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AutoBand Kick low level :(

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Re: AutoBand Kick low level :(

Post#11 » Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:05 pm

Topdude wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 5:38 pm
Sulorie wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:27 am Without this addon it is impossible to organize open warbands
With this statement you negate all the hard work and success of warband leaders through of the years that AoR was live. We never had autoband nor should it be allowed. IMO it's one of the biggest reasons new players get turned off from RoR.
Lowbie? eh, you're outta luck! Go form your own warband, even though you're struggling to learn how to play your toon. Oh don't worry, autoband will help you maintain that sterile 2/2/2 meta that has funneled gameplay down to not much more than mirrors bashing against each other until population swings and a zone is taken.
I and a few of my guildies have been pushed to solo or small group play because of innocently joining a WB while leveling a toon only to be kicked. "Too many dps", "too low level"... Buck up, drop autoband and lead an open WB doing the best with what you have, it helps the community grow, it helps new players get used to their toons and playing in groups.
Until recently there were no warband assistant roles. It's not even about ranks, how hard is it to understand? When you as a leader need a tank and healer for the last grp and all the time dps classes join on your open wb, then good luck with it.
It depends on what goals you have with your warband, whether you actually want to win a fight with a similar sized opponent or if you just run boxes.
Back then there was no addon, ppl closed the warband to organize it and used chat to find people to invite.
You see daily what new players learn in unorganized warbands after a wipe - other side is op.
People are free to start open warbands and invite anyone no matter what class, nobody says you can't do it. But who are you to tell how somebody else builds their warband and how they organize it?!
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Re: AutoBand Kick low level :(

Post#12 » Sun Mar 27, 2022 6:56 pm

AB is a great addon for a premade group, however like you found out, its used the wrong way, a vast amount of the time. Pugs and overflows are some how made into "premades" because the random lead turned on AB. It is amazing how random leads can turn on AB but fail on fixing groups in party, lack rvr xp or have a limited understanding of the tasks that must be completed within rvr and normally the random bad lead doesnt even try talking in 2 chat. Its a great tool in the wrong hands.

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Re: AutoBand Kick low level :(

Post#13 » Sun Mar 27, 2022 8:52 pm

it shoudnt kick u out from auto warband if u are corect role even low level. till u follow leader and do your job its good.
most pugs auto-warband are still spreaded all around map not just whre are leader. u can make your 222 setups byt if they dont follow u . its fail. u can make wb with 4 tanks and 4 healers and if they follow u its all diference vs ''premade'' 222 setup autowarband who dont care about leader just spread all around map even in capital.
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Re: AutoBand Kick low level :(

Post#14 » Sun Mar 27, 2022 9:47 pm

I get kicked on my healers and tanks mostly. Like, they reaaaaly don't want extra tanks especially. So I target the leaders, mark them with Enemy so I can still follow, and put them on ignore so their spam doesn't fill up my precious chat.
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Re: AutoBand Kick low level :(

Post#15 » Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:01 pm

Sulorie wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 5:57 pm
Hodds wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 5:08 pm
Sulorie wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:25 pm Don't act like you are entitled to join a pug wb. Even pug wbs can and should maintain a certain level of organization. You help nobody by inviting almost only dps into a warband, so some players don't feel alone in rvr zone. You need support classes too and if there are too few, there is no point to invite more dps. Relog to a healer or tank, whatever is needed to support your realm, if the only open warband needs those archtypes.
In most cases it is not the rank but class balance, which leads to a kick.
If a leader is looking for healers or tanks and you think your level is too low, send a /pm and ask whether you can join.
Entitled? What? look at the topic, look at my post, i dont think i am "entitled" to join an OPEN warband. I dont join warbands looking for Heals when I am on a tank. You dont like low level players and need the meta comp in your warbands, thats fine, we all play this game for different reasons.
You didn't read what I wrote. Read again.

You are causing drama, because someone kicked you from a warband. I explained to you, what the reasons might be and what the purpose of this addon is.
What a warband leader needs is their business, as they have the organizing work - in their spare time. I just told you the facts on this topic and not what I like or dislike.
You need someone to argue with, i can be that person, BUT i did not cause ANY drama, (just to point out, i dont think i have been auto kicked from a WB in over a year) Do you think i am someone else? or you are trying to provoke me? If a warband leader wants to use this addon, **** let them (i have it installed). Their message states what they are looking for (ex; WB looking for 3 tanks 1 heals 4 dps 16+ ) if a player joins and then is AUTO kicked because they dont meet those requirements sure, but dont have an OPEN warband and then kick people because you can not manage a warband without an addon :P
Last edited by Hodds on Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: AutoBand Kick low level :(

Post#16 » Sun Mar 27, 2022 10:06 pm

Topdude wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 5:38 pm
Sulorie wrote: Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:27 am Without this addon it is impossible to organize open warbands
I and a few of my guildies have been pushed to solo or small group play because of innocently joining a WB while leveling a toon only to be kicked. "Too many dps", "too low level"... Buck up, drop autoband and lead an open WB doing the best with what you have, it helps the community grow, it helps new players get used to their toons and playing in groups.

THIS!! All of this... it makes new and returning players angry and frustrated to be shoved out, like they're useless and unwanted! I don't care which side you play - grow the community and DEFINITELY work with what you got! I run almost every toon on both sides, or did in Live... I've only been back a few months, but I'll get them all back eventually. Most don't play more than a few classes at best, so don't tell people to go 'log what we need' - you get to play what you want to be for the day and so should they!

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Re: AutoBand Kick low level :(

Post#17 » Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:16 pm

I do not use it, and will a lot of times open a wb for people. I prefer fixing the wb old school style. It is not hard and it does not take long. Best part is avoid autoband putting a level 20 healer in a grp with rr 70+ players and the rr 70+ healer in a grp with level 16 rdps. Again, fixing a wb is easy, and there are still lots of wb leaders that do it old school style.

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Re: AutoBand Kick low level :(

Post#18 » Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:19 pm

Im for whatever helps wbs leaders herd cats. We need more leaders and these addons rock.
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