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Modify the recent keep respawn changes

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Posts: 21

Modify the recent keep respawn changes

Post#1 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 11:40 am

I agree with the essential subtext for the changes - continuously respawning and suicide jumping on a ram until it died was a degenerate tactic that was no doubt frustrating for Destruction, however, as the consistently outnumbered realm it was a legitimate tactic to beat the zerg and defend our keeps in a way that we were able to versus higher numbers (and are sometimes vastly higher numbers).

The changes as they are now benefit Destruction to a much greater degree than it does Order and is leading to a one-sided campaign. When the zerg is in full force there is very limited options for Order to defend keeps and therefore zones as population numbers currently stand. Destruction, with its numbers advantage can simply zerg multiple zones at a time and we cannot defend them meaningfully. Even if Destruction focuses one zone at a time the changes make it impossible to defend a keep if all it takes is one person and a few cannon shots to stop Order from getting into their keep when it's barricaded by the higher population realm who are able to throw numbers at it.

I believe that the fruit of the changes is borne out by the very lopsided campaign that has emerged since the changes were introduced and the number of times that Altdorf is being attacked. Was it two or three times yesterday alone? It feels like the campaign is dramatically increasing in speed, which doesn't feel like a good thing for the game and its longevity. It feels like, from my subjective view, that it is causing good Order players to question whether or not to keep playing on Order side. If this is correct and I am not suggesting that I am right, but if it is and it helps to cause further population changes to be on the winning side it will become a truly self-defeating change that may damage the game and its playability. People want to win occasionally and if you're getting relentlessly stomped by the higher population realm because they now have a substantial advantage over the lower population realm it's going to damage people's willingness to participate. See also, fortress population percentages - how many fortresses have been successfully defended by Order since the change versus how many we used to successfully defend?

It doesn't have to be a wholesale reversion of the keep changes, but making the keeps immediately prevent respawning because some guy with a cannon shot the door is, in my opinion, not the way forward. Perhaps make it at 50%, which is the threshold for no longer being able to use the keep doors?

Posts: 49

Re: Modify the recent keep respawn changes

Post#2 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:07 pm

most idiotic change ever.
now as an order player i cant even play the game. they made this change to avoid 12 hours kv? but it was fun! now the game is totaly ****!
i mean what i supposed to do?!?!? wait to be stomped on orvr and then be stomped also in cities?
now there is nothing that the underpopulated faction can do to play the game until they get stomped.
and if someone comes out to say '' oh but now is more strategic, u can do a lot of things'' i suggest to these peoples to buy a new brain.

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Re: Modify the recent keep respawn changes

Post#3 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:20 pm

puzzolamistica wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:07 pm most idiotic change ever.
now as an order player i cant even play the game. they made this change to avoid 12 hours kv? but it was fun! now the game is totaly ****!
i mean what i supposed to do?!?!? wait to be stomped on orvr and then be stomped also in cities?
now there is nothing that the underpopulated faction can do to play the game until they get stomped.
and if someone comes out to say '' oh but now is more strategic, u can do a lot of things'' i suggest to these peoples to buy a new brain.
Ah u have found the forum and this is what you came up with as ur first post? The change can feel rough of course, especially with the high numbers destro present at the moment. But we also need to better to work together, not afk ***loads in keep and maybe roll one or two more healers. But don´t forget that there is several positive effects on those numbers as well, as one being the aao we get when destro turn up in big numbers. I certainly not complain about those.

The game changes and they adjust things every week. Some changes are better then others, some you have to adapt to more then others. Some you even have to think alot around to handle in a good manner, thats a challenge and a challenge many of us like. Absolutely a reason why I am still playing the game since release back on Live.

