Inquiry on classes

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Posts: 2

Inquiry on classes

Post#1 » Fri Jan 05, 2024 4:57 pm


I have a few questions in order to pick a class. I know that preferences are subjective but there is also the fact that certain classes are shoehorned in certain roles depending on situations and, that some performs better than others depending of the scale. I am playing mostly Scenario, RvR in public groups and roaming from time to time. I have been playing a bit each classes until level 20 ish to get a idea and came to likes the following : Witch Elf, Witch Hunter, Knight of the Blazing Sun, Sword Master, Shadow Warrior, Sorcerer, Disciple of Khain and Black Guard.

I am inquiring your knowledges on how each classes that I liked perform in the different situation that I do.
Finally I have a question that is a bit disconnected : What class can specialize in hunting down Witch elves and Witch hunters in the most efficient way ?


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Re: Inquiry on classes

Post#2 » Fri Jan 05, 2024 5:38 pm


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Re: Inquiry on classes

Post#3 » Fri Jan 05, 2024 7:00 pm

Thank you but I find it too cryptic as you need to already know the game well in order to perceive how each classes will feel in specific situations. It's mostly directed to theory-crafting players but without experience it's hard to tell, at least for me, if for example a knight of the blazing sun will do well in random group scenario. I appreciate that you pointed this document to me though, I'll keep aside until needed.

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Re: Inquiry on classes

Post#4 » Fri Jan 05, 2024 8:10 pm

I’d roll a legolas 5/10 spots on monthly leaderboard

Says everything really

Ps. If you want the second best roll WL 2/10 (team pet is broken ap starved wink wink notch notch), best healer RP, best tank Knight/SM

Ds. Just play the easy realm
A reasonable RvR system that could make the majority happy

Posts: 31

Re: Inquiry on classes

Post#5 » Sat Jan 06, 2024 12:32 am


Do you have a discord? If so, direct message me your screen name and we can go over your thoughts or questions. If you do not, then I do my best to assist you.

For your knowledge, as a long time player of LIVE and recent player of R.o.R. that is currently level every class, currently focusing on Druchii [Dark Elves], which means they are in end game tier and focusing on renown rank & gear, like I did on A.o.R. [LIVE], I feel confident to give you a answer. I do not subscribe to the meta of R.o.R. due to the fact that the meta was different in LIVE and [at the time of writing this] I don't have enough experience with it. [Will be getting my Chalice [healing] Disciple of Khaine in full Sovereign healing gear [considered end-game gear which is different then best in slot [BiS] once I reach my next Renown Rank [RR]]. Let's take a look at your classes with a brief overview.

Witch Elve - Like the Witch Hunter, the Witch Elve is the only class that offers stealth for Destruction. All mastery tree's focus on DPS [Damage Per Second]. The class mechanic is stealth and finishers that require bloodlust points; more points more benefits from the finisher. Carnage utilizes an aoe knock and I consider a frontline bruiser; meaning it does well against tanks and mdps. Suffering offers an incoming health debuff and regenative or defensive tactics; can be considered a dot spec. Treachery offeres a regenative finisher, single target knockdown, and a criticial damage modifier; makes a great burst build.

Witch Hunter - Like Witch Elves, the Witch Hunter is the only class that offers stealth for Order. All mastery trees focus on DPS [Damage Per Second]. Confession, like Carnage, can be considered a frontline brusier due to its toolkit; offers a health return finisher and abilities that allow for a defensive-offensive playstyle. Inquisition is your anti-healer/anti-caster tree that provides a nasty debuff and a health debuff. Judgement, just like treachery, works best from stealth with a criticial damage modifier and in my opinion, a very nasty damage over time finisher.

Knight of the Blazing Sun - Like the Chosen, the Knight of the Blazing Sun is the only tank that offers auras for Order. Each mastery tree offers a different core role. Conquest is a two-handed offensive tree that offers an action point [AP] aura that drains enemies an enemies AP while restoring an allies AP. Vigiliance offers a shield and blade [SnB] defensive tree that offers an ability setback aura that increases the chance of settingback an enemies casts while decreasing the chance of an allies setback from occuriny. Glory is considered a support tree that doesn't have a specific requirement for abilites to be use but I would argue benefits the most from SnB due to the ability called "Hold the Line"; Glory Mastery tree offers a health modifier aura that decreases the amount of health an enemy recieves.

