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Ability Rework Progress

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Posts: 234

Re: Ability Rework Progress

Post#821 » Mon Aug 03, 2015 6:31 am

The buffs from choppa dont know the names atm but 1 with extra thougness and other 1 with Ws if u use iT ur team wont get it

Posts: 783

Re: Ability Rework Progress

Post#822 » Mon Aug 03, 2015 11:13 pm

In some early testing I've found that some AOE abilities are not removing Detaunt (ST).

Tested BW, Smoke Screen detaunt
aoe dmg ability - detonate - should remove on first hit but not dot ticks, FB - should remove

dmg was done on targeted enemy nearby the detaunted enemy

-related- Boiling BLood is still removing detaunt on first tick which is incorrect, should be dmg tick only


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Re: Ability Rework Progress

Post#823 » Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:00 pm

Slayers Break Loose ability doesn't work right. When I am rooted, I can not cast it as its greyed out.

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Re: Ability Rework Progress

Post#824 » Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:09 pm

Unfortunatly I don't have a github account so i can't make a ticket there but theres a problem with the shadow warriors stance bars when you go into scenarios.

When you change zone the abilties will get all muddled in one or two of the stances and you have to redo all your bars each time you go into a SC. The other bars are alright, its just the first one that changes based on stance.

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Posts: 128

Re: Ability Rework Progress

Post#825 » Sat Aug 08, 2015 9:48 pm

Magus - Glean magic not ticking every 3 seconds as it should.
Magus / BG

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Re: Ability Rework Progress

Post#826 » Sun Aug 09, 2015 12:53 pm

Are the tool tips for turrets broken?

The tool tip damage for both abilities on gun turret are listing amounts significantly higher than their actual damage.

Machine gun is saying 120 damage twice per second for 3 seconds, but is dealing 43 twice per second. This is before mitigation. Against tanks with high enough toughness it deals about 5-6 damage.

Same thing for penetrating round.
<Lords of the Locker Room> <Old School>

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Posts: 55

Re: Ability Rework Progress

Post#827 » Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:02 pm

Just wanted to report a bug on shadow warrior.

On live when you fire an arrow (Like Eagle Eye) and then press your moral 2 (+100% damage) buff before the shot lands the double damage is applied to the arrow in the air. This was important because it let you precast long spells and not waste your 7 sec duration. It also let you get the shot off before you poped the moral, as currently sometimes you pop it and then get CCed during your cast :evil:

However currently this doesn't work in RoR.

Source - - 0:49

Posts: 12

Re: Ability Rework Progress

Post#828 » Mon Aug 10, 2015 8:03 pm

Hello. A few words about silence.

So the fact is when you use silence on some caster, not all abilities get unavailable for him. He still can use detaunt or sorc/bw root.

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Re: Ability Rework Progress

Post#829 » Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:00 pm

This thread isn't for bugs, FYI.

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