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[FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

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Re: [FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

Post#21 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 10:09 am

ye geni is workign on ramp i belive it said something about somewhere, another issue currently we are all experiencing is the lack of a lockout timers/ a dominon timer. Tm is in this situation by days and rvr is pretty dead/few ganks happening all around as destru dont wanna give crest to orders and order dont wanna loose the chance.... it has became a def festa where no one attacks.

i have a feedback + question about siege weapos deployment.

currently you can only place those near keep (sometimes it's a problem you should be able to have bigger area around keeps like in tm on order keep), or it is possible place them even on flags? and if placed there those count for the total sieges weapon in the zone or each BO have a separate x number of siege weapons deployable for exemple keep 5 and flags 3.

It would be definetly nice if we could be able to have a "x" number on every BO (more on keep) and area to place sieges weapon would be a bit larger in some keeps.

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Re: [FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

Post#22 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 10:20 am

Oil is too easy to destroy. When it deliver physical damage and armor can mitigate it oil should have more HP.

Agree...Oil should have more HP.
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Re: [FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

Post#23 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 10:24 am

ye i forgot to mantion it too, now that oils it's not siege breaking anymore insanly increase the oil hp please, it should not go down so fast. Give it a 1/4 of door hp and increase cd

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Re: [FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

Post#24 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 10:41 am

th3gatekeeper wrote:Ive often wondered if it were possible to incoorperate something like:

You see these on Gate of Ekrund on the Destro side as the ramp to get up to the wall... If something like that could be implemented, make it movable, make it VERY slow, and easy to disable/repair, it could be a viable way to take a keep. Basically distract the defense long enough to post up one of these on a wall to provide another route into the inner section of a wall. This provides another means of bypassing the choke point and forcing defense to play slightly offensively and push the fight back to offense since its only a matter of time until one of these hits the keep...

If you incoorperate a "resource" mechanic into BOs (something that has been talked about) rather than gold being used to purchase these things, and now someone basically HAS to capture 3-4 BOs to get the resources required for a tower - which is HUGE incentive to take BOs in order to buy one of these things... Doing this provides the attackers with a very viable means of getting around the choke point, attack from an angle not suspected which forces defense to be more aware and work together splitting defensive forces up.
This is, completely, a part of our direction.

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Re: [FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

Post#25 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:25 pm

Azarael wrote:
th3gatekeeper wrote:Ive often wondered if it were possible to incoorperate something like:
You see these on Gate of Ekrund on the Destro side as the ramp to get up to the wall... If something like that could be implemented, make it movable, make it VERY slow, and easy to disable/repair, it could be a viable way to take a keep. Basically distract the defense long enough to post up one of these on a wall to provide another route into the inner section of a wall. This provides another means of bypassing the choke point and forcing defense to play slightly offensively and push the fight back to offense since its only a matter of time until one of these hits the keep...

If you incoorperate a "resource" mechanic into BOs (something that has been talked about) rather than gold being used to purchase these things, and now someone basically HAS to capture 3-4 BOs to get the resources required for a tower - which is HUGE incentive to take BOs in order to buy one of these things... Doing this provides the attackers with a very viable means of getting around the choke point, attack from an angle not suspected which forces defense to be more aware and work together splitting defensive forces up.
This is, completely, a part of our direction.
This is the most exciting comment I have read in a LONG time! I came on to post more feedback from a failed keep siege last night that made me log off it was so frustrating...

Everything is too "focal" on just 1 small door area. It favors ranged classes so much that we couldnt get near the keep without sustaining too much damage. I felt that ranged AoE was too punishing for us to get anything going. Its easier to defend a keep because you sit back and cast + drop oil and net kills. We even did a great job of killing oil when it was up, but just had such a hard time breaking the door because of the massive ranged DPS.

AFter about 20-30 minutes, several destro coincidentally logged off and left the warband, and after about 5 minutes from the "exodus" Order #s had somehow ~ doubled and they zerg rushed and wiped us.

