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Patch Notes 22/12/2023

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Patch Notes 22/12/2023

Post#1 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:00 pm

Live Event Video!

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Live Event: Keg End


The wheel of the seasons has turned, ushering out the sun’s last warmth with bitter blasts of northern winds. As snow creeps down to block mountain passes and lock the Warhammer world in the icy talons of winter, the citizens of the Old World raise their mugs high; the time of Keg End is at hand. In an epic celebration fraught with boasting, toasting, and epic fireworks, the Dwarfs clear out their stores of ales, beers and other intoxicating beverages in order to bring luck in the New Year and make way for a stock of better, stronger brews. But the dwarfs are not alone in their celebrations as ogres and giants once again invade the lands of the Old World, and the greenskins are always finding ways to ruin dwarfen festivities.

The Holidays are upon us and, as such, Keg End returns to WAR! This year Keg End returns to the dwarfen holds of Karaz-a-Karak and Karak Eight Peaks, though the latter is in need of some housekeeping. Travel there and speak to Josef Bugman or Wurrzag Ud Ura Zahubu to begin your Keg End experience.

Keg End will start on December 22nd at 12:00 Altdorf time and last until January 1st12:00 Altdorf time.


- Basic reward: [Party Keg], 21 day duration item that gives a 5 minute renown and XP boost for party

- Advanced reward: [Keg Tapper], 60 day event slot item

- Elite reward: Exclusive New Cloak Appearance [Ranger's Cloak] Preview here, or two Potions of Acclaim, or the Dwarfen Flask for Order or Looted Stunty Flask for Destruction Preview here. (NOTE: At the time of the live event launch we were unable to get the Flasks imported in time... blame the Grinch. We will try to import the models in a timely manner before the live event ends. You can still claim the item, it will just have the wrong appearance.)

Keg End live event rewards can be claimed at Borgrim Mugslammer in the Tavern District of Karaz-a-Karak, or Gaggmagit Slopreek in Da Great Green Hall of Karak Eight Peaks. Both are next to the normal heralds, Josef Bugman and Wurrzag Ud Ura Zahubu.

- Completing all tasks: Exclusive Title – Brew Hound (Order), Broo Dawg (Destruction)

- Completing the 'Saving Keg End' Quest - [Dwarf Keg-Handler] (Order), [Goblin Bar-Back] (Destruction)

Defeating Giants in RvR lakes: [Battle Brew Backpack] and Fireworks

Defeating players in PvP: [Keg End Present] with random gifts, including three rare never-before-seen fireworks!

Golden Stein: Find and drink from the Golden Stein in RvR lakes for a 6 hour +25% renown, XP and influence boost.

A limited-time Keg End quest 'Keg End Special' has been hidden somewhere in the world. This quest is a branching quest, where taking one path in the quest line will block you from taking others. The rewards differ based on the path you choose, so choose wisely. The hidden quests 'Homeward Bound' and ‘Home is Where the Hearth Is’ have been added, their location is only revealed to the worthy.

Live Event Shoppe & Dyes
This Keg End visit two new vendors in Karaz-a-Karak or Karak Eight Peaks, near the Live Event heralds Borgrim Mugslammer and Gaggmagit Slopreek respectively, to see what limited-time curiosities await you.

It wouldn't be a new live event without some new themed dyes. 22 live event dyes related to the stony dwarfs and their Kev End festivities are available only during Keg End. Two of these dyes (Pure Silver and Pure Mithril) are unique in that they replace the specular dyes of your gear (for gear that uses specular dyes); these may only appear if your graphics settings are high enough. Please note that these dyes are only available for purchase during this Live Event.

Dye previews are available here towards the bottom, but please be aware that the colors may apply differently on different base armor colors. We recommend to use an addon such as Pocket Palette to see how this dye will look on your armor. These colors were drawn largely from Citadel Paints and Games Workshop publications. We hope to continue to introduce new dyes based on inspiration from the source material in the Live Events to come.

RvR Campaign Changes

Boiling Oil now correctly pours again for four ticks of undefendable damage. The overall damage of the oil is still being reviewed and may be slightly adjusted in the future.

Combat and Careers
General Changes and Fixes

- [21669] - Ability VFX no longer lost when switching region.

Bug Fixes

- [21844] - Auras no longer turn off when there's a higher level aura in same party.

Balance Changes

- Crown of Fire - Flames of Rhuin now has a 45% (down from 75%) chance to trigger.

Note: Increasing the proc rate by 200% of its original value, for the entire party, hasn't been balanced in the past and isn’t now either. It’s fair for BW/sorc buffs to be kept at a slightly higher proc rate than the WP/DoK auras thanks to them being removable. The new value is based on the relative increase in proc rate that Potent Convenants give.
PC: 35/20=175%,
CoF/FF: 45/25=180%.

Previously on RoR this tactic only affected the caster, without it being stated on the tooltip. Currently it affects all targets of the buff.

- Flames of Rhuin - This ability now has a 30s cooldown.

- Flame Shield - This ability now has a 30s cooldown.

