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Add set bonuses to rvr influence armor.

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Posts: 1429

Add set bonuses to rvr influence armor.

Post#1 » Thu Feb 29, 2024 9:00 pm

Rvr tier zones have an influence unlock armor parts which would be a decent equipment alternative, except because they have no set bonuses they pretty much never get used. So the suggestion is- add set bonuses to them, enough to make them valuable alternative while still keeping sets which cost crests as a better option- for example, add annihilator lvl bonuses to lvl 38/rr38 t4 influence set, and appropriate lower bonuses to lower zones sets.

Obviously since those don't actually cost crests, and don't require investing time into specific activity like pve, no need to add ward unlocks to them- just set bonuses to make them valuable.
"Can we play with him, master? He seems so unhappy. Let us help him smile. Please? Or at least let us carve one on his face when he stops screaming."

— Azeila, Alluress of Slaanesh


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