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City Logging

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Re: City Logging

Post#31 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:03 pm

Detangler wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:31 am
I feel exactly the same way as this poster sometimes, from the lack of time to play to being burned out from doing countless pug warbands and keep sieges.
Except I don't want a super competitive order warband to fight. I'd rather have a semi competitive 12+12 v 12+12 split discord city fight. No stupid morale bomb massive coordination or complete wipes in 20 seconds. Long drawn out fights with lots of battle rezzes. Those few city fights are just so much damn fun its hard to describe - and so rare to come across. :(
Yeah, 12+12 vs 12+12 is so fun. That and PUG cities are the most fun i've had.
Kabuchop / Kabusquig / Kabuterimon / Tentomon

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Re: City Logging

Post#32 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 6:33 pm

Scenarios are mostly objective focused, you can avoid fights and win. Open rvr player kill rewards are very out dated. The only place you're forced to do pvp is city and it has the rewards, so that might be why its the most popular content.

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Re: City Logging

Post#33 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 8:00 pm

Arthem wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 6:33 pm Scenarios are mostly objective focused, you can avoid fights and win. Open rvr player kill rewards are very out dated. The only place you're forced to do pvp is city and it has the rewards, so that might be why its the most popular content.
City is no more PvP than most SCs. It is all about objectives and killing NPCs and any opposition that happens to get in the way of that.

Posts: 542

Re: City Logging

Post#34 » Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:35 pm

i dont think city is exactly the pinnacle of pvp when its just a blob of mongos running around until morale drop

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Re: City Logging

Post#35 » Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:38 am

The game certainly is in an "interesting" state at the moment.

-The top gear progression is essentially "locked" in city instances which happen at random times and end in stomps 90% of fights because the game system cannot match evenly ranked groups.
-6 man Ranked scenarios are barely played due to class and gear balance issues.
-oRVR is required to trigger city instances, but players tend to find it stale after they get full Invader so it is primarily composed of alts and new players.

1. If the top pvp gear should come from the hardest competition, it should be from ranked SC.
2. If the top pvp gear should come from the biggest fights, it should be from oRVR.

Instead we all end up waiting on some Bride of Frankestein SC which can't be accurately predicted on when it will resurface beyond 15 mins prior. So you can either play 24 hours a day collecting the odd crumb while pushing the same zones ad nauseum and hoping for her to appear, or run discord in the background and do something far more productive with your life.

This is fine.
Slayer - 40/7x
Archmage - 40/7x

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