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Sorc: Solo Roam Options

Black Guard, Sorceress, Witch Elf, Disciple of Khaine
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Posts: 81

Sorc: Solo Roam Options

Post#1 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:03 am

Hey guys,

So I've joined the darkside and have been playing my sorc for awhile now. I leveled a Bw first (To bring back some memories from Live (Achieved RR88 before quitting to play rift). And it was distinctly easier to kite on my Bw compared to Sorc. RKD and snare on WH made that more than laughable.

Question I prose to you vets is how do you deal with White Lions, S+B Tanks, and Smart Slayers? These seem to be my worst match ups.

I can handle WHs, and Sws even when they get the jump on me (Whs are a little more difficult if I don't know they are in the area).

Any advice for how to handle LOLPOUNCE SPAM? Or do I resign myself to hitting the respawn button? Regarding smart slayers - Those who know when to use Charge and their KD.

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Re: Sorc: Solo Roam Options

Post#2 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:07 am

You will not (and shouldn't) be able to beat a wl. Only the retarded ones will die to a sorc. I'm sure someone will come to this thread and tell you to disarm andlolzgameover but no, it doesn't work that way. A good WH should kill you as well and even a medicore sw should be able to get you down fast enough. Live sorcs at r100 were actually decent but that's only because r100 made everyone op :)

Posts: 411

Re: Sorc: Solo Roam Options

Post#3 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:46 am

Game isn't balanced for solo play. You will find a lot of fights can be grossly one-sided, with one class having virtually nothing to put into the fight. Get good with your class, exploit features and weaknesses of the enemy, and get used to the fact some classes are going to bulldoze you no matter how good you play.

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Re: Sorc: Solo Roam Options

Post#4 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:51 am

Hit Flee immediately then chug an Action Point potion. You probably already knew this, but, the next step is to use your root on the pet. If the WL is still kinda far away still, I usually burn a global next on a detaunt for the pet.

Then you do the only thing you can which is strafe-run-kite away and dot up the WL. I wouldn't burn disarm right away, it's typically one of the last abilities you use and save it for when the pet has broken root and is like 45 feet away so the WL cannot burst with coordinated strikes once the pet gets there. I.e. time disarm to land just before the pet arrives.

If you outgear the WL, you have a good chance of winning. Otherwise you are probably boned.

FYI Pounce goes in a straight line and doesn't adjust when you change direction. You can kite strafe away one direction, and just as the WL pounces, switch to the other way and you'll by some time.
Last edited by Mez on Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Word of Pain and Boiling Blood are no longer able to proc anything. The Bright Wizard College has confirmed this is a big deal. (stealth nerf)

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Re: Sorc: Solo Roam Options

Post#5 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:59 am

On slayers:

Flee is the only way to really kite a slayer while he has charge up. On slayers, the best thing you can do is try and get an arctic blast on him ASAP. You can cast this ability first, and while the spell travels (bolt spell has travel times), you can hit chillwind next to apply your curse, which will allow arctic blast to actually snare. I hope that makes sense.

Now that you have the slayer snared, he will burn his root-break and hit charge. This is when you are Fleeing away, drinking AP potions. I love this setup on a slayer because now I can still use my root, and he can't break out.

So when the slayer finally gets to you, you can root him and dot some more, or risk a quick gloomburst. Remember, you can use 1 tick of Hand of Ruin on the run just as an insta. Next, the slayer can be disarmed at he final moments when he gets to you.
Word of Pain and Boiling Blood are no longer able to proc anything. The Bright Wizard College has confirmed this is a big deal. (stealth nerf)

Posts: 12

Re: Sorc: Solo Roam Options

Post#6 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:05 am

witch hunter gona pwn you easy,you are easy target and y like to kill sorc when y see them...

