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The Ability System Rewrite and Provisional Patch Notes

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The Ability System Rewrite and Provisional Patch Notes

Post#1 » Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:42 pm

First of all we would like to apologise for the slowdown of updates and communication. We have been working behind the scenes, on the ability system and have been making good progress. This was a massive amount of work and involved a lot of the code base being ripped out and rewritten.

Abilities power a lot of the functionality within the game. As you might expect, players use abilities in combat with other players and monsters. Morales, Tactics and Career Mechanics are also abilities under the hood. Monsters use abilities in combat, including dungeon bosses, keep lords, kings, etc. Additionally, things such as Potions, Mounts and other miscellaneous items are all powered by abilities. As well as bolster, procs, and other gameplay mechanics such as Siege Weapons. So in summary, a lot of things in the game are powered by abilities.

When we started Return of Reckoning we aimed at restoring as much functionality of Warhammer Online as we could. When the ability system was created it was done without any real understanding of how the abilities in the game were stored and processed. It soon became clear that the balance at the time was not perfect, this was a mix of how the game was in 1.4.8 and abilities which didn’t quite work right on Return of Reckoning. When we had the ability to deliver client updates to players, we soon started making changes to abilities and making corresponding changes in the client files which roughly lined up with the change. This process was slow as changes would have to be made in the game server in one way and in the client files in another way. It was not only slow but was also hard to master as somebody would need to learn how both ability systems worked before they could make a change. It was becoming a difficult process training people on such a complicated system and was unsustainable. Making balance changes was taking more and more time to implement. It had to be fixed. We decided we need to get rid of the technical debt we had accrued over the previous 8 years and finally do it right. This would allow designers to create new abilities for dungeons, live events, items, and everything else with less training, and a much improved workflow, allowing us to produce new content as efficiently as possible.

We started the foundations of this work back in 2020 and we are now coming to the end of this massive undertaking. First, we had to go back to the first client version of Return of Reckoning and use the ability data from that, which was 1.4.8. This consisted of random fields of data with what would appear to be arbitrary. Then collating information from all the patch notes from Mythic over the years, cross referencing that with the development team’s knowledge and all the knowledge of the testers and other players who helped us. In some cases this involved going through hours of low quality videos on YouTube from 10 years ago and then map all this knowledge to all this data. This was a very slow process and meant going over thousands of abilities, filling in gaps and aligning all the data. We ended up building a tool to allow us to visualise the data, find patterns between abilities and more quickly reverse engineer the data. This meant we then had a complete data set of how all the abilities worked in 1.4.8.

Then we had to build a new ability engine. This engine would take the 1.4.8 and allow every ability to work exactly how it did on 1.4.8. This was a slow process and went through many different iterations. As the system was being built, we found some very specific circumstances which would require the whole system to work slightly differently. This would end up in an overhaul of the system, which would often break other elements that we had previously worked on. It was very much a 1 bug down and 2 more pop up scenario. Finding these bugs was slow and would often be up to testers to find.

We needed a way to quickly test many abilities to ensure they were working when lots of changes were made to the ability system. We first considered making unit tests to the system, however, as a lot of code was never designed to be unit tested, it was going to be a huge time investment. We then decided to build an in-game automated testing system. This allowed us to quickly iterate on tests and see the tests be performed, it also was really cool to watch characters and monsters appear and cast abilities on each other. Each test was performed in seconds as opposed to having a tester log into a class and test with another player.

Once we had an ability engine that worked with 1.4.8 data in game passing all of our tests there was something else we needed to consider. Over the years we have made lots of changes to balance and these changes were obviously not in the 1.4.8 data. We had to then see what amendments could be made to add back in the Return of Reckoning changes. However, it was not really clear what the straight changes would be, so we had to build a tool to compare all of the data we could, along with the incremental patch notes over the years to build a complete “1.4.8 to Return of Reckoning” patch notes. Then we had to see what was possible to implement, what changes were added due to limitations in the existing ability system, which changes would we do differently and how long it would take to implement these changes.

We still had the problem that ability changes would be slow to implement. To tackle this problem we decided we needed to improve our tooling. We created a tool which would allow us to make ability changes visually, similar to the previous tool we made to help reverse engineer the data. This tool allowed developers to make changes and have those changes automatically be deployed to their local game client so they can very quickly iterate on changes. This tool was also expanded to be a general purpose tool which is used for a lot of other content within the game. Now we can easily make changes to abilities.

So far we have been focusing on player abilities and can start working on implementing Return of Reckoning changes, these are now going through final stages of testing and are nearing a release ready phase. However, more work is needed. Abilities are also used by monsters in the world, items, including potions and gear bonuses as well as quest items and live event items. We also needed to implement all the Return of Reckoning abilities used in new mounts and items we’ve made over the years. The way monster abilities worked in Return of Reckoning was a bit tedious and confusing for people to work with, so this was redesigned to be clearer. We are also in the process of testing hundreds of monster abilities and assigning them to monsters throughout the world, which was lacking from Return of Reckoning for the most part. This will hopefully make the world a bit more interesting.

