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WE 70+ vanq+ winnable fights?

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: WE 70+ vanq+ winnable fights?

Post#21 » Wed Jul 01, 2020 11:42 pm

as WH player i can tell that the most difficult 1v1 are the one you cant run from, like warrior priest dps - am dps - engi with defensive build

in vanquisher you should 1v1 properly people geared sovereign but not in duel setup
if u go around and try 1v1 vs people roaming you need to understand that THEY are builded vs witch elves since after tanks full regen they are the only one going solo around that can kill you

Posts: 242

Re: WE 70+ vanq+ winnable fights?

Post#22 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 3:40 pm

CountTalabecland wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 5:14 pm Riposte only kills you if you get parried, don't get parried. Not much you can do about morale 1 parry wall other than try to catch it when it gets popped and hit them in the back.

If you are going about proclaiming to be a 1v1 duelist, then maybe you should be a little more creative than firing off burst damage directly at the front of that back pedaling MDPS.

WE/WH can and should be able to kill anything in 1v1. I've certainly seen more than enough of each who can do it, requires the right skills and gear though. But more importantly, the game is not balanced around 1v1 and a lot of variables go into these fights more than a rock,papers,scissors of what beats what on paper as ppl try to portray it on these forums.
True, the game is not balanced around 1v1 but aside for 1v1 what exactly are WE/WH supposed to do? Scout with the new perma stealth? :D

Posts: 160

Re: WE 70+ vanq+ winnable fights?

Post#23 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 4:28 pm

One other issue on WE/WH is that most player can just run away from a WE/WH. I miss a melee snare or root on them.

Posts: 1429

Re: WE 70+ vanq+ winnable fights?

Post#24 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:18 pm

Seravajan wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 4:28 pm One other issue on WE/WH is that most player can just run away from a WE/WH. I miss a melee snare or root on them.
Our Throwing Dagger snares just fine. And if needed, can use Feinted Positioning to insure it snares no matter the position.
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Posts: 160

Re: WE 70+ vanq+ winnable fights?

Post#25 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:33 pm

Zxul wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 5:18 pm
Seravajan wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 4:28 pm One other issue on WE/WH is that most player can just run away from a WE/WH. I miss a melee snare or root on them.
Our Throwing Dagger snares just fine. And if needed, can use Feinted Positioning to insure it snares no matter the position.
The issue is the Throwing Dagger has a minimum range and can not be applied in melee range. And the Feinting Positioning has a huge CD.

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Re: WE 70+ vanq+ winnable fights?

Post#26 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 8:29 pm

It seems that the only class that have to be good to make problems is WH.

Def spec is the way to go : WB and kisses doesn't scale with strength => bypass toughness and hits Corpo not armor.
you're gonna kill more tanks that way and even good WH and so on.

Is def spec more respectable than riposte spec ? Pretty even for me, all def / attrition specs are very permissive and allows autowin with bad play in small scale.
MA Kirth BG Melnibone SH Kikass
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Re: WE 70+ vanq+ winnable fights?

Post#27 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 8:55 pm

You have to shift your mindset a little.

Spec offensive and if your target is not dying then leave. Vanish is a godsend in RoR. If you spec deftard WE you'll be OP in 1v1 but you'll only kill melee who insist on hanging around to the death.

Posts: 66

Re: WE 70+ vanq+ winnable fights?

Post#28 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:41 pm

You might be playing WE wrong. The best way is to get a group of at least 4 other WE/WH's, plus a tank and pocket healer. Then wait near a choke point or warcamp for single players to come by and jump them. If you are somehow not able to kill them, then either:
  • Have the rest of your group run out from hiding to save you
  • Run to a PvE area with friendly mobs to protect you
  • Disconnect your internet connection before you die
With these tactics, you should rack up kills and be streaming your elite skill in no time.

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Re: WE 70+ vanq+ winnable fights?

Post#29 » Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:46 pm

How to win in Warhammer Online: Bring more players than your enemy :^)

Posts: 102

Re: WE 70+ vanq+ winnable fights?

Post#30 » Thu Oct 08, 2020 6:05 pm

CountTalabecland wrote: Tue Jun 30, 2020 5:14 pm WE/WH can and should be able to kill anything in 1v1. I've certainly seen more than enough of each who can do it, requires the right skills and gear though. But more importantly, the game is not balanced around 1v1 and a lot of variables go into these fights more than a rock,papers,scissors of what beats what on paper as ppl try to portray it on these forums.
Agree with that, is not about class only but also about the player.

As WE you have to adapt your approach, if you want to success you have to know ur enemy. RoR is not a big community.

Honestly like he said, it's not something we can help.
Sofong wrote: Wed Jul 01, 2020 7:57 am they will tell u the foloing:
"u can also spec parry and riposte"
'game not about 1v1"
"look at msh and shaman"
"do this and this with this when they do that and that and that slot this tailis combine with this and that then u will have a chance"
tommydgun wrote: Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:17 pm Anything I am missing? Are you all just running around in full defense meme WE builds or are you having success with more classes as a pure offensive WE and if so what build / armor and how are you beating the classes I listed under Other fights? I am getting pretty close to a re-roll here...
Offensive is enjoyable and give a lot of cold sweat :D Against WL, assuming they are guardian spec, everyone have their approach but for example mine is open+detaunt because most of WL's kd instantly. Few WL'S just detaunt and charge, those will give me a hard time.

It's the same when facing other class, first player then their gear/spec. Run full offensive require a clean kill, generally during kd to ensure they won't pot. If you fail, run away or atleast try ;)

Only kobs are troublesome for a offensive WE not impossible but really hard, AM-WH-WL are 50-50 (one mistake will cost ur life but it's the same for them).

Don't reroll, dying is just because you did something wrong not because the class is weak. If you have some trouble, like Nicelook said use double wound bonus, 3p vanq/opress is decent.
bachata, excommunicate abuser

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