Easy 5 Step New Player Guide!

In this section, you will find some advices and basics to start quietly ingame. Question like " I'm lvl 1, what shall i do?", "What class shall i pick?", will find some answers in this place.
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Easy 5 Step New Player Guide!

Post#1 » Tue Sep 29, 2020 10:58 pm

Step 1: Choose a class you think looks the most badass as every class has a build that makes them great. Keep in mind every class can play as a viable dps besides some of the healers. Some healers are incredible dps while others cannot play the dps roll. For instance Shaman and Archmage can play as incredible dps, while Zealot cannot dps

Step 2: Set up your key binds and quest until level 2 so you can mount. You can obviously continue questing longer than this to get comfortable with your class and get a couple of pieces of gear but level 2 is all you really need to be ready for PvP due to bolstering. Bolstering will boost your stats so you can compete, keep in mind gear does affect your performance in PvP so your first couple levels will be challenging but even so I still recommend PvPing at level 2 (you'll be ok!)

Step 3: To start PvPing open the war report which is a button by the minimap (there's a bug where it doesn't show up by the minimap so open your key binding and bind the war report to a key you don't use). Use it for a free teleport to Nordland under tier 1 (If there is no free nordland teleport go ahead and queue all scenarios which can be found around the minimap, once out of the scenario check for that teleport again. Rinse and repeat until you’re in Nordland)

Step 4: Once in Nordland open the party finder at the top of the screen and see if there is an RvR party in Nordland (RvR is what warhammer players call world PvP). Join the Nordland RvR party and go out and PvP on the battle objectives in Nordland. If there is no Nordland party or you see a padlock on one of the battle objectives that means the zone is locked and you will not get xp so go ahead and join all scenarios. Rinse and repeat RvRing in Nordland when it's open and queuing all scenarios.

Step 5: Get familiar with all the vendors in the Nordland war camp as you will use them to gear up and get your renown abilities (which are useful stat increases). Eventually you’ll want to use the flight master to fly to your main city. Once in your main city find the rally master and set your book of binding there. When you hit lvl 16 you're now out of the tutorial tier 1 content and cannot return to tier 1 RvR zones or you will be turned into a helpless chicken, luckily you can now PvP in ANY tier 2, 3, or 4 zone!


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