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Respawning in the keep as defenders

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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#21 » Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:26 am

Just find a solution to the lazy suicide on ram nonsense that certain people organize.

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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#22 » Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:45 am

i think getting outer to 50% disabling respawning would be great for a start to test.

or maybe put a slightly more buffed npc somewhere in a keep that the enemy mdps need to kill so respawning stops? maybe the npc can then be ressed by holding all BOs so there's incentive to play the BOs too? i dunno. :3
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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#23 » Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:45 am

^what the guy above said.
Last edited by sjemen on Fri Jul 10, 2020 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Posts: 226

Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#24 » Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:45 am

While I think the ability to release and respawn is absolutely crucial at the time when attacker breach the outer and defenders have to fall back, as otherwise the inner keeps would be utterly easy, I do agree the suicide on the ram thing is a bit silly.

Thankfully most of the general pop is not conscious enough to do it, but if you have a one organised warband just nonstop suiciding on the ram, it can very easily go down before the outer is even at 50% and the door closes. Especially with some good oil usage.

And I'm saying that as someone who also does it when it's needed. It's still a bit stupid.
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Posts: 96

Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#25 » Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:40 am

Aluviya wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:56 am
Detangler wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:32 pm
Gurf wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:11 pm Don't see a problem with the current system as it gives the faction with the lower numbers some time to get to a keep to prepare defence, otherwise the zerg can just jump zone and pve a keep stopping anyone from ever getting in.

If you wanna make a change to anything, make it so respawning in keep is disabled at 50% outer door.

Be careful what you wish for. 100% disabling keep respawns will drastically increase the frequency of zone flips by ninja zerging keeps, increasing zone flip bags for everyone, and making city sieges pop 2+ times a day.

Ok, on second thought, yeah disable respawning in keeps. Let's farm some royals!
I am not asking for disabling the respawn in keep. But it should go with costs - which is the loss of realm resources to that zone.
And @Gurf it gives way too much time to "prepare" defense as the whole current keep mechanic with frequent oil spawn and ram having to be moved results in keep fights that take ages to open even first gate-in fact defending keeps is way way easier than attacking keeps - and with people simply dieing into the keep and defend it especially in EU-Prime its impossible taking a keep with equal or almost equal numbers. Also why should defenders be favoured in having more time to prepare defense? Attackers have to invest even more time gathering ressources to level up the keep, get the ram safely to the keep. I simply don't see why the realm that is slacking should be actually even awarded with excessive preparation time - usually its obviously enough which zones will be sieged.

I don't think losing ressources should be the solution. Especially if it could lead to a downgrade of the keep. Just imagine how hard the region chat would go up in flames...("all these xrealmers suiciding to break our defense") :D
Bricksana 8X SM, Bricksona 8X WH, Bricksone 7X Engi, Bricksorno 6X RP, Bricksonor 4X SW

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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#26 » Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:20 pm

Brickson wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:40 am
Aluviya wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:56 am
Detangler wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:32 pm


If you wanna make a change to anything, make it so respawning in keep is disabled at 50% outer door.

Be careful what you wish for. 100% disabling keep respawns will drastically increase the frequency of zone flips by ninja zerging keeps, increasing zone flip bags for everyone, and making city sieges pop 2+ times a day.

Ok, on second thought, yeah disable respawning in keeps. Let's farm some royals!
I am not asking for disabling the respawn in keep. But it should go with costs - which is the loss of realm resources to that zone.
And @Gurf it gives way too much time to "prepare" defense as the whole current keep mechanic with frequent oil spawn and ram having to be moved results in keep fights that take ages to open even first gate-in fact defending keeps is way way easier than attacking keeps - and with people simply dieing into the keep and defend it especially in EU-Prime its impossible taking a keep with equal or almost equal numbers. Also why should defenders be favoured in having more time to prepare defense? Attackers have to invest even more time gathering ressources to level up the keep, get the ram safely to the keep. I simply don't see why the realm that is slacking should be actually even awarded with excessive preparation time - usually its obviously enough which zones will be sieged.

I don't think losing ressources should be the solution. Especially if it could lead to a downgrade of the keep. Just imagine how hard the region chat would go up in flames...("all these xrealmers suiciding to break our defense") :D
"x-realming" myth again. Almost everyone is playing both realms. And aside from that - it's actually mostly the pug loggers who prevent keeps from beeing taken by wiping into keeps to defend to increase the numbers inside the keep drastically. I personally can't name a single premade or even guild who would wipe their numbers just to "x-realm" efficiently. With ressource pools beeing static the campaign rewards too much solo players contribution to a defense rather than organized groups or wb's. This usually results in keeps that are unplayable because of lag and no option to enter postern - a defense should consume a realms ressources and this is a way to justify the consumption.

Posts: 96

Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#27 » Fri Jul 10, 2020 2:24 pm

Regardless how much truth there is about it. I'm pretty sure that this would be a very common reaction/ debate in the chat..

Aside from endless ingame debates about xrealming this would add another uncontralable element to RvR which would make coordinated efforts even more difficult/ frustrating. There are always a ton of people not even listening to their wb leader. So how do you think they would react if some other random guy in chat tells them to stop wasting ressources by respawning inside the keep...if they even read the chat.
It's realistic and sounds like a neat solution in theory. But I think the reality of human behaviour would probably just lead to more frustration.
Bricksana 8X SM, Bricksona 8X WH, Bricksone 7X Engi, Bricksorno 6X RP, Bricksonor 4X SW

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Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#28 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:30 pm

Classic moment today - again 3* Reikland-Keep only open zone. 350 Destruction against 250 Order. Heavy Lag in Keep range, Lord attacking randomly outside of the keep and wiping whole Warbands, order using oil every ~3 mins. Literally apppears to be impossible taking a keep through 1 entrance. In a zone with 200 or more defenders sitting in keep and bombing the single available entrace. It really feels to me that there is a need for an additional mechanic which prevents heavy numbers of defenders to be able to defend for an unlimited time without losing anything while doing so. It was 350 Destruction vs 250 Order - now after we decided to try to take the zone by 5* lock - many peopled logged off lacking motivation and after 20 minutes to this decision numbers are: 120 Destruction vs 220 Order. ~

Posts: 40

Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#29 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:30 am

Maybe if you drop a supp at keep you get a one time keep respawn. Would maybe encourage people to run supps instead of going afk at keep?

There was a suggestion somewhere for WE/WH to have an ability that would force a target to have to respawn when killed (can't be ressed), maybe this could be expanded to force them to have to respawn at WC.

Posts: 1295

Re: Respawning in the keep as defenders

Post#30 » Mon Jul 13, 2020 5:41 pm

the siege mechanic must be linked to the holding of BOs to make sieges more dinamic and bring small man/6 man/solos some way to contribute to campaign (more than kill ppl).
1 zerg attacking Vs 1 zerg defending is not really fun ...

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