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[Mara] Mara vs Melee SH

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Posts: 125

[Mara] Mara vs Melee SH

Post#1 » Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:07 pm

Hey guys, for the 2x event I want to work on either my mara or my melee SH. I have both at 20 and both seem fun, but what are the pros and cons to each at endgame? I mostly play by myself or in pugs mind you

Posts: 324

Re: [Mara] Mara vs Melee SH

Post#2 » Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:25 pm

Melee Squigs Pro:
-Can have massive armor
-Are the fastest character in the game
-in no pet mode, can have really nice AOE damage, or with pet go for single target spike damage options
-Can pounce the crap out of WLs: so, great mobility

-Melee squigs cannot debuff their damage type in squig armor
-Is a mastery that is all in for one line, but can't use either of the other two masteries while in Squig mode.
-has no fashion options, if such are important to you

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