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[AM] What is the role/playstyle of an AM?

Swordmaster, Shadow Warrior, White Lion, Archmage
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Posts: 19

[AM] What is the role/playstyle of an AM?

Post#1 » Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:19 pm

A while back I wrote the AM heal guide which is still being updated irregulary whenever I encounter new questions or other things I want to clarify. Since then there have been a few posts regarding AM's and their need for balancing, topics I've deliberately stayed out of. However I do think that many of the changes proposed in those threads would change the AM to be more like a WP or RP. But I didnt start this topic today to specifically talk about balance or future changes but in order to discuss what the role of an AM is in a warband, be it city or oRvR. In my guide I give a little glimpse of how I like to play my AM, namely an utility focused archmage. I know there are a lot of archmages that perform well with a heal oriented build but the way I see my role in the warbands I play in, my role is a little different, and I admit it puts a little strain on my fellow healpartner in my group but at least they usually get high numbers as a result.
The way I play is to not care as much about my group as I would on my WP or RP but instead focus on the warband as a whole, a more of raid healer. EoV, funnel essence and infusion works well for this kind of role, since it can deliver a lot of aoe healing or single target healing when needed. Which means you probably will suffer in the overall healing but you will deliver a lot of healing when it matters. A little akin to WH/WE damage compared to big AoE damage dealers where they get lots of deathblows but 'little' overall damage. A secondary part of this is a constant watch for positioning to be able to land good puddles as needed, which includes listening to raid leaders where they are focusing. Battle rezzes and AP drain are another thing I do a lot of. In most cities my AM probably account for 50% of the resses if not more.

So the question for today is: How do you play your archmage (and at what level of play)? What do you think the role(s) of an Archmage is? What should the role/playstyle of an AM be?

Do try to keep the answers well thought out and serious please.

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Re: [AM] What is the role/playstyle of an AM?

Post#2 » Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:55 pm

Really like your guide, put things into perspective and helped me prioritise skill order :)
If you take requests, i'd love to see your analysis on the stat priority.

As for this discussion.. I'm glad to see we completely agree.. With the tools AMs have we are forced to focus on out of group/ST healing and utility.
Since if we don't.. We are just subpar in-party healers.
I like this playstyle, and hope if devs do make changes it will be in that direction (rather than more like RP/WP).

With WW both AoE heal and ST gets super charged.. Spam EoV and solo heal bulp or spam ST heal with FE while having 3xTF.
Both aspects can turn the tide of a battle if conditions are there for it.
But.. as I'm currently dying whenever someone farts in my direction it's hard to do, and even if we manage to kite that just makes the above even harder to do well.. At which point you just pick an RP/WP instead lol.
I do have a build in mind that will put me at 10k hp and 40% crit reduction so won't complain until it is done and given a fair test..

But it does seem like there's a lot that can go wrong, yes the AP drain can be deadly, but it could also do nothing, same for pool, same for BE and TF getting disrupted if you can't find a goos target.

Anyway it's all part of the fun and why AMs are pretty much the most fun/hardcore class :D
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Posts: 194

Re: [AM] What is the role/playstyle of an AM?

Post#3 » Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:08 am

In short, no one need u, EoV works good only on melee blob and maximum potential with wispering, u die from 2 DPS in 1cc without guard in like 1sec, and every other can outheal u (no mention about outshield), and u get zero contrib in city while all bags go to WP. Dunno i try my best but it feel bad now. EoV is a powerfull tool, but it the only thing what really shine, and maybe puddle. When i saw how WP can siphon group from 1hp to full i was beyond jealous. And after i know that RP have no cd insta flash heal...... Well i have self stun res, and cant even use it beacose my normal state in city is running from 3-5 dps while my tanks '' protecting dps'' and cant switch guard even once. And thse tanks 1 in contrib list. No coments. Playin AM today is like playing Jesus, u help pugs suffer for them, die for them, and give your bag for them. And than thay pray to you as worst heal in order.

Posts: 653

Re: [AM] What is the role/playstyle of an AM?

Post#4 » Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:24 am

AM in warbands is heavily utility-focused.

If one look only at healing numbers and forget all the unique things the class has to offer, one is only playing half a class.
"I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream; that's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor... and surviving." - Colonel Walter E. Kurtz

Posts: 337

Re: [AM] What is the role/playstyle of an AM?

