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Order lack of melee

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Posts: 42

Order lack of melee

Post#1 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 9:43 am

Losing SC after SC for days, with only 1 or 2 wins here and there.
Order has no melee frontline. This must be caused by some ingame unbalance otherwise i cannot explain it.
Destro just rams us with chosen and fricking choppa, black orcs. We have 4x BW's per team and engi's.
Leveling by playing SC's from t1 is just a pain. No one knows objectives, no one cares to ask. 2 tanks in a 20v20 sc is enough to make Order lose. 2 tanks just come into our pathetic ranged filled line, and they are done.

Posts: 8

Re: Order lack of melee

Post#2 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:07 am

Order melee requires more teamwork. Order melee dps has very little built in healing so without guard/heals they fall apart to AoE and Dots.

Destro melee on the other hand is full of self Shields and hots. Not sure if there is truly a balance issue or just a difference in tactics required.

Playing a Choppa solo is much more enjoyable than Slayer solo. But a Slayer with a guard and heals can eat a group of destro alive with constant AoE pressure. I still see plenty of order players not buffing for guarding or even rezing in combat. These are all mechanics necessary for a win.

I think the game is balanced(ish) but order certainly requires more teamwork IMO than destro does.

Also shaman and black orc are probably the two most played destro, atleast it feels that way.

Posts: 42

Re: Order lack of melee

Post#3 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:14 am

Also i really feel like all the smurfs are destro. I clearly see lvl 7 witch elves and shaman and w/e that play way better than any of my noobs in team.
You veterans on this server have to understand that if you spam destro with smurfs order will just leave in hordes.

Posts: 898

Re: Order lack of melee

Post#4 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:17 am

There is easy solution to your problem, roll a tank yourself.
You will never regret that, as organized groups always will pick you as long as you're able to follow instructions.

Posts: 42

Re: Order lack of melee

Post#5 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:23 am

Take the Phoenix Gate sc i'm just in, as i write this.
An orc takes our flag, big fight, no one cares to interrupt the guy picking the flag. Then, after he takes it and has a big ass blue light above him, EVERYONE hits anyone else but him, and he runs away, just me shooting his ass and chasing.
I am sorry but order is just plainly, full of idiots. There is no other explanation. Low IQ is the only viable one.

Posts: 682

Re: Order lack of melee

Post#6 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:27 am

Vlad333 wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:23 am shooting his ass
then you are part of problem, playing ranged dps ... btw why you dont shoot at him when he try to take flag and interupt him

Posts: 42

Re: Order lack of melee

Post#7 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:35 am

I'm a WH

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Posts: 344

Re: Order lack of melee

Post#8 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:44 am

This is entirely a player problem. Order have just as strong a melee train as destro (potentially even more so). It's the players fault if they don't utilise it in favour of rolling endless waves of solo sws/engis and bws
Tushi Splats Tush Emoalbino Podge

Posts: 1295

Re: Order lack of melee

Post#9 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:02 am

Vlad333 wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:23 am Take the Phoenix Gate sc i'm just in, as i write this.
An orc takes our flag, big fight, no one cares to interrupt the guy picking the flag. Then, after he takes it and has a big ass blue light above him, EVERYONE hits anyone else but him, and he runs away, just me shooting his ass and chasing.
I am sorry but order is just plainly, full of idiots. There is no other explanation. Low IQ is the only viable one.
First mistake => you queue all SCs. if you play as a pick up you MUST queue only for PUG SC (nordenwatch iirrc is pug sc atm). if you queue for all you will face premades...premades CANT queue pug sc.

if you think your faction is missing some kind of roles you can play by yourself => roll a tank and support your realm. opening a topic on forum for other players roll the classes missed to support your mdps....

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Posts: 294

Re: Order lack of melee

Post#10 » Wed Mar 18, 2020 11:36 am

Destro melee train OP!

nerf destroooo!!!!

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