Happy hunting!
ORDER - Npkw (SW)
DESTRO - Tunika (DoK), Pinkman (Mara), Kobelina (WE)

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Re: Modify the recent keep respawn changes

Post#4 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:28 pm

puzzolamistica wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:07 pm most idiotic change ever.
now as an order player i cant even play the game. they made this change to avoid 12 hours kv? but it was fun! now the game is totaly ****!
i mean what i supposed to do?!?!? wait to be stomped on orvr and then be stomped also in cities?
now there is nothing that the underpopulated faction can do to play the game until they get stomped.
and if someone comes out to say '' oh but now is more strategic, u can do a lot of things'' i suggest to these peoples to buy a new brain.
Easy man, for me this change is very good. You want perma KV ? Tell You, your side is **** crap, thats all. Its really funny read you, idiot.
Image Ashghul | Image Snurfz | Image Kyrathrin / Karak Azgal

Posts: 21

Re: Modify the recent keep respawn changes

Post#5 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:36 pm

Let's not just get into ad hominem's and talk about the proposal

Posts: 49

Re: Modify the recent keep respawn changes

Post#6 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:48 pm

Npkw wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:20 pm
puzzolamistica wrote: Wed Jul 29, 2020 12:07 pm most idiotic change ever.
now as an order player i cant even play the game. they made this change to avoid 12 hours kv? but it was fun! now the game is totaly ****!
i mean what i supposed to do?!?!? wait to be stomped on orvr and then be stomped also in cities?
now there is nothing that the underpopulated faction can do to play the game until they get stomped.
and if someone comes out to say '' oh but now is more strategic, u can do a lot of things'' i suggest to these peoples to buy a new brain.
Ah u have found the forum and this is what you came up with as ur first post? The change can feel rough of course, especially with the high numbers destro present at the moment. But we also need to better to work together, not afk ***loads in keep and maybe roll one or two more healers. But don´t forget that there is several positive effects on those numbers as well, as one being the aao we get when destro turn up in big numbers. I certainly not complain about those.

The game changes and they adjust things every week. Some changes are better then others, some you have to adapt to more then others. Some you even have to think alot around to handle in a good manner, thats a challenge and a challenge many of us like. Absolutely a reason why I am still playing the game since release back on Live.

Happy hunting!
speaking about release.....if i m not getting wrong this was one of the biggest problem that war had on his realease.
Underpopulate faction could do nothing, they just get zerged and camped out of their spwan, this was one of resons why many left it at the time.
so if i am remembering right why they have to make back a change form 12 years ago that makes the game worst?
in this moment the game is just not fun and pretty much unplayable no matter what.
i loved 12 hours kv, was just a lot of fun(is a game and i want to have fun), and they change it just because someone want to do more cities stomp?

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Re: Modify the recent keep respawn changes

Post#7 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 1:04 pm

I don't think Altdorf siege 2-3 times a day is a very good change for anyone, the best part of the game was open world RVR and now that is less and instead more City Siege, which is one of the worst parts of the end game.

If you are levelling a Char you probably don't mind too much as you get loads of bag rolls and chance at loot, but for everyone else I don't see why it is any good. Destro probably don't mind too much as at the moment they have the number and can just roll through zones, whereas when Order had the numbers a few weeks/months ago at least Destro could halt an Order advance once in a while with a decent keep defence and swing the tide of the war to the other side.

Posts: 29

Re: Modify the recent keep respawn changes

Post#8 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 1:18 pm

it’s incredible how many crying order ppl get out of their holes...
maybe some of you might not remember that we had permanent IC a couple of weeks ago whereas altdorf didn’t get touched for several days. you already forgot about that?
the crying about the current status order is just annoying.
maybe some of you should ask the guys of nge or tmb. i don’t see them complaining in here...

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Posts: 294

Re: Modify the recent keep respawn changes

Post#9 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 1:28 pm

Best rvr change in ages and lot of ppl crying about it...

Yes, now you cant just:
ok i die, i dont care, i respawn on my keep anyways so i can start shootin ppl from walls and respawn again 74646 times if i die...

Better coordination is all you need

Posts: 21

Re: Modify the recent keep respawn changes

Post#10 » Wed Jul 29, 2020 2:12 pm

I feel it is very easy for the dominant side with a higher population to say 'just be better coordinated'. Two nights ago the population skew was 42% Order and 58% Destruction. If this becomes a trend that number may begin to get worse and then your game will disappear.

This is about long-term game health and not allowing faction population dynamics to overtly favour one side over the other in the campaign.

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