We got a Ram up once (was a main part of the problem) but it died too quickly for us to do any real damage to the door.

Is it just me, or are the keep walls in T4 much shorter - allowing more ranged DPS to attack melee who are on the door? I have a BW that is 35 and I used to play him on order keep defense and I remember having a frustrating time finding a good spot to attack in High Pass from our keep. You couldnt hit players who were hitting the door.... It seems this is not the case in T4 now and ranged can nuke you from even pretty far away from getting TO the keep to attack?
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Re: [FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

Post#26 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:03 pm

Image :3
Last edited by saupreusse on Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

Post#27 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:21 pm

another issue i see it's that aoe still pass trought door, dont relly get "how", sometimes seems it pass sometimes not, i suppose it had to do with aoe while targettting door, and the radious from door only (basic bw skill aoe for exemple damage ppl in x from the target ).
Cos nothing suppose to pass from there, nothing. But this still reduces your chance of melee of doing something where there is bilions of aoe on door and you start take damages even before exit.
saupreusse wrote:Image :3
but have order theirs : P ?

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Re: [FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

Post#28 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 1:26 pm

I have some concept art. No need to boast, but I think it's really taking shape.

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Re: [FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

Post#29 » Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:36 pm

1. Did the doors take too long to destroy? Were they too easy?
I think the combination of both doors takes too long. I would like to see the outer door reduced slightly, but the inner door remain where it is.

2. Did you find that artillery is too hard to destroy? Too easy?
Can't answer, usually too busy healing.

3. Does the cooldown on deploying an oil or ram seem like too long? too short?
Oil and Ram timers seem fine.

4. As a defender, what do you feel are the best tools at your disposal?
The terrain of the keep (aka funneling).

5. As a defender, do you feel like you had enough time to reach a besieged keep to defend it?
More than enough. See #1

6. As an attacker, what do you feel are the best tools at your disposal?
Ram, but I might be biased given my name. However, the ram mechanics are a little boring.

7. Do you feel it is currently easier to attack or defend a keep, against an equal number of opponents?
Defend, as it should be. Might be a little too easy to defend with equal numbers (seeing as it has like a 95% success rate)

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Re: [FEEDBACK] Keep Siege Feedback, Mk. II

Post#30 » Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:31 pm

Hello everyone, as an active RvR player, i'll give the answers and give some feedbacks about RvR.

1. Did the doors take too long to destroy? Were they too easy?

It's ok for now if u have a ram. Without a ram it's really hard to destroy the door.

2. Did you find that artillery is too hard to destroy? Too easy?

It's ok. I don't think a hp buff for oil is a good idea.

3. Does the cooldown on deploying an oil or ram seem like too long? too short?

Oil spawn is normal.

Ram spawn should be decreased. As an attacker, when the ram is down, u'll be in under heavy aoe dmg while u waiting for a new ram. At this time, (i'm watching people a lot) most of people losing their will to take the keep and start fleeing.

4. As a defender, what do you feel are the best tools at your disposal?

AoE Cannons.

Alternate: Flank attacks from the side. Ninjaing BO's.

5. As a defender, do you feel like you had enough time to reach a besieged keep to defend it?

Yes but taking BO's is the best defence.

6. As an attacker, what do you feel are the best tools at your disposal?


7. Do you feel it is currently easier to attack or defend a keep, against an equal number of opponents?

Defending is very easy.

I know this is not a suggestion thread but i'll tell mines:

1-BO timers should change.
2-U should roll for bags at the BO's.
3-Defending Tick Requirements: Outer/Inner door should go down and more players killed by defenders.
4-Door respawn timer: If defenders take 2 BO's; siege is over and most of the BO locations are very ninja friendly. You can defend your keep without going the keep.
5-Contrubition/Roll system: I killed nearly 30 people at keep defence i get "nothing", i got a purple bag with my BO with doing nothing.

And most of all, whole RvR system should be attacker friendly cause people prefer staying at the keep and winning bags.
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