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Regarding Spellcasting Animations.

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Regarding Spellcasting Animations.

Post#1 » Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:20 am

So, I've noticed for a long time that every race has a set of animations for casting with their weapons holstered AND a separate set of animations whilst wielding their weapon. (Your character automatically draws weapons by default)
You can see these alternate animations yourself by unequipping your weapon and typing /showoff or /kata. The button to sheathe your weapon is unbound but using this to put your weapons on your back does the same thing.
For instance, the Shaman without his weapons uses completely different and really amusing animations - most of them seem to be a tribute to DBZ - there's a Kamehameha animation and a spirit bomb. It tickles me greatly.

One day, it'd be nice to be able to use these awesome animations in combat without being locked into holding your weapon.
Allowing us to use holster key and swap between these sets of animations would be amazing!


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