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Weekly pips, aao incentive, orvr inf

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Weekly pips, aao incentive, orvr inf

Post#1 » Sun May 08, 2022 2:57 pm


A while back I made a suggestion for a weekly system with 3 pips. The game was in a different state back then, and the game have seen some updates since then. For example unified currency so a new set of issues are in "need" of being adressed. So making a new updated suggestion.

The old suggestion:
viewtopic.php?f=15&t=46932&p=498679&hil ... nf#p498679

What I would say works with the weekly idea in its current implimentation:

- Players are more motivated to participate in orvr campaign
- Players being more active in orvr gives a better server enviroment and experience
- Weekly reward and unified currency is scaling to meet everyone in their current gearing phase to enjoy and welcome all players to participate no matter if they are anni or sove geared.

What I would deem issues with the current system to be adressed:
- Players flock to the dominating momentum realm for easy keeptake task
- There is no incentive or solution to being underdog and trying to get the weekly done, apart from "get good and better organized" something we have seen in the past years is not enough for RoR.
- It is simply not appealing isolated looking at a weekly-motivation progression view to go to underdog if you need progression as an average player and not a top-discord builder community, to ever go underdog for AAO as sole incentive.

Returning to the core of my old suggestion, tieing openRvR influence into the weekly pip progression would indirectly make AAO weekly progression more appealing and allow for the underdog realm at a current time/timezone to still progress their weekly without facing the temptation of swapping over to the zonelock train.
AAO as it stands right now is not actually helping in defeating or turning an outnumbered situation around, the only anti-zerg mechanics in the game currently are AoE canons scaling with targets hit, or the LOTD anti-zerg debuff. AAO giving more renown when the progression path is very token gated is not making aao hunting appealing for players who can fight outnumbered and have acces to both realms. The incentive alone of more renown, very small crest dropchance from kills is not currently enough for enough of a portion of the playerbase to swap over and put up a fight (rare case of it happening yet still worth mentioning it does happen!)

Back to the actual suggestion, if openRvR influence was tied into the weekly and you just need X ammount of influence for the pip rewards that would mean;
- Players of all gear levels have options to progress their weekly (solo roaming, smallscale, 6man, 12man, warband, zerging, pug, hardcore, organized, sub 40s, 40s, Best in slot geared) Because objective play from boxrunning, capping BOs, and killing all reward orvr influence allowing for every playstyle to progress even when outnumbered.
- Any realm with high AAO and fighting against the masses, are getting more rewards and faster progression matching their efforts and risk, promoting strong players to go underdog.
- In case of timezones with stalemates and no zonelocks, or situations where there are no keeptake/fort takes a specific task like that is not an issue and weekly can be progressed from objective/killing still.
- during 2x events the 3rd portion of the rp/exp/inf bonus would actually finally be something players would be slightly enjoying, instead of only benefitting PQ inf and not even dungeon inf. Basicly making influence being something people are excited about again.
- Making T2-T3 zones have same value as T4 zones for players at rank 40 who can no longer use lower tier orvr current reward. Adding more interest for the T2-T3 zones.

Thanks for reading.
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