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What Tank career is best for me?

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Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#11 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 5:51 pm

Simple answer? Roll chosen.

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Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#12 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:05 pm

Gitgud wrote: Can you please help me decide which one on the Destro side is the right for me.
Esperflame wrote:
It really depends on what you're wanting from your tank class. Group Utility? Personal Survival? High Damage? There are a lot of subtle things each tank lacks or brings to a party to consider. So much could be discussed that it could turn into a very long post if one were to talk about all 6 tanks. I know because all I play is tanks. All six of them. While I don't consider myself an expert on tanks and tanking, I do feel I have some insights on the tank classes to varying degrees. I do know more about certain tanks than others as I do have preferences to certain tanks.

Talking Destro only tanks I'll give you some of my opinions on them.

Black Orc - This is in my opinion the highest damage tank Destro has. Even with a sword and board, you can bring respectable dps that Order can afford to ignore for too long. It has some group utility with stat steal from Da Biggest, and defensive group buffs from Da Greenest. You can even get a respectable block rating with a tactic you don't even have to spec for. Some of the downsides this tank has is you sacrifice a lot of durability if you start using a two hander. Black Orcs lack a solid dependable tactic or ability to increase their parry which makes it painful to guard a friendly as you will take a fair amount of dmg being unable to avoid it. Also, the loss of a shield makes you prime targets for ranged DPS as your dodge/disrupt can't be improved by Hold the Line.

Chosen - A sword and board Chosen is the epitome of survival and group utility. First off, you get to bring 3 auras to every battle that not only benefit your party, but also affect your enemies as well. Chosen isn't a high damage tank, but instead is great at just taking damage. A two hander Chosen sacrifices some of this survival but picks up the ability to put a damage pressure on a small group of enemies. This build can seem a bit selfish as it doesn't bring any extra group utility beyond what they normally bring, it just ends up bringing a different utility and sacrifices some of their durability.

Blackguard - This tank is the toughest tank for Destro and with a few tactic choices proves this without having to sacrifice gear or renown to be so damn tanky. A Blackguard can easily turn 600 toughness into 900 and has a spamable bubble that you can share with a friendly person you designate with your Dark Protector. Much like any tank, the loss of a shield is notable, however, Blackguards can in fact bring at least something useful to a party by picking up a two hander in the form of a bonus +10% crit chance not only for his party, but for anyone attacking the targets he puts this debuff on.
This really summed up the classes VERY nicely but I would add 1 thing - the mechanics. Having played nearly all the tanks at level cap (with exception being IB/BO however played their mirrors)

I can say that:

Black Orc- You will be managing "stances" which personally felt VERY clunky on my SM. Part of that is high ping (~150) so for me that was a problem.. I would hit an ability in "stance 1" to move to "stance 2" and it would show the animation however wouldnt actually go through... So I would then be spamming "stance 2" ability while sitting in "stance 1" still not realizing it. It can be clunky - especially because their snare is in "stance 2". Just want to give you the "drawbacks". I can say that SnB BOs are a VERY versitile role for groups. They can be tanky, spit out good damage and provide good group benefit. Kinda the "all around" tank.

Chosen - While the LOOK the best and easily PERFORM the best, they are (imo) the most boring. Auras provide a huge benefit, but are very passive. Chosen deal the lowest damage of all the tanks (so do knights) and dont have an "active" mechanic to use. So you will be using your full rotation of tank abilities - snare, punts, challenge, taunts, KDs, etc.. but no class mechanic to manage and the 2H Chosen was nerfed so bad that it doesnt have group utility now, so its basically SnB or get laughed at (and again SnB deals low damage).

If you want a "PURE" tank with the best group benefits and easily the 2nd best tank of ALL the tanks (including orders) then this is it. (Knights IMO are #1 tank in game).

Blackguard - to me this is the most FUN to play. its not as frustrating as the "stance" thing with BOs, but you DO have the "hate" mechanic to build up. Like a second resource pool to manage. So some attacks require AP, others require hate. Also your skills SCALE off hate, so when you dont have much hate, you will be spending AP and trying to generate it, once high hate you use your hate scalers and spenders.

BG can also build for damage+tankiness however the downside to BG is 2 fold.
1) lack of group benefits
2) the mechanic of hate often leaves you spending half your rotation merely "building hate" to do what the other tanks can do without hate... Im not hating on BG, its my favorite, but its true.

So overall, none of them are a BAD choice - assuming you play appropriately. I would base MY decision on TWO factors:
1) Looks
2) Playstyle

I would rank LOOKS:
1) Chosen
2) BG
3) BO

I would rank play style:
1) BG
2) BO
3) Chosen

I would rank "strength" (meaning OP-ness or useful ness in groups):
1) Chosen
2) BO
3) BG

So FOR ME, The BG is the most fun and looks awesome... So I play it the most. Next up I have Chosen which IS boring, but its OP in group play and I get to look badass while doing it.

Hope this helps!
Sulfuras - Knight
Viskag - Chosen
Ashkandi - Swordmaster
Syzzle - Bright Wizard
Curz - Marauder
Andrithil - Blackguard

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Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#13 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 6:41 pm

Gitgud wrote: Also personal experience and what you think is fun about the class would be greatly appriciated.
I'm maining a BO.

what's cool? what's fun?

BO in general:

- you have 2 nice large scale speccs which are proven usefull (brawler / boss hybrid and full boss); can adjust his specc for more usefullness depending on setup
- has awsome dmg for bomb and single target, needs to specc for it individually though
- you give medium grp support and add a lot of dmg for a tank in large scale and small scale
- pretty okay tank for running casually solo / duo
- can steal 120 of all stats besides wounds in an instant, this softens up huge grps for bomb.
- still solid choice for a 6 man if you can adjust your tactics and builds
- fun to play cause of plan management, ppl see you as "hurr durr a BO" but you are a tactical mastermind behind your keyboard trapped in a greenskins body
- can secure a lot of kills for the WB via big swing snare so m8s can catch up
- plays like a hybrid of mdps and tank, with clear focus towards tank
- ppl. think armor doesn't look cool, ppfffff pesky humans and pointy earz.

my experience:

- can be squishy if debuffed properly, but not many ppl know how to pull it off and you need the right classes and abilites
- can stack up one of the most potent damage avoid tools (block) in the game to retarded high levels (could opt atm for 90,6% Block without changing much, 1 gear piece + specc)
- is pretty meh without a chosen in your grp in warband / 6 man play, you want the resistance buff and you want yourself running stat steal
- is a bit more selfish about positioning than other tanks cause you want to position yourself more leaning towards an offensive position than guarding your target, so finding the balance is really harsh in that department
- no huge defensive self buffs, if you overextend or get pulled you are comitted
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Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#14 » Tue Aug 22, 2017 5:14 pm

My advice is to try all 3 tank classes out to rank 15 and see which one you enjoy playin the most. Personally I enjoy BG but others prefer chosen or BO. The best class is the one you enjoy playing the most!!

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Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#15 » Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:38 pm

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Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#16 » Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:43 pm

SM/BO are relatively easy to play
Chosen/KOTBS have a lot of stuff, but to play one properly requires a bit of skill
IB/BG, imo, are the most complex to play to their utmost potential

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Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#17 » Tue Aug 22, 2017 7:48 pm

BO - really fun brawler class, best general fighter if you just wanna hit stuff and take hits for others

chosen - tanky with group support, best "leader" tank but you deal 0 dmg

BG - nigh unkillable but with 0 group support and playing it feels like you're performing a concerto

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Re: What Tank career is best for me?

Post#18 » Tue Aug 22, 2017 9:25 pm

^this post


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