[Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Ironbreaker, Engineer, Slayer, Runepriest
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Re: [Slayer] Numbing strike was and should be undefendable

Post#11 » Mon May 23, 2016 9:45 am

Bug Report Rules wrote:viewtopic.php?f=52&t=10366#p103375

This is the fundamental rule. Do not post bugs to the forum, the topic will be closed immediately and the bug won't be looked into. Don't post them in game either - even if staff are in game and playing, they will not bother to address bugs that are not posted to the tracker, and you may even find yourself kicked if you continue to report a bug to a developer after being told to go to the tracker.
4. Supply as much evidence as possible.

This depends upon the type of bug. If you're reporting an issue which is known by many players, you won't need to provide as much evidence. However, if you're reporting a bug in a core, often-used aspect of the game, which could be met with disbelief from the staff, please ensure that you provide the appropriate evidence, be it in screenshot or video format.
Please note that we do not care how long you played class X for on live and how knowledgeable you think you are about it. Only HARD proof will be accepted.


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