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Choosing class and addon installment

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Posts: 1

Choosing class and addon installment

Post#1 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:35 pm

Hey guys, I so I've just downloaded the game and I'm wondering which class I should play, basically I play for a ranged wizard class with a lot of utillity, I like playing DPS roles but wouldn't mind a healer dps hybrid.
I played warlock in classic wow and liked it a lot so if you have anything similar to it I'll be glad to hear.
also if you can tell me how the Magus, Brightwizard and Sorcerer compare to one another in utillity, AOE damage and ST damage, tankiness and mobillity Ill be glad to hear. thanks.

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Re: Choosing class and addon installment

Post#2 » Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:44 pm

Magus is a bit like the warlock in wow.

They have pets, magical damage and can be tanky.
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