Bug Fixes

- [21586] - Strafing run doesn't knockdown
- [21586] - Strafing run punt not "send enemies flying away" more like small prod

Balance Changes

- Electromagnet - Range reduced to 65ft (from 75ft). Cast time increased to 2s (from 1s).

Note: Ranged decreased to match that of most single target interrupts, such as taunt, surging power, flashbang, red tipped arrer. Cast time increased so that the enemy has longer than 1GCD to react to the pull by interrupting, moving out of range or using LoS. If used in the thick of AoE combat, the increased cast time will mean more setback, which give the enemy additional time to react as the animation gets harder to spot.

Bug Fixes

- [21844] - Auras no longer turn off when there's a higher level aura in same party.

Balance Changes

- Chaotic Rift - Range reduced to 65ft (from 75ft). Cast time increased to 2s (from 1s).

Note: Ranged decreased to match that of most single target interrupts, such as taunt, surging power, flashbang, red tipped arrer. Cast time increased so that the enemy has longer than 1GCD to react to the pull by interrupting, moving out of range or using LoS. If used in the thick of AoE combat, the increased cast time will mean more setback, which give the enemy additional time to react as the animation gets harder to spot.

Bug Fixes

- Thirst for Death - The internal cooldown is fixed, it should proc more often.

Balance Changes

- Frozen Fury - Frozen Touch now has a 45% (down from75%) chance to trigger.

Note: Increasing the proc rate by 200% of its original value, for the entire party, hasn't been balanced in the past and isn’t now either. It’s fair for BW/sorc buffs to be kept at a slightly higher proc rate than the WP/DoK auras thanks to them being removable. The new value is based on the relative increase in proc rate that Potent Convenants give.
PC: 35/20=175%,
CoF/FF: 45/25=180%.

Previously on RoR this tactic only affected the caster, without it being stated on the tooltip. Currently it affects all targets of the buff.

- Tapping the Dark - This tactic now has a 3s (from none) ICD per party member.

Note: This is in line with most similar effects/tactics. This tactic will still provide a lot of protection for the majority of the group. Now it will however trigger once every 2 GCDs in AoE fights at best. Instead of potentially several times per GCD.

- Frozen Touch - This ability now has a 30s cooldown.

- Daemonic Chill - This ability now has a 30s cooldown.


Altdorf and Inevitable City Quests
Adjusted the minimum level for the Fortress quests "All the King's Horses" and "Overcoming Madness" to rank 16.

Added 2 new Fortress quests for the HE/DE pairing. They can be found from Finubar and Malekith in Altdorf and The Inevitable City.

RvR Quests
Added War Crests as a quest reward to the one time scout Battlefield Objective quests and kill Enemy Player quests for all warcamps and factions.

Fixed the spawn location of Unok the Gladiator. He can now be attacked and completed normally again.

Fixed the Spawn Location of the Glowing Herdstone. It can be attacked normally again.

Bug Fixes

[21905] - Fixed the spawn location of some Avelorn PQ mobs.
[21877] -"Mysterious M.B." and "Alive and Well" quests disappeared
[21624] - Chosen Aura sometimes switch off when you are in loading screen
[21669] - KOTBS auras visual (sun rays) disappear when changing zone
[21844] - Higher-level chosen auras turn off lower-level auras
[21586] - Engi - Strafing run doesn't knockdown
[21861] - Strafing run punt not "send enemies flying away" more like small prod

Posts: 319

Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2023

Post#2 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 1:09 pm

Ranged meta getting nerfed again

Posts: 682

Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2023

Post#3 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:17 pm

Sorc/BW nerfs, really? :lol:
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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2023

Post#4 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 2:27 pm

The Event Flasks look pretty neat, kudos for those. The cloak isn't fitting for any of my destro chars, so having the option to go for a flask instead is greatly appreciated. Although i personally got all the trophies i want already, so i am not gonna stress about getting them.

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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2023

Post#5 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:25 pm

good changes and balance, tnx
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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2023

Post#6 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:33 pm

Video says Jan 1st event runs through, text says: Keg End will start on December 23rd at 12:00 Altdorf time and last until January 6th 12:00 Altdorf time.

Hopefully the 6th is the end date.
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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2023

Post#7 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 4:11 pm

Nerfing engis to 1.4.8 and then nerfing the last reason to have one in RvR wb.
Not bad.

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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2022

Post#8 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 5:41 pm

Does anyone have a screenshoot of the cloak? It doesn't show up for me at the link provided. Thanks.
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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2023

Post#9 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:07 pm

bittrio wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:33 pm Video says Jan 1st event runs through, text says: Keg End will start on December 23rd at 12:00 Altdorf time and last until January 6th 12:00 Altdorf time.

Hopefully the 6th is the end date.

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Re: Patch Notes 22/12/2023

Post#10 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 7:08 pm

Glorian wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 4:11 pm Nerfing engis to 1.4.8 and then nerfing the last reason to have one in RvR wb.
Not bad.
is being a pull-bot fun tho ? And u guys mostly stand on a Hill sniping anyway rights so. That seems atleast somewhat fun, being a pull-bot is mindless snooze fest
Ravezaar Slayer rr86
Ravezz Ironbreker rr82
Goingsolo Shadow Warrior rr81
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