Posts: 216

Re: Sorc: Solo Roam Options

Post#7 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 7:33 am

You can kill wls. Just hit RD and detaunt to live through their charge so you dont get snared, pop a pot, and keep kiting. Once they burn charge they will not catch you with anything but pounce. Dont even bother stopping to disarm, just keep moving and dotting and you should do fine, pounce does a lot less damage than people think (sure you can show a ss of a lucky pounce crit of 1k, but i can show one of my sorcs hand of ruin critting for 1500). Just dont stop moving, even for a disarm, and you should do fine, as long as you arent full glass cannon.

If you dont have rd up or are too low to get it, flee + ap pots works, its harder but still possible.
Aenea - SW / Aeneaa - AM
Sizer - Shaman / Artsupplies - Sorc

Posts: 81

Re: Sorc: Solo Roam Options

Post#8 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:43 am

Mez wrote:On slayers:

Flee is the only way to really kite a slayer while he has charge up. On slayers, the best thing you can do is try and get an arctic blast on him ASAP. You can cast this ability first, and while the spell travels (bolt spell has travel times), you can hit chillwind next to apply your curse, which will allow arctic blast to actually snare. I hope that makes sense.

Now that you have the slayer snared, he will burn his root-break and hit charge. This is when you are Fleeing away, drinking AP potions. I love this setup on a slayer because now I can still use my root, and he can't break out.

So when the slayer finally gets to you, you can root him and dot some more, or risk a quick gloomburst. Remember, you can use 1 tick of Hand of Ruin on the run just as an insta. Next, the slayer can be disarmed at he final moments when he gets to you.
Thanks mate, I was already utilising Flee + AP pot (I Usually don't double down on them unless I need too though) good advice on the articblast and then root idea. I hadn't even considered trying that. I was already aware of the case time + land a DoT. I already Abuse the jump cast on HoR.
Mez wrote:Hit Flee immediately then chug an Action Point potion. You probably already knew this, but, the next step is to use your root on the pet. If the WL is still kinda far away still, I usually burn a global next on a detaunt for the pet.

Then you do the only thing you can which is strafe-run-kite away and dot up the WL. I wouldn't burn disarm right away, it's typically one of the last abilities you use and save it for when the pet has broken root and is like 45 feet away so the WL cannot burst with coordinated strikes once the pet gets there. I.e. time disarm to land just before the pet arrives.

If you outgear the WL, you have a good chance of winning. Otherwise you are probably boned.

FYI Pounce goes in a straight line and doesn't adjust when you change direction. You can kite strafe away one direction, and just as the WL pounces, switch to the other way and you'll by some time.
See typically this is what I attempt to do - although I was not aware that Pounce only worked in a straight line. Thanks for the heads up on that one (I have only played Destro for about 3 weeks now). I appreciate your thoughts and I'll definitely give the different strafe a try - Are you doing a 180? Or a 90 degree? 180 would seem counter-productive and only bring you closer to the pet. I can only assume that to try and kite that effectively you're zig zagging effectively?

Posts: 81

Re: Sorc: Solo Roam Options

Post#9 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:44 am

Torquemadra wrote:If you are a good player you can do well solo, if you are amazing, well the skys the limit, there was a couple of solo casters on live who used to embarrass me regularly.....

Experience against your nemesis is a big deal, myself and my ganking buddy Aldorn used to have a mortal foe in Shakes the chosen, in the early days he would kill us both then as we grew as players one would die then the other kill him and eventually we could kick his butt. Good times....
This used to be the way it was on live for me against Maras who knew how to pull effectively. Eventually I grew enough as a player that it didn't matter who the mara was 9/10 times I would beat them 1v1,

Posts: 81

Re: Sorc: Solo Roam Options

Post#10 » Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:46 am

sasa wrote:witch hunter gona pwn you easy,you are easy target and y like to kill sorc when y see them...
Witch hunters do not have the burst capable of completely burning through over 6k HP in 3 seconds (Through pistol whip). And if they are silencing then its simple to chug a Pot, detaunt, sprint and then chug an AP pot. once you create distance they can't do a thing.

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