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Shaman/AM nerf?

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Re: Shaman/AM nerf?

Post#111 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:55 pm

Ysaran wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:48 pm
salazarn wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:55 pm
Ysaran wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 5:07 am
Shaman pays a price for being tanky. If you take the second HoT you have to sacrifice either the heal debuff or the silence. Either way you are no real dps. AM have 4 DoTs (one more than shaman) so it can do even more damage on the move. AM can be just as tanky as shaman, only not using toughness but M1 (for which you don''t have to spend 13pt like shaman, since it is core). Shaman/AM damage on the move has been halved since you can't cast I'll Take That/Balance Essence on the move. So I ask you again: what do you want more? How would you balance the class?

Finally, I can say that shaman is not the strongest roam class because that is not a "fact", just YOUR opinion. I play both side and I know just how annoying WH/AM/WL are. I would be more open to take your opinion seriously if I knew you played shaman/AM or even only both Destru and Order.
Wth is all this. Am has 1 more dot. Sham another Hot...and 240 free toughness....and movespeed buff... Im not even saying AM arent op. Both are for roam everyone knows this. Just that sham is even easier to play. And you act like sham dont get a morale 1. Gorksezstop vs 3600 shield both are good.

And who finds witch hunters scary bro. lol
I disagree and I already explained why, but that's not the point. The topic is about how would you "fix" shaman/AM. So I ask you again: what change do you think would make shaman/AM balanced?
Idk how you can deny shaman roam being op but ok mate.
Hmm maybe choose between being unkillable healer kiter and doing dot damage.

Your ability that increases damage by 25% and nerfs castable heals by 25% should also apply to hots and shields, you know..cos shaman dont actually need to cast a castable heal solo.

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Re: Shaman/AM nerf?

Post#112 » Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:01 pm

salazarn wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 2:55 pm
Ysaran wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:48 pm
salazarn wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 1:55 pm

Wth is all this. Am has 1 more dot. Sham another Hot...and 240 free toughness....and movespeed buff... Im not even saying AM arent op. Both are for roam everyone knows this. Just that sham is even easier to play. And you act like sham dont get a morale 1. Gorksezstop vs 3600 shield both are good.

And who finds witch hunters scary bro. lol
I disagree and I already explained why, but that's not the point. The topic is about how would you "fix" shaman/AM. So I ask you again: what change do you think would make shaman/AM balanced?
Idk how you can deny shaman roam being op but ok mate.
Hmm maybe choose between being unkillable healer kiter and doing dot damage.

Your ability that increases damage by 25% and nerfs castable heals by 25% should also apply to hots and shields, you know..cos shaman dont actually need to cast a castable heal solo.
The "ability" you are talking about is a tactic called "Divine Fury". The tactic already work on HoTs. It doesn't work on absorb, thought the effect on absorb would be minimal. If you are "unkillable healer kiter" the you are healer, which means the you can kill ****, no matter the number of DoTs. Instead, if your DoTs are doing serious damage, then you are specced DPS and you are made of butter.

Also, let me give you some numbers. You have 3 DoTs: Life Leaka (15s duration, spammable, doesn't stack), Bleed Fer' Me (24s duration, 10s CD, doesn't stack) and Get 'n Smarter (15s duration, 10s CD, doesn't stack). With roughly 200 damage bonus you get the following damage:

Life Leaka 1500/15s
Bleed Fer' Me 2500/24s
Get 'n Smarter 1500/15s

For a total of roughly 300/1s plus 75/1s from Divine Fury plus 125/1s plus 56/1s from the possible critical hits (I calculated the damage assuming 30% crit chances, but even with 50% you don't get much higher) for a total of 556/1s. Even assuming you are able to cast Gork Sayz Stop you get 856/s. Which measn it takes a Shaman at least 10s to kill a target with 8k hp after you place all 3 doTs on the target (which is 4.5s more, 1.5s for each DoT's due to GCD). finally considering that M1 becomes availbale only after 10s of fight. And conisder that all these calculations don't account for the target Toughness and Resistence.

You can't cast I'll Take That on the move anymore, so 90% of you damage comes from those 3 DoTs, and the remaining 10% from Bunch o' Waaagh. It's not like you get one shotted. Shaman requires a lot of time to actually kill the target. You have literally no burst.

As a WH you can just use Shroud of Magnus and Charge and Flee and you are safe. Shaman has no gap closer so once you are 100+ feet from it you are safe.

And remember that Shroud of Magnus negates Mork Sayz Stop and the damage from the DoTs even after they are applied.

Even every other Mdps can just charge and Flee and don't get killed. As a shaman you kill only those target that are dumb enough to not flee immediatly. Now, this may seems op (flee or die i mean), but WL is even worst. You can't flee a WL he has pounce, pull, charge, flee, snare and KD. Same for Mara, thougn without pounce. Even WH/WE. With both classes you can't decide if you want to engage or not. They pop on you from stealth and you have to fight unless you manage to shake them off. Shaman can shake off WH, but most other classes can't do **** cuz they have the same mobility as WH. And same goes for WE and AM.

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