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Slayer balance proposal

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Slayer balance proposal

Post#1 » Fri Dec 17, 2021 8:57 am

Currently there are three major issues with slayer
A) one build can be both st and aoe, The significant abilities can be taken in one build and so no hard choices need to be made, ie cookie cutter build.
Aoe damage (Id, retribution) , aoe slow(no escape) aoe cd increased (shattered limbs) , heal debuff (deep wounds)
B) rampage is too strong and very low in the trees, this has become even more powerful since target cap moved to 24 from 9.
C) no reason to go down the middle tree (path of giant slayer)

This proposal attempts to address these issues

To address both points A and C move the positions of heal debuff from troll slayer left tree middle to middle tree 13 point and move the spell breaker to 6 point trollslayer ( think spell breaker is too strong for a 9 point skill in current form so would suggest it either removes only bubble or shatters) . The tree requirements of 2h and rage exists should stay in the trees as they are so heal debuff would requires 2h ..
This makes the middle tree more interesting and consolidates heal debuff in mid tree (m4 already contains heal debuff moral) .As heal debuff is synonymous with single target the midd tree becomes more single target/2h

(Edit : added alternative for rampage)
To address B the power of rampage
Option 1:
To address the power of rampage as a 5 point skill the suggestion is that this skill only affects targeted enemy.
This makes more sense to have this as a support tool when targeted enemy has significant defenses rather than the current form which benefits aoe where it removes the defenses of upto 24 players for the slayer.

Option 2:
As both slayer and choppa already have a skill which allows reduces block and parry by 50% on targeted enemy option 1 could be seen as not adding anything interesting so an alternative could be a new skill for both choppa and slayer to address the difference in thier skills.
So option 2 would be a replacement skill for rampage and choppa keep on choppin,
The new skill would be “remove guard from targeted player, 10 or 20 s cool down, so a very specific type of spell break,shatter. Possible names and text
choppa: you are alone (can’t speak green skin) , you attack is so skilled no attacker is prepared to save your target, removing any guard placed on the target, and doing xxx damage.
Slayer: No friends, you attack the target so viciously that none will help the target, removing any guard placed on the target and doing xxx damage

The point of the new skill is to give single target groups alternatives to punting the tank , as guard can be reapplied if seen there is a reasonable counter by simply reappliying guard but the removal means there is an option and reaction needed.


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