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ST Multi Shatter for Destro Tank

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ST Multi Shatter for Destro Tank

Post#1 » Fri Jun 23, 2023 1:40 am

Rampage has been a point of contention between Destro and Order for a long time now. I propose a revisal of Blackguard's Choking Fury or Black Ork's Arm Breaka to make the 'Just Shatter it' argument a bit more feasible. To my knowledge there are no guides on the forums explicitly saying to take these skills, nor have I heard anyone in game praising them over other tactics/abilities the classes have to offer.

Choking Fury Revamp, Shatter 2 or 3 enchantments on a 25-35 sec cooldown with a 30 Hatred cost.
Alternatively it can be an ability that scales with Hatred,
30 to Shatter 1 enchantment
60 for 2
90 for 3
With a 45(?) AP cost on 25-35 second CD.
I'd even say make it a SnB restricted skill so that you don't combine this with the already strong Crimson Death.
Thematically I feel it is pretty in line with BG's debuffing nature.

Arm Breaka, similar deal, Shatter 2-3 enchantments on 25-35 second cooldown and 45ish AP cost. Where it sits on the 'Plans' is a bit irrelevant imo as it isn't difficult to cycle through.
Alternatively making it a channel ability similar to T'ree Hit Combo where each strike shatters an enchantment could be cool.

I don't think removing or nerfing Rampage (or its Destro nemesis GTDC) should be on the table, but I hope you will consider revising/adding upon skills that are not as commonly picked as an answer to dealing with these two.


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