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The Inter-Realm RolePlay Project

Feel like burning like a bright wizard? Being as green as a gobbo? Robust like an Ironbreaker? Bloodthirsty like a witch elf? Feel free to speak as them here.
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Re: The Inter-Realm RolePlay Project

Post#11 » Mon May 15, 2017 6:05 am

No worries, real life comes first. Best of luck! :D
Eldoir Duskoath SW 40/71 Shadowmaster of the Eternal Host

Strike swiftly aim true

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Re: The Inter-Realm RolePlay Project

Post#12 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 6:06 pm

seems like there are no regular tavern or market events. Those events are good for RPers of any level of experience. RP newbis can make first tries, experienced ones can meet old friends or try a new char with a special character or tongue.

To involve also military or hero RP trading tracks to different locations "to support, entertain and supply war shaked defenders and settlers in remote places" could work fine.

Regretfully I dont find time myslef to organize, so I just leave the idea here for anyone taking advantage of.
Knurrbart - as harumphy as a dwarf can be
Arkha - as old as a dwarf can be
Njoerda - as triggerhappy as a dwarf can be

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Re: The Inter-Realm RolePlay Project

Post#13 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 6:52 pm

Knurrbart wrote:Greetings,
seems like there are no regular tavern or market events. Those events are good for RPers of any level of experience. RP newbis can make first tries, experienced ones can meet old friends or try a new char with a special character or tongue.
We've been thinking at Bitterstone Thunderers to restart tavern nights in Ekrund. I do however also have the name of a rather famous tavern in Altdorf as a guildtag which could host an number of alts to serve as barkeeps, bounchers and waitors. If we could get a regular RP night going for it with multiple people running the place it might prove rather nice.
Sergeant-Major Drengk Burloksson, RR 85 Sniper
Hulfdan Irongrip, RR 81 Ironbreaker
Rordin Brightrune, RR 70 Runepriest
Proud Founder of the 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers

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Re: The Inter-Realm RolePlay Project

Post#14 » Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:13 pm

Kragg wrote:
Knurrbart wrote:Greetings,
seems like there are no regular tavern or market events. Those events are good for RPers of any level of experience. RP newbis can make first tries, experienced ones can meet old friends or try a new char with a special character or tongue.
We've been thinking at Bitterstone Thunderers to restart tavern nights in Ekrund. I do however also have the name of a rather famous tavern in Altdorf as a guildtag which could host an number of alts to serve as barkeeps, bounchers and waitors. If we could get a regular RP night going for it with multiple people running the place it might prove rather nice.
Sounds interesting i'd love to help if i can but since i'm NA tends to mean i miss out on these but still be glad to help where i can.
Scientia potentia est, tene hanc bene

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Re: The Inter-Realm RolePlay Project

Post#15 » Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:50 am

I wish you all good luck with a Tavern nights on going event. A little more tricky on destro side here, less Pubs/taverns in IC to speak of and Viper can be meh. But we of the Iron pact are trying to do things involving RP etc. But as many of them are EU, and i'm NA West Coast it makes being available for those events tricky, but we've decided to hold RP events on Saturdays so it gives us a better window for attendees to well attend :)
Korwrath Soulscourge - 40 Chosen Warlord of the Tribes of Norsca
Kraydor Bloodhowl - 40 Marauder
Telalis Khetharai - 40 DoK - Dread Lord of Khar Kadath Regiment
Rukkgit - 32 Shaman

(as well as many others :P)

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Re: The Inter-Realm RolePlay Project

Post#16 » Sat Jan 13, 2018 12:43 pm

C'mon Korwrath, we just choose a tavern we like the look of and claim it as our own. Those midgets seemed happy enough to let us enjoy Bugman's without putting up a fight. I wonder if they've discovered the poisoned ale yet?


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Re: The Inter-Realm RolePlay Project

Post#17 » Sat Jan 13, 2018 1:29 pm

thats a necro and a half

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Re: The Inter-Realm RolePlay Project

Post#18 » Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:24 pm

Senlui wrote:C'mon Korwrath, we just choose a tavern we like the look of and claim it as our own. Those midgets seemed happy enough to let us enjoy Bugman's without putting up a fight. I wonder if they've discovered the poisoned ale yet?
Thats because those "midgets" are a rather sturdy bunch and that posion of yours just gave the ale a little funny taste. The part about "claiming a tavern as our own", now that will show rather difficult if were around and could lead to some smashed kneecaps :lol: .
Lorekeeper Noergl Morgrimsfind & Sgt.Maj.Finvjer Hugnirsson
(Co-leader of 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers)

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Re: The Inter-Realm RolePlay Project

Post#19 » Sat Jan 13, 2018 5:17 pm

Noergl wrote:The part about "claiming a tavern as our own", now that will show rather difficult if were around and could lead to some smashed kneecaps :lol: .
Would make for a fun battle at some point, hmm?! ;)

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Re: The Inter-Realm RolePlay Project

Post#20 » Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:34 pm

Senlui wrote:
Noergl wrote:The part about "claiming a tavern as our own", now that will show rather difficult if were around and could lead to some smashed kneecaps :lol: .
Would make for a fun battle at some point, hmm?! ;)
I was pondering to ask you to help run it. :mrgreen:
Sergeant-Major Drengk Burloksson, RR 85 Sniper
Hulfdan Irongrip, RR 81 Ironbreaker
Rordin Brightrune, RR 70 Runepriest
Proud Founder of the 3rd Bitterstone Thunderers

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