Post#5 » Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:26 am

puddle for warband :D

one AM is always good to have in wb just like shaman. No dont use instares, because no one is allowed to die anyway and waste of tacticslot.
hots hots hots hots eov. If SM eov spam when you can.
great kiter and can take alot of damage, that wil lbe needed becaue AM is first target enemy go for(because most AMs cant really play the class)

Worst healer to stack in city warband, but dont mind 1 or 2 because their superior healing (with WW) in city at least where its mostly meleeblob
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Re: [AM] What is the role/playstyle of an AM?

Post#6 » Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:04 am

At least when I was playing regularly on organized warband nights, melee heavy groups increase your healing capabilities massively. It becomes insane fun when you don't have to worry about EoV, and morale pumping, and instant ressing, and proper puddles, and AoE healing your group to help your fellow group healer, all of these at the same time. Just having one of these be less stressful makes the class far more enjoyable overnight.

The only problem AM has is the survival capability. While the other healers have a laugh with medium armor and whatnot, you die to anything that isn't immediately detaunted.

So playstyle? Honestly, there isn't one. You just do what the warband requires best. It's never really the case of "This is how you play AM".

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Re: [AM] What is the role/playstyle of an AM?

Post#7 » Thu Jan 21, 2021 11:30 am

Play style is usually pug in City wbs since everyone is spamming “LF 4 healers Wp+Rp”

I have a 83 Wp and a 75Am. On my Wp I can eat dinner / watch tv while playing and do more for my group and die less than I can fully focused on my AM. When 2 WE pop on me I laughed at them trying to kill me, on my AM I die.

We lack survivability we lack group utility. We don’t have a useful group buff and we don’t really do anything useful better than a WP and RP.

As an AM I throw hots on everyone during down time. I pick the better dps and throw Magical Infusion on them when fight is getting heavy. Constantly cleanse with cleanse+hot tactic. Puddle on cool down somewhere in the blob. Try to stay at the outside of fights and FE whoever is getting focused.
The King.

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Re: [AM] What is the role/playstyle of an AM?

Post#8 » Thu Jan 21, 2021 3:07 pm

Sever1n wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:08 am In short, no one need u, EoV works good only on melee blob and maximum potential with wispering, u die from 2 DPS in 1cc without guard in like 1sec, and every other can outheal u (no mention about outshield), and u get zero contrib in city while all bags go to WP. Dunno i try my best but it feel bad now. EoV is a powerfull tool, but it the only thing what really shine, and maybe puddle. When i saw how WP can siphon group from 1hp to full i was beyond jealous. And after i know that RP have no cd insta flash heal...... Well i have self stun res, and cant even use it beacose my normal state in city is running from 3-5 dps while my tanks '' protecting dps'' and cant switch guard even once. And thse tanks 1 in contrib list. No coments. Playin AM today is like playing Jesus, u help pugs suffer for them, die for them, and give your bag for them. And than thay pray to you as worst heal in order.

haha well summarized.
I think heal contribution in city is giving too much to fluff HoT.
It doesn't matter cleansed what, saved from what.

AM have best burst heal.
don't need morales to save target from 1%. 2k is common, 3k is not rare.
only need to stay alive until casting ends. either you or target.

it's the one character i had gave up rvr.
too squishy for my style.
but best pve healer where you left alone to free cast.
I recently playing it again only for sov dps set. I probably go solo style after sov. and pve with invader.

while in city farming, i'm trying emergency life saver. that's if you're left alone.
often just throw everything b4 die.
not really a role or style, just surviving.
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Re: [AM] What is the role/playstyle of an AM?

Post#9 » Thu Jan 21, 2021 3:10 pm

Unfortunately its a shame that for Wb some classes are soo good you just lose out if you want to have a diverse roster
which is sad but unfortunately the state of the game
in our wb we usually have only 1 AM which sucks but what can you do

Posts: 19

Re: [AM] What is the role/playstyle of an AM?

Post#10 » Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:27 pm

Thanks everyone that replied. I just wish that you'd actually read the post and not just the headline (except 1 or 2 of you).

If you want to talk about class balance the latest thread is here.

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