The next biggest challenge is dungeons. Dungeons in Return of Reckoning have always been a bit buggy and implemented in a complicated way. These have basically all broken. A lot of abilities had been borrowed from player abilities or implemented differently than they worked in 1.4.8 data. Work is ongoing, essentially rebuilding all abilities on dungeon trash mobs and rebuilding the scripts for the bosses to work with the new ability system. The focus of this is to get everything working as quickly as possible. This means that they may need some adjustment when everything goes live. As a lot of dungeon monster abilities are now working as intended, monsters might be either weaker or stronger than they once were. Now we have the new ability system. All monster abilities should scale much better.

So as we have said before we are nearing the end of the process. We are trying really hard to get this over the finish line, we really want to get back to working on new cool features for the game, for our own sanity if not anything else. As such, our next steps will be somewhat like this, although this is subject to change:

- Tests with our internal testing team, developers and balance focus group members

- Open a public test server with the new ability system for various amounts of time

- Large scale testing with the public test server in which we turn off the main server for limited time

- A full release when we are confident

As we are focusing on getting it out of the door we are trying to reduce the amount of work in the first release. Therefore we are prepared to close some dungeons while we fix them into a working state, if we need to. Ability changes currently in Return of Reckoning from 1.4.8 may be implemented slightly differently. We will have a full changelog from the current version of Return of Reckoning to the new ability system in the next post. Please keep in mind that this will be the current provisional patch notes and we will keep a changelog if they change before the system is released. Therefore, we are hoping we can get this out the door in the next couple of months.

Once the system is released, we will all be relieved but we doubt we will be able to rest. We are expecting bugs we didn’t spot throughout the testing phases. We will be working as fast as possible to reopen the remaining dungeons (if we can’t get them fixed before release) and we will need to make sure event items are all working before they start again. Then we can rest. For a bit.

Class balancing will resume in the new Ability System. We will be working on a more comprehensive class and archetype specific balance patch in an update following the release of the new Ability System.

We will be communicating our future content plan for after the Ability System has been released soon.

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#2 » Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:44 pm

Below are the full provisional patch notes from the current release which are currently live to we have on our Internal Ability System Test Server and we plan to to release with. This may be updated over time and the next post will contain the updates to this post (so you don't have to work out what has changed if it has been updated).

Class balancing will resume in the new Ability System. We will be working on a more comprehensive class and archetype specific balance patch in an update following the release of the new Ability System.

Combat and Careers
General Changes and Fixes

- All roots are now working correctly and do not break from damage for the first 1.5 seconds.

- Corrected damage (base damage, stat scaling or weapon scaling) multiplier on several dozen abilities with a wrong label, in most cases it will net a minor damage reduction on those abilities.

- All Throw type of attacks on Tanks and Melee Damage per second once again count as ranged attacks in terms of defense checks and can be dodged, not parried. They will continue to scale on the main stat of the attacker.

- Corrected various tooltips to better match ability effects.

- Corrected various typos in ability names and descriptions.

- All abilities with a cast time now periodically check cast requirements and cancel the cast if they are no longer met.

- Extended the area of effect cap of certain morale effects from 9 to 24 targets to match the general Return of Reckoning area of effect cap, which greatly boosts their power. To offset the amount of targets affected, the radius of Area of Effect morale effects was reduced, and on some occasions damage values were rebalanced.

- Internal cooldown on procs now work like it did on live servers, which means that any proc has a 0.25 seconds cooldown per target, unless it says otherwise in the ability tooltip.

- On several abilities stat multiplier changes have been reverted back to their live patch 1.4.8 numbers. We might revisit some of these abilities later and tune them. But buffing abilities just by changing stat multiplier is an incorrect way of doing it and causes an overall increase in the gear gap and makes in-game tooltips display incorrect information. Note that stat contribution is just one of several parts of ability damage, changing that does not change base damage or weapon damage.

- If a player gets multiple resurrection buffs before accepting the resurrection it will now use the position of the one that gave the popup, not the latest one applied.

- Action Point cost for an ability is now spent when starting a cast and refunded if the cast is canceled. So the cast will no longer fail if you are AP drained during the cast time.

- CC effects have been changed to not be cleansable. This was already the case on a lot of them, but was inconsistent even on mirror classes. The affected abilities are listed below on each class.

- Pet defensive stats have been modified to scale more consistently throughout the tiers. So armor mitigation, chance to be crit etc are somewhat consistent as you level up.

- Some item set procs have been changed. This is mostly the procs that affected next ability casted in some way, like Improved Clarity for example. They never really worked entirely correctly in the old system and are difficult to get right with respect to ongoing dots, auto attacks, flight times etc. So they have been changed to other appropriate procs instead.

- The speed and dismount chance stated on mounts is now consistent and accurate with their actual dismount chance and speed.

