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Post#1 » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:00 am


New guy here and like mos new guy, I'm a question virgin. Now whether you bring me to an nice love hotel answer or down the alley question is not up to me. I accept any kind of Sempai, but I'd prefer the most experience one, notably the Dev, to answer those questions. If not only to me but to all other question virgins around the WORLD.

Encounter One- Please be gentle

I noticed that we have a database that's currently available to us, question virgin and more experienced ....peopler, folks, fleshy thing, derp....But what can we currently bug right now? What's currently broken? What will I ever do with that 12 inch moving on.

Sugestion: Why not make a small design doc with notes and comment. That could allow non-programmer not to spam re-post or dupe in either the forum or the bug database. Hell, I'm used to do those kind of thing as a QA, give me the go and I'll cook you a template.

Answer: **** it, The guys already doing the best he can. ... f=15&t=350

Encounter two- Got milk?

When I log on the server what i've noticed so far are the lack of certain feature when compared to what WAR used to be. No complain here, its to be expected. What I'm saying is, to help you guys I was thinking of making a small interactive map with leaflet and put some marker for every Quest, Kill collector, Scenario and such.

Inside those marker would have information such as workaround, screenshot, link to the bug database and such. To give us non-programmer some input and prevent question virgin from spamming the same question over and over.

For me making this sort of map is no-sweat, I'm used to make this kind of tool for testing purposes so might as well try it here. I could take a screenshot of nortland and start with that. I just need the go of one of the "official" and i'll be working on it. The only problem is to host that yeah, you're call.

Answer: I'll still cook up something and try to keep it up to date as I go.

Encountry three -!Not there!

There's currently bug in the database, granted, but are those actually useful bug? Does it have all the information that you guyz could use? Mind if I give a bugging template, as to how a bug should be written and such?

This is a description

Reproduction rate: 100% or 5/5

Step to repro:
1-Type your bug in a notepad
2- Check your grammar
3- Copy/paste yo' ****
4- Slam dunk that bug in the database and dance with no pants

Labels: Item, World, sexyness

Additional info:
-personal input

With shtuff like this in the bug database, it would make more sense then lets say: " Dancing pony is not working, Dancing pony should be working because its giving my unicorn an unfair advantage". in all honesty, I hate this sort of ****...I prefer to have an bug where everybody and their retarded step-son could understand then a footnote with your complain. KEEP YO **** CLEAN SON!

Encounter Four - its dark in 'ere

I've all seen the banner, I've all seen the poster girl. "WAR NEED YOU". It may be so, but it doesn't need a constant feedback. In addition with the usual Changelog, is there anything else that could tell us what you guys are currently working on so we could maybe, propably help you with? like a small monthly update saying shtuff like ;

-Working on Scenario
-Working on Class mechanic "Surprise buttsecks"
-Baking cookie
We are aware that we just broke the spoon of destiny, please use the fork of truth"

Answer: **** it, The guys already doing the best he can. ... f=15&t=350

myeah, I'm an annoying like question virgin, I know. But I'm just asking because I want to help you guys. I love this game and I just want to help. If you what I'm saying is too much or whatev, I'm just going to roll and look elsewhere.


Last edited by Mirkul29 on Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
Yeah, I like violence

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Re: QA-Question/Suggestion

Post#2 » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:09 am

Using Google translate for such a big post isn't wise. There are about 158 bugs here in our bug tracker:

The map thing sounds interesting, but it will be a pain to maintain it with all the documented and undocumented changes going about, I for one wouldn't bother.

Bug template? It's probable that almost nobody will use it + there are plenty in the bug tracker. BUT KNOCK YOURSELF OUT MAN :)

What could be useful, for me at least, would be a tester for the Launcher that should try thinking like a retard, which is kinda hard.

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Re: QA-Question/Suggestion

Post#3 » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:27 am

Thx for the Quick Reply JeFawk, updating my post to answer myself and futur virgin.
Yeah, I like violence

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Re: QA-Question/Suggestion

Post#4 » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:30 am

Feel free to help out sort the bugs on the bug tracker as there are a shitload of duplicates :3

Posts: 38

Re: QA-Question/Suggestion

Post#5 » Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:24 am
has a few holes but still up and running

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Re: QA-Question/Suggestion

Post#6 » Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:19 am

JeFawk wrote: What could be useful, for me at least, would be a tester for the Launcher that should try thinking like a retard, which is kinda hard.
Not sure if I should be offended or feel complimented :lol:

I try my best, damn it! :D

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Re: QA-Question/Suggestion

Post#7 » Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:48 am

Elven wrote: Not sure if I should be offended or feel complimented :lol:
Both! So many feels.

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Re: QA-Question/Suggestion

Post#8 » Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:55 am

I did not full understand your post (looks like google trad :P) but if you're starting to summarize duplicated bugs and sorting these kinds of things, I'll be more than happy to help !

I reported a few bugs in the bug tracker but unfortunately I didn't go down far enough in the bug list so my bug reports were actually duplicated.. Maybe sorting is a good idea!

Lemme know! The more the merrier :mrgreen:
Icicledisastah - Zealot
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Re: QA-Question/Suggestion

Post#9 » Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:02 am

Comment on each bug you find as duplicated and mark it down in the comment "Duplicate of #[insert the issue number here, the smallest one]"

For example if you find issue #100 is duplicated of #50, you write in #100 comment "Duplicate of #50" and i'll close it down probably if I don't miss it.

Once we get fewer bugs there we can focus on fixing them and we can take on more after.

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