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The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

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Posts: 17

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#21 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:17 am

TreefAM wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:57 pm Even when they made invaders easier to get people still cry lmao, I was rr 82 when i finally finished my invader set.

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#22 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:49 am

germ32 wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:15 am The rate of progression is way too slow for a pvp game, where the difference in gear between a veteran player and a new one make the game incredibly difficult to succeed at.

For veteran players you already have the advantage of greater knowledge of the game as well as practice which should be advantage enough, if you claim to be any good. It makes no sense to have such impossible gate keeping to actually play and succeed at the game at a resonable capacity. In the old days of RoR it was much easier to get the BiS gear without having to grind awful content like cities and forts which are only available a small fraction of the time. Or grind pve which should not be providing BiS gear but for whatever reason it does.

Recently RoR had a massive influx of players because of the video published by TheLazyPeon on youtube which received over half a million views. What players that video brought to the game are basically disappearing it seems like because the server pop has been gradually decreasing over the past few weeks. If the game does not appeal to new players and the only ones who are able to fully enjoy the game are those who have been able to log on at all times of the day to catch forts and cities then this server will continue to lose population, it is far too much of a commitment for people to become interested in or maintain an interest in. All the while you are getting destroyed by the players who have the best gear already which makes for not a very fun experience.

I really dont find forts or cities to be very enjoyable. They are often pointless stalemates or completely one sided ass beatings.

Sovereign insignias should drop from regular pvp as this would help prevent city logging as well as increase the average players level of gear which makes pvp less one sided in a lot of cases. Look at the number of players who have surpassed rr80 a long time ago and still continue to pvp on the same character, players dont need gear incentive to want to play the game. The game is about pvp not collecting gear, and the game will be easier to continue to balance once players are able to reach somewhat of a gear cap because it will be easier to recognize trends of over or under performance.

I would rather explain the increase in the number of players with the total world quarantine that the whole world entered 2 months ago, and the decrease in the number of players by the fact that the world is gradually emerging from this "extended big Holiday". Previously, people were forced to sit at home and they had to seek at least some kind of entertainment there, but now they begin to go to work, go for walks with their children, and in general do the usual things, and they have less and less “free” time caused by universal quarantine because of the coronovirus.
15th orks on a dead elf's chest
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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#23 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:05 am

"toxic chat" - is there anything anymore that isnt toxic in 2020? Seems everything is toxic now :D

If throwing a zone (pixels) is toxic for you, then how comes you belittle people caring only for pixels? OP, that's just hypocritical you get that right?

On the side note, I am bored of watching Netflix all day waiting for a zone to be pushed into fort/city - because a) the orvr zergfest becomes repetitive and mindnumbing and boring b) it awards nothing and c) I'd rather do ranked, but I need endgame gear which is only from forts/cities, so the back and forth mindless rvr is just a waste of time.

People tryharding for "realm pride" are hindering the progress of everyone else is what makes the whole system broken.
Nonoffensive - WE
Faceburn - BW
+ tons of misc alts

~ First rr100 WE on live.
~ First WE with 1+ million RvR kills on live.

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#24 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:27 am

desizt wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:05 am "toxic chat" - is there anything anymore that isnt toxic in 2020? Seems everything is toxic now :D

If throwing a zone (pixels) is toxic for you, then how comes you belittle people caring only for pixels? OP, that's just hypocritical you get that right?

On the side note, I am bored of watching Netflix all day waiting for a zone to be pushed into fort/city - because a) the orvr zergfest becomes repetitive and mindnumbing and boring b) it awards nothing and c) I'd rather do ranked, but I need endgame gear which is only from forts/cities, so the back and forth mindless rvr is just a waste of time.

People tryharding for "realm pride" are hindering the progress of everyone else is what makes the whole system broken.
As has been said elsewhere , if you play the game for gear and gear is the thing that you believe will make the difference you are playing the wrong game

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#25 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:32 am

desizt wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:05 am "toxic chat" - is there anything anymore that isnt toxic in 2020? Seems everything is toxic now :D

If throwing a zone (pixels) is toxic for you, then how comes you belittle people caring only for pixels? OP, that's just hypocritical you get that right?

On the side note, I am bored of watching Netflix all day waiting for a zone to be pushed into fort/city - because a) the orvr zergfest becomes repetitive and mindnumbing and boring b) it awards nothing and c) I'd rather do ranked, but I need endgame gear which is only from forts/cities, so the back and forth mindless rvr is just a waste of time.