- AoE attacks used while strafing now fire their damage in the same direction as the VFX. Previously they would fire VFX in one direction and damage in a different direction. Most noticeable on Lileath's Arrow.

- The old ability system calculated radius on circular abilities wrong, this has been corrected.

Bug Fixes

- Vengeful Strike, Guarded Attack, Kneecapper, Grudging Blow - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

- Grumble An' Mutter - Cooldown correctly starts when the ability is toggled off or ends.

Balance Changes

- Relentless Training - Reverted to live version 1.4.8: Grudging Blow and Heavy Blow will cost 15 action points less.

- Told Ya So! - Reduced effect radius to 50 feet to match other Ironbreaker buffs range, added 3 second cooldown on the effect, now it grants 25 Action Points to all party members within its range anytime grudges are spent.

Bug Fixes

- Spellbreaker - Doesn’t remove morale absorb effects anymore.

- Relentless Strike, Deep Wound, Inevitable Doom - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

- Onslaught - Does damage in 3 ticks over 9s instead of 4 ticks. This is how the ability worked on live.

Balance Changes

- Wild Swing - Revert stat multiplier to match Area of Effect abilities, not single target abilities (from 1.5 to 0.67).

- No Escape - Revert stat multiplier to match Area of Effect abilities, not single target abilities (from 1.5 to 0.67).

- Doom Seeker - Extended area of effect cap from 9 to 24 targets, reduced radius from 30 feet to 25 feet.

- Looks Like a Challenge - Extended area of effect cap from 9 to 24 targets, reduced radius from 30 feet to 25 feet.

- Retribution - Reworked, new version combines 1.4.8 and current versions of this ability: For the next 5 seconds you strike out at all enemies 25 feet in front of you, inflicting X damage every second. During this time, each time you are hit with an attack you will do Y damage back to the attacker. This effect can only be triggered once every second.

- Shatter Limbs - No longer scales cooldown increase based on number of enemies hit and is instead 3 seconds cooldown increase always.

- Holding Grudges - reverted back to Violent Impacts: Any time you use Exhaustive Blow, you have a 50% chance to regain 25% of your Rage.

- Inevitable Doom - Is now an ailment and can be cleansed

Bug Fixes

- Rune of Immolation - This ability is now an ailment and can now be correctly cleansed again.

- Rune of Shielding - If manually cleansed prematurely by right clicking, the heal is still triggered.

Balance Changes

- Rune of Nullification - Can now be triggered by any critical direct damage and heal debuff value adjusted to 30%. This once again enables Area of Effect heal debuff utility for the class, but at reduced power compared to single target heal debuffs.

- Spellbinding Rune - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Crack Shot - Corrected stat multiplier to match cast time (from 2.0 to 1.5).

- Friction Burn - Correctly classed as a melee attack and defended against using parry. It still scales with Ballistic Skill.

Balance Changes

- Field Repair - Removed and replaced with Shock Grenade again. Effect changed to: You toss a grenade at an ally which removes stagger effects from them and five others within 25 feet.

- Napalm Grenade - changed damage numbers to match live patch 1.4.8. Base damage is reduced slightly.

- Gun Turret - No longer grants a range increase for each stack of Improvised Upgrades.

- Flame Turret - No longer grants Dodge, Disrupt, Radius increase or Range reduction for each stack of Improvised Upgrades.

- Bombardment Turret - No longer grants Damage over Time tick interval reduction with each stack of Improvised Upgrades. No longer grants casting on the move for grenadier abilities.

- Barbed Wire - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Trip ‘Em Up, Follow ‘me Lead, Rock ‘Ard, Arm Breaka - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

- Right in Da Jibblies - Causes minor knockback effect yet again, without checking target immunity and without giving one itself.

- Can't Hit Me! - The damage reflect counts as a proc and doesn't trigger on hit or on attack effects.

- Da Greenest - This war bellow now only triggers when being hit, like the tooltip says, not when attacks are defended.

Balance Changes

- Yer Nothin - Extended area of effect cap from 9 to 24 targets, reduced radius to 25 feet. Affected targets will lose 1800 morale over 12 seconds (4 drain ticks of 450 morale every 3 seconds).

- Get Em - Reworked to grant 5 Action Points per second for 9 seconds, mirroring Hunter’s Fervor on Shadow Warrior.

- We’z bigger - Duration increased to 4 seconds.

- Shut Yer Face - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Throat Slasha, Can’t Stop Da Chop - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

- Lotsa Choppin - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

Balance Changes

- Wild Choppin’ - Revert stat multiplier to match Area of Effect abilities, not single target abilities (from 1.5 to 0.67).

- Wot’s Da Rush? - Revert stat multiplier to match Area of Effect abilities, not single target abilities (from 1.5 to 0.67).

- Stomp Da Yard - Extended area of effect cap from 9 to 24 targets, reduced radius from 30 feet to 25 feet.

- Yer Going Down! - Extended area of effect cap from 9 to 24 targets, reduced radius from 30 feet to 25 feet.

