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Looking for a tanky/sturdy DPS-class for PUG SCs

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Re: Looking for a tanky/sturdy DPS-class for PUG SCs

Post#11 » Wed Jun 16, 2021 12:52 pm

Thanks a lot for all your very informative suggestions!

So far I think I had the most fun with the 2H BG which I've hit lvl 22 yesterday. He seems to dish out a lot of damage (even managed to hit first in one match) while still being usefull with my guard and especially dark protector. I also liked the fact that, compared to my other toons, he seems to have the most buttons to press and I felt like i could always come up with the right tool for every situation.

With my 2H Choosen (lvl 21) I also had mostly positive experiences but he seemed a bit worse on the DPS side and his rotation felt very easy and straight forward if not boring and I've noticed that I was AP starved a lot of times which I wasn't with my BG almost ever.

Marauder (only 15 so far) felt indeed a lot tankier than for example my Chopper and I liked the stancedancing aspect a lot

On Order I've played my KotBS (I think lvl 19) and he was, to no surprise, very similar to the Choosen yet with the Choosen I seemed to have a bit more fun.

And then there was my biggest surprise with my Witch Hunter (15) who not only did insane damage and was able to kill healers with almost ease but also kinda felt tanky, though I must admit that with him I had the best teams and therefore the support he surely needs.

So there I am standing between a lot nice classes to choose. I think I'm gonna continue testing around with the ones I had the most fun with.

Anyways thanks again for all the recommendations!


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