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[Witch Hunters] Too much squish? or the right amount?

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: [Witch Hunters] Too much squish? or the right amount?

Post#21 » Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:43 pm

Cause someone who is just starting a WH wont have RR40

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Re: [Witch Hunters] Too much squish? or the right amount?

Post#22 » Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:53 pm

Supastin wrote:I don't have stealth yet
So you haven't even leveled to level 10 and you are already saying your class is too squishy? :roll:

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Re: [Witch Hunters] Too much squish? or the right amount?

Post#23 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:15 pm

I was mostly just curious if i had been playing this class wrong or if its something other people have noticed as well. I've stuck with him and made it to level 11 atm and its gotten more fun with the stealth mechanic.

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Re: [Witch Hunters] Too much squish? or the right amount?

Post#24 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:15 pm

I was mostly just curious if i had been playing this class wrong or if its something other people have noticed as well. I've stuck with him and made it to level 11 atm and its gotten more fun with the stealth mechanic.

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Re: [Witch Hunters] Too much squish? or the right amount?

Post#25 » Fri Jan 15, 2016 8:20 pm

You picked worst class for a beginner.

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Re: [Witch Hunters] Too much squish? or the right amount?

Post#26 » Sat Jan 16, 2016 8:59 am

a few main pointers for your first WH.

1, Don't chase for the kill. Early on, odds are you wont get it, and you will die. If target is moving too far from from your support, break off and circle in on another target.

2, "Many hands makes light work" assist wherever possible. Yes. Murdering healers/RDPS is fun, and tactically the right move, but if that tank is at 20% health, your DPS could send him down, then the entire group will move on to next target.

3, thank your healers/rezzers. Without them, you will accomplish nothing. This is a team oriented game, don't think that you can just roll over people. In alot of cases, you can 1v1 nearly anything if you get the jump. But that 1v1 can turn into 1vR in a hurry. Save the ganking for higher ranks/skill.

4, Location. Location. Location. Where you are in regards to your opponent is everything. Get in the habit of circling to their rear, try to not get stuck in an endless loop, go left, right, forwards, flip, etc. This takes alot of time to get right.

Generally though? Try not to judge a class till the higher ranks. You are missing so many "core" abilities, that your class wont play anything similar from lvl 1-10, from 10-20, 20-30. Stick with it. Eventually, you'll be melting Sorcs and SHs with the best of em:P
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Re: [Witch Hunters] Too much squish? or the right amount?

Post#27 » Sun Jan 17, 2016 10:27 pm

Giving up too much to get 1 thing from the other tree.

WH dps set has 25% healdebuff on it now and it's working, so BaL spec got a little better, won't replace an EW/PTF WH when thats what the group calls for but it is sure nice.


Like others have said you really need to to T3 and in some decent gear before you can form an opinion on the class, but really WH is one of the worst classes you could of picked. It's a paper thin class that relies mostly on it's active abilities for survivability, that or of course queing up with a dedicated guard and 2 healers. Besides that the class itself is on shaky ground even in T4 (only seen as "good" because WL ends up being worse in T4 ) and is IMO totally trash in T3... no reason to take a WH over WL/Slayer atm, even if you want a healdebuff the SW fills that role better atm.

As a WH in a solo qued SC you need to look at your party comp at the start, decide what you are able to do based on whether you have tanks/healers. Communicate with your team in scs ask for guard if you are the only MDPS in party etc...

As a solo WH again in a SC setting there is 2 things you can do. The "hero play" where you stealth out of sight and creep into backlines and get a pick on a healer or RDPS, preferably a healer and the lowest level you can find, or the weakest class you can find... usually sorc/zealot. It's going to take a lot of getting used to, to know what situations have the highest success chance and knowing when **** hits the fan and its time to get out of dodge. What WH does have is the best detaunt in the game so make sure you are using it, and using it correctly. Securing a kill on a healer solo can totally change the tide of battle for your team, but do realize that in the current meta and t3 environment this is near impossible on any decent/geared player and even more so if they get help within ~4 seconds.

The other thing you can do as a solo WH in an SC is just find another MDPS like a slayer and follow him around and help him on whatever he is trying to kill... assisting basically. This is the safer and higher chance of success play for sure.

But above all the best thing you can do is find a decent guild and start doing 6 mans with them, you will probably have someone guarding you... 2 good healers... and another DPS that you will be assisting on or possibly vice versa. In this setup you want to be running a middle tree spec if the other DPS doesn't have a heal debuff... like slayer/WL/BW, or if you are partying up with say a SW you can run the 3rd tree spec and just do raw damage and let the other DPS worry about the heal debuff/utility etc...
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Re: [Witch Hunters] Too much squish? or the right amount?

Post#28 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:07 am

Well its just a sort of a mirror to some of the WE current specs.
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Re: [Witch Hunters] Too much squish? or the right amount?

Post#29 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:13 am

2, "Many hands makes light work" assist wherever possible. Yes. Murdering healers/RDPS is fun, and tactically the right move, but if that tank is at 20% health, your DPS could send him down, then the entire group will move on to next target.
Tank with 20% hp has much more (=
When you start to kill it, you quickly understand why they pick a shield, Initiative and so much tougness (-
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Re: [Witch Hunters] Too much squish? or the right amount?

Post#30 » Mon Jan 18, 2016 7:22 am

talissera wrote:
2, "Many hands makes light work" assist wherever possible. Yes. Murdering healers/RDPS is fun, and tactically the right move, but if that tank is at 20% health, your DPS could send him down, then the entire group will move on to next target.
Tank with 20% hp has much more (=
When you start to kill it, you quickly understand why they pick a shield, Initiative and so much tougness (-
WH in my opinion lacks those very useful debuffs the WE has access to. Makes it harder to chose the tanks as the target in some cases. :(
Вальтер Рыжий RU => Gaziraga BW, Valefar WL, Lovejoy
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