- Git To Da Choppa - Cooldown reverted back to 30 seconds, reduced range to 30 feet.

- Bring It On - Reworked, new version combines live and current versions of this ability: For the next 5 seconds you strike out at all enemies 25 feet in front of you, inflicting X damage every second. During this time, each time you are hit with an attack you will do Y damage back to the attacker. This effect can only be triggered once every second.

- Pent Up Rage - reverted back to Wear Em Down: Your Exhaustive Blow has a 50% chance of returning 25% of your Rage.

- Yer All Bleedin' Now - Changed to mirror Onslaught, 3 ticks over 9s instead of 4 ticks.

Bug Fixes

- Fury of da Green - Lifetap part is now counted as lifetap and is unaffected by heal crit or buff/debuffs.

Balance Changes

- Gork Fix’d It - Tactic restored: Gork'll Fix It becomes 35% more effective on allies, but 15% less effective on you.

- Touch of Gork - Renamed back to Hurts, Don’t It?, debuffs toughness and drains 150 morale, but no longer changes tick frequency or cooldown of Bunch o' Waaagh.

- Waaagh! Frenzy - reverted to live version 1.4.8: Reduces the build time of I'll Take That! by 0.5 seconds but increases the cost by 10 Action Points

- Fury of Da Green - Gork’s Waaagh no longer makes the ability castable on the move.

- I’ll take that - Gork’s Waaagh no longer makes the ability castable on the move.

- You Got Nuthin! - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Lots o’ Arrers - Stat scaling multiplier corrected to match tick interval (from 0.70 to 0.50)

Balance Changes

- Explodin’ Arrer - Damage over time damage reverted back to live version 1.4.8, lower damage.

- Sharp Toofs - Reverted to live version 1.4.8: Git Em!'s damage is increased on your pet's first attack, and its cost is reduced by 15.

- All By Meself - No longer removes cooldown from Squig Leap.

- Sharpened Arrers - Reworked to additive 15% armor penetration for Big Shootin’ abilities. Doesn’t require a pet anymore.

- Extra Toxic Coating - Removed and replaced by I Feelz Yer Pain: Any time you critically hit with a Path of Big Shootin' ability, you will regain 50 Action Points. This effect will not trigger more than once every 3 seconds.

- Yer Bleedin’! - Reverted to live version 1.4.8: No cooldown, 15 seconds Damage over Time. No longer reduces initiative.

- Not So Fast! - Reverted to live version 1.4.8: 10 seconds cooldown, initiative debuff. No longer knocks the target down. This ability is now core in Quick Shootin’.

- Da WAAAGH Iz Strong - Reverted to live version 1.4.8: Increases durations of Yer Bleeding to 24 seconds, Stop Runnin to 15 seconds, and Not So Fast! to 15 seconds.

- Shootin’ Wif Da Wind - Reverted to live version 1.4.8 and modified to +15 feet range for Quick Shootin’ abilities.

- Behind Ya! - Reverted to live version 1.4.8. No longer has additional critical hit rate based on target health.

- Big Claw - Will do its damage over the original 9 seconds instead of 5 seconds, snare duration remains at 5 seconds.

- Indigestion - Renamed back to Bad Gas, damage reduced slightly, changed from 40 foot frontal cone to 30 foot point blank Area of Effect, no longer scales cooldown increase based on number of enemies hit and is instead 3 seconds cooldown increase always. Damage type changed from physical to corporeal to better match the nature of this assault on enemy player nostrils.

- Bad Gas - Renamed back to Indigestion, cast time removed, changed from 6 seconds pulsing damage every 2 seconds to 9 seconds damage over time every 3 seconds, damage reduced, changed from 30 foot point blanc Area of Effect to 40 foot frontal cone, cooldown reduced from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.

- Run Away! - The speed increase will now break after using an ability. The pet Area of Effect taunt will no longer reduce opponent damage by 50%, but does an Area of Effect interrupt with hate increase. Previously this ability was a hidden Distracting Bellow Morale 3. This ability is now 5pt in Quick Shootin’.

- Finish em Off! - This ability is now 13pt Big Shootin’.

- Poison Arrer - This ability is now 9pt Big Shootin’.

- Squig Leap - This ability can now critically hit again

- Big Bouncin! - Damage has been changed to match tooltip, lower than before, but still higher than similar abilities on other classes.

Bug Fixes

- Fervor - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

- Trial By Pain - Stat scaling multiplier corrected to match tick interval (from 0.75 seconds to 0.50 seconds)

Balance Changes

- Sanctified Oil - Any ability used will now cancel the speed buff effect.

- Incognito - Increased cost from 3 to 5 Action Points per second and disabled any Action Point gains while the ability is active.

- Sanctified Bullets - Reverted to live version 1.4.8, heal gain is now set to 100% damage done instead 150%.

- Witchfinders Judgement - Morale removed.

- Blessed Blade - Reduced armor penetration value from 50% to 25%.

