you are ready to put in the effort to truly learn and master the class (quite some hours of gameplay), go for it, it is very rewarding. An amazing healer when your team/warband is on the run and your backline is under pressure.

Those who said in previous posts that they cant dps and heal at the same time are not really made for this class, its not a 2 button char :mrgreen:

Posts: 19

Re: [AM] Is it worth lvling up one?

Post#28 » Thu Oct 15, 2020 2:22 pm

Holy necro. With the reason crop up of AM threads I would remiss if I didn't link the/my AM guide.


There's some good discussion and comments by lots of experienced AM's after the op but I think I have worked most of their main points into the main guide.


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