People tryharding for "realm pride" are hindering the progress of everyone else is what makes the whole system broken.
I'm keeping track of my fun, not other people's gear. Not gonna throw some Fort because someone needs Royals.

Posts: 226

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#26 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:04 pm

On the Order side, things have been pretty absurd in the t4 and region chats during destro fort/city pushes. Anything from brazen "throw it" to cussing out the defenders for defending from dozens and dozens of players. Sad that those players are probably also the ones that are city logging whenever someone posts a city alert to the discord of their guild...
Raid boss Salv WP Guernios - rr83, full Sov
DPS SnB SM Valianoris - rr81, full Sov

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#27 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:06 pm

Acidic wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:27 am
desizt wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:05 am "toxic chat" - is there anything anymore that isnt toxic in 2020? Seems everything is toxic now :D

If throwing a zone (pixels) is toxic for you, then how comes you belittle people caring only for pixels? OP, that's just hypocritical you get that right?

On the side note, I am bored of watching Netflix all day waiting for a zone to be pushed into fort/city - because a) the orvr zergfest becomes repetitive and mindnumbing and boring b) it awards nothing and c) I'd rather do ranked, but I need endgame gear which is only from forts/cities, so the back and forth mindless rvr is just a waste of time.

People tryharding for "realm pride" are hindering the progress of everyone else is what makes the whole system broken.
As has been said elsewhere , if you play the game for gear and gear is the thing that you believe will make the difference you are playing the wrong game
take a merry band in Annihilator gear all sub RR50 against a group in full sov (or whatever is BiS) RR70+ You will quickly see gear is quite important in this game.

EDIT: Make conq / vanq easier to obtain Takes too long to be in mediocre gear.
-= Agony =-

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#28 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:40 pm

Akalukz wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:06 pm
Acidic wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:27 am
desizt wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:05 am "toxic chat" - is there anything anymore that isnt toxic in 2020? Seems everything is toxic now :D

If throwing a zone (pixels) is toxic for you, then how comes you belittle people caring only for pixels? OP, that's just hypocritical you get that right?

On the side note, I am bored of watching Netflix all day waiting for a zone to be pushed into fort/city - because a) the orvr zergfest becomes repetitive and mindnumbing and boring b) it awards nothing and c) I'd rather do ranked, but I need endgame gear which is only from forts/cities, so the back and forth mindless rvr is just a waste of time.

People tryharding for "realm pride" are hindering the progress of everyone else is what makes the whole system broken.
As has been said elsewhere , if you play the game for gear and gear is the thing that you believe will make the difference you are playing the wrong game
take a merry band in Annihilator gear all sub RR50 against a group in full sov (or whatever is BiS) RR70+ You will quickly see gear is quite important in this game.

EDIT: Make conq / vanq easier to obtain Takes too long to be in mediocre gear.
Getting Vanq gear or PVE gear is not hard so no excuse. I have some of my alts running in conq and it works well enough to get results.
But this post is specifically about trying to get royals so your comment is irrelevant, and just a give free stuff call.

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#29 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:48 pm

Acidic wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:40 pm
Akalukz wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:06 pm
Acidic wrote: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:27 am
As has been said elsewhere , if you play the game for gear and gear is the thing that you believe will make the difference you are playing the wrong game
take a merry band in Annihilator gear all sub RR50 against a group in full sov (or whatever is BiS) RR70+ You will quickly see gear is quite important in this game.

EDIT: Make conq / vanq easier to obtain Takes too long to be in mediocre gear.

Getting Vanq gear or PVE gear is not hard so no excuse. I have some of my alts running in conq and it works well enough to get results.
But this post is specifically about trying to get royals so your comment is irrelevant, and just a give free stuff call.
It's directly aimed at getting royals. Vanquisher and Conq are huge bottlenecks in the time sink game. I agree they aren't "hard" to get, no more than royal or invaders are "hard" to get. They are free by participating, the difficult thing is the availability and time sink required to get them. Anytime the losing side is rewarded it's "just a give free stuff call."
-= Agony =-

Posts: 542

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#30 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:25 pm

back in my day we had to play a whole summer just to get annihilator, you guys dont know how easy you have it these days

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