- Silence The Heretic - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

- Confess! - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Sunder - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

- All Out Assault! - Only damages NPCs that are in combat, like it worked on live.

Balance Changes

- Solar Flare - Extended area of effect cap from 9 to 24 targets, reduced radius to 25 feet and damage to 1200.

- Efficient Swings - Tactic moved to core.

- Destroy Confidence - Moved to 11 point Glory, makes Shatter Confidence removes additional Enchant or Blessing.

- Runefang - Moved to 11 point Conquest, now buffs Strength and Weapon Skill.

- Precision Strike - Armour penetration adjusted to 15% but converted to be additive with Weapon Skill and other armor penetration sources.

Other Changes

- Shackle - Icon replaced with a better one.

Bug Fixes

- Fireball Barrage - Corrected radius size stated on tooltip.

Balance Changes

- Fire Cage - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

- Choking Smoke - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Sigmar’s Fist - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

Balance Changes

- Sigmar’s Vision - Extended block buff duration to 15 seconds to match parry buff duration.

- Soulfire - Now costs 35 Righteous Fury instead of 35 Action Points.

- Judgement - Now costs 15 Righteous Fury, snare effect removed.

- Bludgeon - Reworked to 15% additive armor penetration if attack is done from behind.

- Vow of Silence - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Withering Blow, Suppression, Enraged Blow - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

- Inevitable Changing - Tooltip clarified that it restores 250 Action Points.

- Dreadful Agony - Only damages NPCs that are in combat, like it worked on live.

Balance Changes

- Critical Suppression - Restored core tactic: Suppression will now also reduce the victim's chances to defend against attacks by 10% for 10 seconds.

- Power from the Gods - Each aura restores 5 Action Points per second.

- Tzeentch's Reflection - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Convulsive Slashing - Stat scaling multiplier corrected to match tick interval (from 0.7 to 0.5)

- Terrible Embrace - This ability will now correctly cancel its cast if the target moves out of range or breaks line of sight.

- Wave of Horror - Fixed the hate reduction tooltip to display the correct value.

Balance Changes

- Debilitate, Corruption, Tainted Claw, Pulverize, Gut Ripper, Mutated Energy, Thunderous Blow, Cutting Claw, Rend - Stat multiplier changed back from 1.65 to 1.5.

- Impale - Stat multiplier changed back from 1.7 to 1.5.

- Thunderous Blow - Requires Savagery or Brutality stance.

- Draining Swipe - Stat multiplier changed back from 0.95 to 0.75. Cooldown reverted back to 20 seconds with a 10 second duration.

- Unstable Convulsion - Stat multiplier changed back from 0.7 to 0.6.

- Flail - Stat multiplier changed back from 1 to 0.75

- Wave of Terror - reverted to live version 1.4.8, preventing all who are hit from generating Morale for 5 seconds.

- Crushing Blows - Changed back to draining morale from targets hit. Values adjusted to 10% chance for 100 morale drain.

- Energy Ripple - Extended area of effect cap from 9 to 24 targets, reduced radius to 25 feet

- Piercing Bite - Armour penetration adjusted to 25% but converted to be additive with Weapon Skill and other armor penetration sources.

- Impale - Reworked to 15% additive armor penetration if attack is done from behind.

- Flames of Fate - Reverted range back to 65ft

- Death Grip - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Veil of Chaos - If manually cleansed prematurely by right clicking, the heal is still triggered.

Balance Changes

- Mirror of Madness - Reverted to trigger whenever the target casts a direct heal.

- Changer’s Touch - Can now be triggered by any critical direct damage and heal debuff value adjusted to 30%. This once again enables Area of Effect heal debuff utility for the class, but at reduced power compared to single target heal debuffs.

- Windblock - Extended area of effect cap from 9 to 24 targets, reduced radius from 30 foot to 25 foot and damage to 1200.

- Manipulation - Changed damage type to corporeal to better match class damage type.

- Tzeentch's Lash - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Other Changes

- Mark of the Vortex - Updated icon to be unique and not shared with Mirror of Madness.

- Vortex - Updated icon to be unique and not shared with Leaping Alteration

Bug Fixes

- Mutating Blue Fire - Reverted stat scaling multiplier to be correct for abilities with instant damage and damage over time damage components (from 1.5 to 1 on instant damage part, Damage over Time component remains same).

- Glean Magic - The tick interval has been fixed to use correct interval of 2s instead of 5s. Damage is now matching tooltip, higher than it was before.

- Withered Soul - The tick interval has been fixed to use correct interval of 2s instead of 2.5s. Damage is now matching tooltip, higher than it was before.

- Infernal Blast - Ticks 4 times instead of just 3. Damage is now matching tooltip, higher than it was before.

Balance Changes

- Strengthen Thrall - Removed and replaced with Shocking Jolt again. Effect changed to: You remove stagger effects from an ally and five other allies within 25 feet.

- Dissolving Mist - changed damage numbers to match live patch 1.4.8. Base is reduced slightly.

