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[Witch Hunter] spec questions

Knight of the Blazing Sun, Bright Wizard, Witch Hunter, Warrior Priest
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Re: [Witch Hunter] spec questions

Post#11 » Wed Jan 27, 2016 2:59 pm

My opinion:
1) Path of Inq - for party play (heal debuff and Exit wound are useful)
2) Path of Judg - for solo play (BAL for sure)

But if you choose Path of Inq for solo play get ready to use combine of Fervor (stacking it 3 times), Torment (especially with FP), and Confess! (better from the rear), do not forget about Sever Blessing. And of course SOD - for sure. But be careful - not use SOD and FP at one time - first one is for Fervor, Confess! and SB, second one is for Torment spam only.

And have fun :)
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