How is this game for solo PvE?

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How is this game for solo PvE?

Post#1 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:18 am

I've recently gotten into Warhammer fantasy and have been thinking of checking this game out again. I tried the game a couple of years ago before I knew anything about Warhammer fantasy, so I found it hard to be interested in the game. Now that I know more about Warhammer fantasy (thanks to Total War: Warhammer 2), this game is looking more interesting. Personally, I'm more of a solo PvE kind of guy when it comes to these types of games. Is it doable? Is it fun? I've heard that this game is focused more on PvP.

Posts: 37

Re: How is this game for solo PvE?

Post#2 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 2:38 am

There’s some PvE, but it’s really not anything too exciting, but there’s a lot of lore in the quests and areas.

PvP is definitely the focus.

Posts: 394

Re: How is this game for solo PvE?

Post#3 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 4:04 am

this is not a game for the pve addicted.

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Re: How is this game for solo PvE?

Post#4 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 4:31 am

Don't mind those who are saying that PvE doesn't matter. Afteral it's Warhammer and it's full of lore. I solo PvEd like one year and a half and for me was a blast. I explored zones, fought mobs, tried to kill same mobs over and over thinking of strategies how to beat them, i simply explored every single corner of the map, got more than 3000 tome of knowledge unlocks (which is by far the best achievement system i ever seen - this is what made me play back in 2008) and to be honest with you i find PvE more entertaining than PvP. Simply because there is a lot to do. If you have more questions about PvE contact me in discord at Tibdum#3247. I will be glad to help you

Posts: 394

Re: How is this game for solo PvE?

Post#5 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 4:54 am

i stand corrected ; this is the game for the pve fanatic.

Posts: 321

Re: How is this game for solo PvE?

Post#6 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:23 am

It´s an old game, so don´t expect modern features like full voice over in quests etc. You can do most of the PvE solo, there are some Quests called Epic Quests in every Tier, and in T4 some of them are very hard to do solo depending on what class you play. Imo PvE Quests in Warhammer Online are not particularly engaging or well written, I found them always to be somewhat mediocre, i am also a big fan of the Warhammer Universe (with the exception of Age of Sigmar :lol: ). So if you are after Stories in the Warhammer Universe stick to the books. If you are a completionist, of course, unlocks in the Tome of Knowledge is something you can do, there are indeed a lot but a lot of them are like "Kill 100 xyz" or "Go there and click on this" which was also nothing I enjoyed too much. I levelled my first Character on live through PvE, the others including the Chars here only through PvP. I could not force myself to do PvE again.
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Re: How is this game for solo PvE?

Post#7 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:55 am

That being said, at some point you will reach PvE content where solo you will either have to be at a significantly higher Career Rank to compete or you will need people to group up with (e.g. Public Quests and Lair bosses). The usual chapter questlines can be done at the level they are designed for, but Public Quests are group quests usually, not to mention Dungeons (Sewers/Sacellum from lvl 16 and afterwards Gunbad and all the T4 Dungeons). The /5 LFG channel ingame will help you to find people for all that stuff, but be aware there's way more people doing PvP (and higher Tier dungeons) than the chapters' PvE content.

You might want to the check those Wiki pages: ... pic_Quests (some nice solo challenges and rewards)
Last edited by RuffRyder on Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Posts: 92

Re: How is this game for solo PvE?

Post#8 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:56 am

Most mmo's have boring quests to read thru, so I always skip them. There are actually some good ones here with rich lore and theme. There are tons of unlocks and pqs to do. Just don't expect to be doing a lot of group dungeons, as most are at endgame and on a lockout timer. It can be hard to find other people to do some of the pve stuff though, as the majority do mostly pvp. If you are into Warhammer fantasy, it's definately worth a go. I mean, it's free. What can you lose?

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Re: How is this game for solo PvE?

Post#9 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:28 am

Is there any must do PvE content while lvling and at endgame for gear and progression ?

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Re: How is this game for solo PvE?

Post#10 » Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:52 am

PvE is not mandatory in this game. you can easily level through PvP (RvR or Scenarios or both) and PvE. Best way is to combine all of them. There is a gear progression related to dungeons because of wards and that's it.

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