- Summon Pink Horror - No longer grants a range increase for each stack of Unholy Empowerment.

- Summon Blue Horror - No longer grants Dodge, Disrupt, Radius increase or Range reduction for each stack of Unholy Empowerment.

- Summon Flamer - No longer grants Damage over Time tick interval reduction with each stack of Unholy Empowerment. No longer grants casting on the move for path of changing abilities.

- Tzeentch's Grasp - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

- Perils of The Warp - This effect can no longer be cleansed. Stat scaler corrected to the lowered cast time in RoR vs patch 1.4.8.

Bug Fixes

- Quick Incision, Ensorcelled Blow, Sapping Strike - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

Balance Changes

- Crushing Advance - This ability now follows normal stacking rules.

- Heaven’s Blade - reverted to live version 1.4.8: All your melee attacks gain a 25% chance to reduce all of your target's resistances

- Guard of Steel - Moved to Morale 1. Adjusted power of the buff to 120 toughness and 20 second uptime.

- Wings of Heaven - Moved back to Morale 2. Snare potency adjusted to 30%. Area of Effect radius increased from 5 feet to 25 feet.

- Redirected Force - reverted to live version 1.4.8: No longer knocks the target away, usable after any successful defense, not just block. It’s a temporary change as Swordmaster will receive a single target long knock back effect upgraded to work for 2h builds as well in the future balance patches.

- Forceful Shock - tactic restored: Blurring Shock now knocks back players and knocks down monsters.

- Shadow Blades - This ability now applies morale damage, not spiritual damage. extended area of effect cap from 9 to 24 targets, reduced radius to 25 feet and damage to 1800. Affected targets will lose 1800 morale over 12 seconds (4 drain ticks of 450 morale every 3 seconds)

- Vaul’s Tempering - Duration increased to 4 seconds.

Bug Fixes

- Counterstrike - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

- Rapid Fire - Stat scaling multiplier corrected to match tick interval (from 0.70 to 0.50)

- Acid Arrow - Damage matches tooltip. Higher than before.

- Rain of Steel - Ticks 12 times instead of 11 times, so damage now matches tooltip.

Balance Changes

- Throat Shot - Base damage reverted back to live version 1.4.8, lower damage.

- Flame Arrow - Dot damage reverted back to live version 1.4.8, lower damage.

- Assault Stance - Removed Auto Attack damage and proc. Replaced with permanent 35% Auto Attack speed buff.

- Acid Arrow - Can now be also used in Skirmish Stance.

- Brutal Assault - No longer usable in Skirmish Stance.

- Eye Shot - Knockdown effect reduced to 2 seconds.

- Festering Arrow - No longer undefendable when Vengeful.

- Fell the Weak - No longer deals spirit damage when Vengeful.

- Sweeping Slash - No longer usable in Skirmish Stance.

- Exploit Weakness - Cooldown is no longer reduced when Vengeful.

- Shadow Sting - No longer undefendable when Vengeful.

- Powerful Draw - Reworked from 25% multiplicative to 15% additive armor penetration for Skirmish abilities.

- Flanking Shot - No longer has additional critical hit rate based on target health. Shadow Warrior already has a ranged finisher ability in Fell the Weak. This is now a higher damage positional ability, but doesn’t attempt to be a finisher at the same time.

- Opportunistic Strike - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

- Exploit Weakness - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Baiting Strike, Cleave Limb, Hack - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

- Brutal Pounce - Icon on knockdown debuff changed to match the ability icon.

Balance Changes

- Blindside - Stat damage multiplier changed from 1 to 0.75 to be correct for abilities with instant damage and a dot component.

- Shattering Blow - Added weapon damage contribution.

- Slashing Blade - reverted cost back to 50 action points.

- Loner - No longer removes cooldown on Pounce.

- Pounce - Reduced base damage but this ability can again critically hit.

- Call War Lion - damage no longer reduced when far away from the player.

- Brutal Pounce - Increased cost to 25 Action Points.

- Echoing Roar - Is now a curse.

- Hack and Slash - Action Point reduction adjusted to -15 Action Points for Slashing Blade and Hack. Armor penetration adjusted to 25% but converted to be additive with Weapon Skill and other armor penetration sources.

- Cleaver - Morale removed.

- Sundering Chop - Reworked to 15% additive armor penetration if attack is done from behind.

- Ensnare - Reverted range back to 65ft

- Throat Bite - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Energy of Vaul - Lifetap part is now counted as lifetap and is unaffected by heal crit or buff/debuffs.

Balance Changes

- Balanced Mending - Tactic restored: Healing Energy becomes 35% more effective on allies, but 15% less effective on you.

- Khaine’s Touch - removed/replaced by Increased Conductivity

- Increased Conductivity - Your Path of Asuryan abilities are now 15% harder to Block or Disrupt.

- Expanded Control - brought back the tactic to 3 points in Path of Vaul: Reduces the build time of Balance Essence by 0.5 seconds but increases the cost by 10 Action Points.

