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[WE] ABC of witch gameplay

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Re: [WE] ABC of witch gameplay

Post#11 » Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:21 am

Just be lame and go deffensive Witch Elf.

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Re: [WE] ABC of witch gameplay

Post#12 » Wed Aug 24, 2022 7:38 am

geezereur wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:21 am Just be lame and go deffensive Witch Elf.

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Re: [WE] ABC of witch gameplay

Post#13 » Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:42 am

panchenko wrote: Sun Aug 21, 2022 11:29 am Hi all! Need your advice to make my 24 rank WE more playable in solo.
Build - I've chosen "Path of Treachery" and I'm going to switch "Path of Suffering" with "Witchbrew" at rank 28.
Stats/gear - trying to maximize my offensive stats (crit, strength, weapon skill).
Do I need to change something? I saw a few ~30 WEs worn in the Duelist set with toughness/wounds talismans. So, maybe defensive stats fit better for a solo playing WE? And what build/tactics to choose?
You can choose going either offensive or defensive, either works if you can play properly. With defensive gear you generally do better in duels vs tough opponents but you kill things slow while in offensive spec you can often gank squishy targets fast but you have to more careful with selecting targets and play with a hit and run -mindset.

While leveling I went offensive with something like this: first put points in treachery (Increased Pain tactic and Heart Seeker, can take Elixir of Cauldron too if you have spare points). Then middle tree for Elixir of Shadows and Black Lotus Blade. Once you get Witchbrew you are pretty much at lvl 40.

For tactics I'd get increased pain, brute force and flanking. At 32 you get 4th tactic which can be Mark of Morathi or Frenzied Mayhem (Masterful Treachery is nice but I'd go mid tree after grabbing Heart Seeker from treachery for Elixir of Shadows and heal debuff). Put renown points into melee crit and stack str + melee crit when it comes to gear and talis.

This is full glass cannon build so you have to play accordingly. Also this is just a leveling build so once you get your lvl 40 you have to go back to drawing board.
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Re: [WE] ABC of witch gameplay

Post#14 » Wed Aug 24, 2022 2:37 pm

Thanks a lot!

Posts: 82

Re: [WE] ABC of witch gameplay

Post#15 » Thu Aug 25, 2022 2:24 pm

immdev wrote: Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:52 pm I don't really understand how I should play WE. I'm still low level and I already have a hard time. I bought str and weapon skill rvr gear, bought str talis and I use -heal kiss. Still I can't kill a healer. I just did a sc where I hit WP for 90 damage. Even with heal debuff he outhealed everything with one cast. Of course I can't kill tanks, melee or ranged classes if someone heal them. I dealt 100k damage and got zero kills. Every time I'm getting close to kill someone tank punt+snare me and I die. I understand I'm not supposed to live long without toughness gear, but I don't feel like I deal enough damage for glass canon. Is that normal? Maybe it's just low level and later it will be better.

Your role in a sc is not to kill the healer, unless you found a dumb healer that is going full on healpower and zero def. Your role is to kill the enemy dps. WE cannot kill a propper setup df healer. Just as WH cannot.
Or anything else really. If you got a team that support you, you will win the match for them, but you have to focus down enemy dps in a sc. You only start on the healers when every enemy dps is dead and the healers are running away. You total dps as WE is non important. You are there for killing, that is the only stat that matters do you. This is how it is from low level to full sov.armour.

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