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[Swordmaster] Roll back (mostly) to December

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Re: [Swordmaster] Roll back (mostly) to December

Post#31 » Tue Apr 02, 2024 5:44 am

I missed one line: you can't take any action during channeling.
I agree that even calling this a drawback is a bit weak.

However, just because it's called a cost doesn't mean it's not a drawback.
If the cost is too high, it can be a drawback in itself.
For example, if a skill consumes 50 AP at once or has a cooldown of over 30 seconds.
it could be normal or a drawback depend on what you get.

Imagine a scale and compare what you gain on one side with what you lose on the other side.
If the weight tilts too much to one side, regardless of whether it's termed as a drawback or a cost, there's an issue.
It seems better to consider WoDS as having more weight on the advantages.
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Re: [Swordmaster] Roll back (mostly) to December

Post#32 » Sun Apr 07, 2024 11:47 am

Ill agree to that op.

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