Swap squad members in open warband

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Posts: 41

Swap squad members in open warband

Post#1 » Sat Sep 26, 2020 1:40 pm

I do post this with limited experience of full game so far.....but as someone that joins open warbands I noticed that the leader most of the time does not pay attention to squad composition. This makes it difficult for for some roles (tanks) to perform certain duties (guard).

I've been in several WBs and asking the leader to switch people around usually goes unheeded. Maybe they are not paying attention... maybe they don't know how.... So I'd like to propose a mechanic so that when you open up the WB screen, you can select to ask a member of a different squad if they want to swap slots. Don't know if it possible, but thought I'd ask.

Thanks in advance,

(Actually I am completely assuming the leader has this ability).

Posts: 676

Re: Swab squad members in open warband

Post#2 » Sat Sep 26, 2020 1:45 pm

Most of the open warbands are just made by solo people who couldn't find a spot in another warband and just follow the main zerg around.
Often when they do get people they pass lead to someone else, or leave the wb to join one that has a spot for them, making everyone confused and the new leader not even realizing (or just passing the lead to someone else who is as clueless).
I mean this is why you see these warbands spread across a couple of maps and barely even engaging in fights but just moving boxes/with the main ram zerg.
To get the most out of this game, I'd suggest joining a guild that has regular warband activity or to join the warbands that are advertised in /5.
Don't let the "organized" warband thing scare you to apply to the /5 wbs, since more often than not, these people just run with the addon/don't use voice and are pretty casual warbands.

Posts: 41

Re: Swap squad members in open warband

Post#3 » Sat Sep 26, 2020 1:53 pm

Thanks for the reply! I'm usually hesitant of doing that because honestly I am not 100% confident in playing some roles such as a tank. I guess its a performance anxiety if ya will. I feel if I perform badly in a PUG I won't be criticized as badly.

Posts: 676

Re: Swap squad members in open warband

Post#4 » Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:01 pm

Don't worry about that.
No matter what tank you play there are certain basics all should follow.
Guard DPS, move with leader and blob, always stay in guard range, even if dps is lagging a bit behind try to help them out (unless you are guarding pure rdps as engi/sw).
Challenge enemy blob once they are close enough for full effect, most /5 warbands don't do challenge rotations so just drop it where most dps are stacked.
Taunt healers trying to ress (long cast animation) taunt choppas/slayers when they channel, taunt sorcs/bw when they channel.
Use your punt to remove enemy tanks from frontline so their dps melts, always aim punt from flank or back so it doesn't get parried/blocked.
Watch out for your cc, all tanks have a root ability, never use it in warband settings, gives immunity.
Use your knock down on their dps/healers, help your warband run them over.
If your dps is in no danger, guardswap to healers if they focused, healers should always stay with the blob, or at least run to tanks if pressured.
The only reason you can get criticized is if you don't stay with dps/leader and let people die, or you give free immunity (root/aoe punt). If you are a BO/SM never ever use the aoe punt, when you see enemies stacked its better to try and kill them, than to have them spread over.
There are only certain situations where the aoe punt is useful, as you play you will see what those situations are.

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