- Energy of Vaul - Cannot be cast on the move with Tranquility anymore.

- Balance essence - Cannot be cast on the move with Tranquility anymore.

- Penetrating Siphon - removed/reverted to Expanded Control

- Golden Aura - Moved to 11 points in Path of Vaul

- Arcing Power - Moved to 7 points in Path of Vaul

- Law of Gold - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Mind Killer, Feeding on Weakness, Crush the Weak, Hateful Strike - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

- Malignant Strike - knockdown effect is no longer a hex and therefore cannot be cleansed.

- Exile - tooltip correction to clarify cooldown reduction of the ability to 10 seconds if using 2 handed weapon.

- Murderous Wrath - Armour penetration adjusted to 15% but converted to be additive with Weapon Skill and other armor penetration sources.

- Bolstering Anger - Cooldown correctly starts when the ability is toggled off or ends.

Balance Changes

- Force of Fury - Removed damage reduction effect. This ability now follows normal stacking rules.

Bug Fixes

- Envenomed Blade - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

- Ruthless Assault - Stat scaling multiplier corrected to match tick interval (from 0.75 to 0.50)

- On Your Knees - Knockdown effect is no longer ailment and therefore cannot be cleansed.

- Kisses are no longer triggered by Throw Dagger.

Balance Changes

- Elixir of Shadows - Any ability used will now cancel the speed buff effect.

- Shadow Prowler - Increased cost from 3 to 5 Action Points per second and disabled any Action Point gains while the ability is active.

- Exotic Venom - No longer affects Shadow Leap.

- Kiss of Doom - Reverted to live version 1.4.8, heal gain is now set to 100% damage done instead 150%.

- Sacrificial Stab - Once again requires hitting the target from behind. No longer increases auto attack damage. Damage increased to match Puncture.

- Bleeding Edge - Reduced armor penetration value from 50% to 25%.

- Throat Slitter - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

- Sever Limb - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Other Changes

- Mark of Morathi - Renamed to Mark of Hellebron to better fit the class thematically.

Bug Fixes

- Consume Strength - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

Balance Changes

- Fell Sacrifice - Mirrors Soulfire and applies spirit damage. Now costs 35 Soul Essence instead of 35 Action Points.

- Curse of Khaine - Tactic reworked: Sanguinary Extension receives 50% incoming heal debuff effect.

- Warding Strike - Extended block buff duration to 15 seconds to match parry debuff duration.

- Khaine’s Withdrawal - Now it removes all Curses, Hexes and Ailments.

- Cleave Soul - Reworked to 15% additive armor penetration if attack is done from behind.

- Consume Thought - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Other Changes

- Execute - Ability renamed back to Wracking Agony and icon replaced with the original one.

Balance Changes

- Crippling Terror - Extended area of effect cap from 9 to 24 targets, reduced radius from 20 feet to 15 feet.

- Frostbite - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

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Posts: 276

Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#3 » Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:44 pm

Here are the updates to the above provisional patch notes.

- CC effects have been changed to not be cleansable. This was already the case on a lot of them, but was inconsistent even on mirror classes. The affected abilities are listed below on each class.

- Pet defensive stats have been modified to scale more consistently throughout the tiers. So armor mitigation, chance to be crit etc are somewhat consistent as you level up.

- Some item set procs have been changed. This is mostly the procs that affected next ability casted in some way, like Improved Clarity for example. They never really worked entirely correctly in the old system and are difficult to get right with respect to ongoing dots, auto attacks, flight times etc. So they have been changed to other appropriate procs instead.

- The speed and dismount chance stated on mounts is now consistent and accurate with their actual dismount chance and speed.

- AoE attacks used while strafing now fire their damage in the same direction as the VFX. Previously they would fire VFX in one direction and damage in a different direction. Most noticeable on Lileath's Arrow.

- The old ability system calculated radius on circular abilities wrong, this has been corrected.

Bug Fixes

- Grumble An' Mutter - Cooldown correctly starts when the ability is toggled off or ends.

Bug Fixes

- Inevitable Doom - Is now an ailment and can be cleansed

- Onslaught - Does damage in 3 ticks over 9s instead of 4 ticks. This is how the ability worked on live.

Balance Changes

- Spellbinding Rune - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Friction Burn - Correctly classed as a melee attack and defended against using parry. It still scales with Ballistic Skill.

Balance Changes

- Barbed Wire - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Right in Da Jibblies - Causes minor knockback effect yet again, without checking target immunity and without giving one itself.

- Can't Hit Me! - The damage reflect counts as a proc and doesn't trigger on hit or on attack effects.

- Da Greenest - This war bellow now only triggers when being hit, like the tooltip says, not when attacks are defended.

Balance Changes

- Shut Yer Face - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Lotsa Choppin - Tooltip corrected to match damage.

Balance Changes

- Yer All Bleedin' Now - Changed to mirror Onslaught, 3 ticks over 9s instead of 4 ticks.

