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<The Greenskins>

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Re: <The Greenskins>

Post#11 » Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:07 am

Gagon wrote:MazeR I will look for you online to get my 3 Greenskins in the guild. A herder named Moco, a BO named Gagon, and a shammie named Hex.
Witches Blessings Hex.
I am starting to get to know you through the couple of Dark Elves you have within our "Brides of Khaine" guild.
I also have a shaman that is in Mazer's guild. If it's alright by everyone involved, I could do the inviting for you?
Let me know, next time that we are on. :)
"Stabbing is a great way to burn any unwanted fat off and besides, it's fun!"


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