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Get'n Smarter not stacking with Int Pots

Black Orc, Squig Herder, Choppa, Shaman
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Posts: 158

Get'n Smarter not stacking with Int Pots

Post#1 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 1:03 am

Get'n Smarter when cast gives a shaman a 120 int boost for 15 secs. My shaman currently has 909 int and when i cast GS on a training dummy both getstats and the character window shoe 129 int- so far so good - as you would expect. If i drop an 80 int pot both getstats and character show show 989 int - again no problem.

However, after dropping the pot if i cast GS on the dummy getstats and character window only shows 129 int - as if its ignoring the pot. I though in would be 179ish ( dunno if rounds up or down ) - ie the first 61 int of GS gets me from 989 to 1050 int with the remaining 59 halved to 29.5 cos its over 1050 giving a total int of 1079ish.

1. Is this a bug i should report. Dont want to post a bug if its not or
2. Is there some balance reason preventing GS and int pots stacking or
3. Is getstats and character window bugged

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Posts: 1527

Re: Get'n Smarter not stacking with Int Pots

Post#2 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:48 am

Potions and non-morale abilities are almost always in the same stacking group so the two won't add together. If you want to use that buff then it allows you to use a different potion buff instead.
Gone as of autumn 2024.

Posts: 158

Re: Get'n Smarter not stacking with Int Pots

Post#3 » Tue Dec 05, 2023 3:16 am

Many thx- that clears it up -

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