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The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

In this section, you will find some advices and basics to start quietly ingame. Question like " I'm lvl 1, what shall i do?", "What class shall i pick?", will find some answers in this place.
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Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#21 » Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:49 pm


I added the section + Ranked Scs

I collected all patchnotes and brought all important information about the ranked SCs together.
Let me know if you find some mistakes!

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Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#22 » Tue May 18, 2021 8:46 am


so I did a few things during the last weeks.

+ Ranked Scs is up-to-date (for now :D )
+ LINKS // Guides // docs section got a little beauty rework.
+ Warlord // Sovereign // Alt Sovereign 8th bonus got a little rework, too.

Special thanks to Ganan!

And some little changes here and there...

I have to rewrite some stuff... don't know what kind of mental derangement I was when I wrote some things.

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Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#23 » Fri Jul 23, 2021 6:48 am


I did a little update again.
I removed a few points which were outdated or already posted in another guides.

+ Ranked SCs is up-to-date again
+ LINKS // Guides // docs section got a little rework.
+ quick reads - some informative texts section got a little rework, too.

Maybe I will do a rework of the Addon section soon, because it's the most visited one.

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Posts: 51

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#24 » Tue Feb 07, 2023 1:09 pm

To put your nameplates back to normal, use
/script SetNamesAndTitlesFont("font_name_plate_names","font_name_plate_titles")

If you have poor eyesight and don't like to wear your speccy bin-bins (like me) you can use the name font for titles by putting it as the second parameter like this...
/script SetNamesAndTitlesFont("font_name_plate_names","font_name_plate_names")

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Posts: 37

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#25 » Wed Feb 08, 2023 6:14 am

Thank you the post, I will check it in details how to improve the running of the game more smoothly.
Yesterday, just fixed the Cmap addon problems. :)

Posts: 39

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#26 » Tue Dec 26, 2023 7:01 pm

The link to cupnoodles git-lab is out of date, it's now:

Also the old link was wrong it's not masta but master.

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Posts: 1317

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#27 » Tue Dec 26, 2023 9:23 pm

Thaodan wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 7:01 pm The link to cupnoodles git-lab is out of date, it's now:

Also the old link was wrong it's not masta but master.


thx for the heads up. I changed the link.

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Posts: 48

Re: The Return of Reckoning - Cheat Sheet

Post#28 » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:57 pm

Loved to scroll through the links, even though I'm only a n00b talent-wise. Added nostalgia through the exhumed links from a decade and a half ago.


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