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Chosens, Knights and Lions a tail of survivability!

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Posts: 3

Chosens, Knights and Lions a tail of survivability!

Post#1 » Mon Sep 20, 2021 3:47 pm

I play a white lion on this amazing server of yours and I noticed there is some strange behaviour with buffs for lions, which results in them dieing with a Chosen nearby.

There is inconsistencys with them counting as group members as they profit from group heals and the swordmaster on hit buffs like Phantom's Blade. But cant be buffed from Runepriest and are not affected by Knight auras which is where the problem comes in. As they are affected by Chosen debuff auras which results in them floping even when healed in small skirmishes aslong as there is a Chosen on the enemy team(Incase you are getting reports of lions randomly dieing).

Normaly even I would say if a Chosen is the problem well bring a Knight, this is sadly not an option as the lion itself is not affected by the counter to the chosen debuffs. This renders the lion realy squishy and the build where the lion does the damage rather weak as soon as a Chosen steps into the fray with no counter options or play. Obviously I would love for you to enable all group buffs on lions, but if you rather woundt do that beceaus of balance reasons please consider disabling Chosen debuffs on pets or Lions specificly as the normal option of countering Chosens which is to bring a knight is not an option for the lions.

Thanks alot for your time.


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