RoR Podcast Epi 32 Postponed
RoR Podcast Epi 32 Postponed
Heads up gang short notice I know but due to recent events an I am just not up to snuff with things. I am going to push the podcast out by 2 weeks that way I got time to properly plan things out so the next one will be April 27th saturday noon eastern 6pm server. The door is open if you would like to be on the show just reach out I will be resuming the show over on my channel big shoutout to for hosting the show so far look forward to others down the road. Again I will step back into doing the shows an looking forward to having people on the show to talk about various subjects an issues on the server. Feel free to reach out to me via the ror discord or swing by my twitch chat or over on kick im easy to find an as I am working to carry the RoR banner over to that platform. Anyhow looking forward to the next one gang. Side note I am still dealing with health stuff so there may be more shows that have to get postpone unless karis takes over for me an I still have a move ahead of me but THE SHOW MUST GO ON.
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