Balance Changes

- I’ll take that - Gork’s Waaagh no longer makes the ability castable on the move.

- You Got Nuthin! - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Balance Changes

- Indigestion - Damage type changed from physical to corporeal to better match the nature of this assault on enemy player nostrils.

- Squig Leap - This ability can now critically hit again

- Big Bouncin! - Damage has been changed to match tooltip, lower than before, but still higher than similar abilities on other classes.

Balance Changes

- Silence The Heretic - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

- Confess! - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Fireball Barrage - Corrected radius size stated on tooltip.

Balance Changes

- Fire Cage - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

- Choking Smoke - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Balance Changes

- Vow of Silence - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Dreadful Agony - Only damages NPCs that are in combat, like it worked on live.

Balance Changes

- Tzeentch's Reflection - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Wave of Horror - Fixed the hate reduction tooltip to display the correct value.

Balance Changes

- Flames of Fate - Reverted range back to 65ft

- Death Grip - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Balance Changes

- Tzeentch's Lash - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Glean Magic - The tick interval has been fixed to use correct interval of 2s instead of 5s. Damage is now matching tooltip, higher than it was before.

- Withered Soul - The tick interval has been fixed to use correct interval of 2s instead of 2.5s. Damage is now matching tooltip, higher than it was before.

- Infernal Blast - Ticks 4 times instead of just 3. Damage is now matching tooltip, higher than it was before.

Balance Changes

- Perils of the Warp - Stat scaler corrected to the lowered cast time in RoR vs patch 1.4.8.

Balance Changes

- Crushing Advance - This ability now follows normal stacking rules.

Balance Changes

- Opportunistic Strike - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

- Exploit Weakness - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Balance Changes

- Ensnare - Reverted range back to 65ft

- Throat Bite - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Bug Fixes

- Energy of Vaul - Lifetap part is now counted as lifetap and is unaffected by heal crit or buff/debuffs.

Balance Changes

- Balance essence - Cannot be cast on the move with Tranquility anymore.

Bug Fixes

- Bolstering Anger - Cooldown correctly starts when the ability is toggled off or ends.

Balance Changes

- Throat Slitter - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

- Sever Limb - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Balance Changes

- Consume Thought - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

Balance Changes

- Frostbite - This effect can no longer be cleansed.

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#4 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:42 pm

Commenting so it shows up in the Forum side-bar because we did this in secret and the forums aren't smart enough to class this as a new post, Ability System Rework > Forum Rework?????1111??

I play around with Social Media, troll our players on Discord and officially hate anyone who plays a dwarf.

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#5 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:58 pm

This is an interesting way of announcing the balance philosophy of flipping a coin for every ability and going with that outcome…

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#6 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:00 pm

Manatikik wrote: Mon Aug 07, 2023 9:58 pm This is an interesting way of announcing the balance philosophy of flipping a coin for every ability and going with that outcome…
The notes are mainly a result of the ability rework in general, as mentioned in the post a few times the real 'balance' patch will come after the release of the system rework and subsequent changes listed in the provisional notes above.

I play around with Social Media, troll our players on Discord and officially hate anyone who plays a dwarf.

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#7 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:09 pm

Rune Priest
- Rune of Nullification - Can now be triggered by any critical direct damage and heal debuff value adjusted to 30%. This once again enables Area of Effect heal debuff utility for the class, but at reduced power compared to single target heal debuffs.

- Changer’s Touch - Can now be triggered by any critical direct damage and heal debuff value adjusted to 30%. This once again enables Area of Effect heal debuff utility for the class, but at reduced power compared to single target heal debuffs.
Some feedback for the "big rework": currently the KOTBS has an outgoing heal debuff aura while the Chosen has an incoming heal debuff aura. This means - in theory - a RP spamming crits will complement the Knight, but a Zealot spamming crits is competing with the Chosen.

Considering how trivial it is to apply these auras in warband play, please consider either changing the auras or changing the debuff amounts, as currently it's a lot of work for the Zealot to gain an extra 5% over the Chosen who just needs to exist. For the RP, even though it is not competing with the Knight, it is completing with proper DPS classes with 25% heal debuff procs on some weapons.
Zomega: RR8x Zealot

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Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#8 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:11 pm

- Finish em Off! - This ability is now 13pt Big Shootin’.

lol wtf? rSH has no burst now lol

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Posts: 775

Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#9 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:13 pm

Thank you for taking the time to update us all on the progress of the ability rework. The amount of time and effort this must have taken is beyond measure, especially for a game which is purely a "labor of love". If I can help out in any way please let me know. I look forward to testing these changes once they've gone live.
Interested in the Grace playstyle but don't know where to start? Check out my Grace guide!

Check out my Damage Calculator. Also includes extra RoR calculators! -Updated for 01/25/24 patch!

Posts: 124

Re: The Ability System Rewrite & Provisional Patch Notes

Post#10 » Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:15 pm

Amazing job!

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