Sword Master - Like the Black Ork, the Sword Master is considered an offensive tank that utilies a blade enchantment proc and a combo or stage system for their abilites; meaning, that you when you attack there is a chance to active reactive ability that alters the enemy and, or your group and yourself and that you have a limited number of stage 1 abilites that unlock stage 2, a limited number of stage 2 abilites that unlock stage 3, and a limited number of stage 3 abilites that resets the stage back to stage 1. Each mastery tree offers a different core role. Khaine is considered your damage per second [DPS] tree with a blade enchantment that steals stats from your target and applies them to your group and yourself; the whole tree is designed to be used with a two-handed sword. Vaul is a full defensive tree with a blade enchantment that increases your group and yourselfs wounds; the tree is meant to be play with a SnB. Hoeth is a supportive tree that offers a blade enchantment that reduces your target's resistence; the mastery tree can be played with a SnB or two-handed sword and offer's an ability that reduces the cooldown of abilities by 5 second which can turn an ability that you can't normally spam into a spamable ability.

Shadow Warrior - Like the Squid Herder, the Shadow Warrior is considered a RDPS [Range Damage Per Second] that has the ability to engage in MDPS [Melee Damage Per Second]. Similiar to the Maurader, the Shadow Warrior's mechanic requires stance dancing. Each stance, based off the mastery tree paths, offers a different benefit to the Shadow Warrior. All three mastery tree's are DPS oriented. Scout is considered a long range dps tree that offers an ability, festering bomb, that can hit hard and most abilities need to require a stationary position. Assualt is the MDPS tree that provides a toolkit for attacking in melee range. Skirimisher is considered the mobile or "kiting" [as in flying a kite] role which allows you to cast attacks while running; it also provides an incomint health debuff.

Sorcerer - Like the Bright Wizard, the Sorcerer is considered a RDPS. Just like the Bright Wizard, the Sorcerer's mechanic provides a high risk, high reward system; meaning that if you are at 100% of the mechanic you have a higher chance to do more damage but have a higher chance of being damaged by your abilities since will "backlash" or cause feedback damage you. Best played with a healer or a lot of pots or regen. Agony is a single target bolt and direct damage [DD] ability tree; meaning stationary casting with build time [meaning setback can occur]. Calamity is kite driven tree that focuses on more single than mutli target DoT [Damage Over Time]; meaning you apply DoT then burst with a bolt or DD. Destruction is a considered an AoE [Area of Effect] tree.

Disciple of Khain - Like the Warrior Priest, The Disciple of Khaine is considered a healer. The mechanic share between the Discipline of Khaine and the Warrior Priest [of Sigmar] is a group aura and a resource mechanic used to allow healing; most heals do not use action points [AP] and instead use a seperate resource pool that is regained through attacks and specific weapons. Unlike the other healers,excludinga Warrior Priest, a Disciple of Khaine [D.o.K.] is a frontline healer. The The D.o.K.'s mastery consist of two healing trees and a melee tree. Dark Rites is consider the conventional healer tree and supports all range healing and the defensive aura. Torture is considered the DPS tree and provides an incoming health debuff with a damage aura proc. Sacrifice is considered the melee damage healer, all healing comes from melee damage and provides a damage aura proc that heals the player for the damage they did with the proc.

Black Guard - Like the Ironbreaker, the Blackguard can be considered a debuffing/buffing tank. The mechanic shared between both the Ironbreak and Blackguard is a link ability; when applied to a group member any buffs placed on you will be placed on that individual. Malice is considered the DPS tree with focus on critical strike damage buffs, debuffs, and damage.. Loathing is considered the tank tree and imo, is one of the tankest trees with all the tanks, even the Ironbreaker. Anguish is considered a support role tree and offers an outgoing health debuff which is different than an incoming health debuff; outgoing meaning the overall heals given from the healer are reduced and incoming meaning the overall heals received.

Now that a common understanding of the classes has been established, based off your request, I would recommend the D.o.K. for the things you want to do if you do not mind healing. I would though encourage you to play the Knight of The Blazing Sun as your first play through. Why? Because it will allow you to see and understand the game's tactics while being forgiving if you mess up your rotation. Also, once you reach CR40 you will be in the same bracket with individuals that might be in BiS gear and you will be experiencing a different game; think of a CR1 fighting a CR15 with the best gear, talismans, pots, and 15 renown points [you'll instant melt]. As long as you push through to higher gear in 40 then you'll start to enjoy more of the "end game" content. Reach out [DM] if you wanna follow up.


P.S. Just some general advice: Always have fun. If you're not having fun or begin to get frustrated go touch some grasa [take a break]. Soloing is always fun but a group of soloers will get the job done. You can make friends as quick as you make enemies, there is still a human being that your engaging with [treat others as you want to be treated]. A warband will get you where you want to go, A scenario will get you skill you didn't know you had, and roaming will teach you the most regardless of outcome; especially if you solo roam. You have to a hidden experience bar called skill [take the time to learn you class; it will become more enjoyable]. Hunting A.A.O. [against all odds] will put chest on your hair. Arguably the most important advice, you're only play half the game if you only level on one side [playing both realms has its advantage].

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