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The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

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Posts: 127

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#11 » Sun May 31, 2020 3:11 am

EsthelielSunfury wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 10:26 pm 1) I'm of the opinion that dropping endgame currency from players is a can of worms that people might not realize they don't want to open. Even with a minuscule chance to drop - you kill so many people in RvR in a few hours that you're bound to get plenty even if there was a ToK unlock requirement or perhaps a weekly lockout before each player could drop it again. I'm not a fan of trivializing gear progression, I quite enjoy the way it is set up here. I got Sov Cloak this week and cannot even equip it yet, and no - I don't login for City during weird hours.

2-3) The chat is precisely the same on Order, I can tell you for sure since I only play this faction. Every time the exact same names making fun/bait of people not giving Destro Altdorf because they want gear themselves with little effort. It's honestly giga cringe and maybe they should be teleported back to Ekrund as fresh rank 1 dwarves, see how they feel about that. Not a fan of character lockouts between factions, I still think xrealming is a symptom of larger issues. Preventing people from going to their alts for whatever reason is not going to solve anything, it will just irritate them.

4) I've read some ideas about City and honestly none of the suggestions are any good. They either butcher the campaign or want it fixed for one Timezone is particular, which is a no go.

Honestly, getting crests from gold bags is more than enough - with enough contribution in any zone you'll get them eventually. And it does look like Sov is not BiS for quite a few specs, so there's that to consider as well.
I fail to see how it's a can of worms tbh. You get up to Vanq from players, did that bother you? A 0.2% drop chance would feel like a random epic dropped in WoW. This is not trivializing gear progression, it's making it more attainable rather than how it is now, promoting city loggers and un-attendence in RVR.

Sorry to hear Order experiences the same. Maybe GMs should slap some warning lock-outs for toxicity. I got slapped in WoW by a GM for 10 minutes straight, all around the map. That was fun and got my attention, even if it was as a joke.

I don't know about the ideas related to the City, my main concern is people play something else other than what we're supposed to play. I remember on retail all the guilds rushed to close zones asap, not staying afk waiting for the city to eventually happen.
Klindor - 83 - retired
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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#12 » Sun May 31, 2020 3:15 am

We do take action against people being excessively toxic in chat, but people need to report the behavior they don't want to see.
[email protected] for exploits and cheaters. Some old WAR blog

Posts: 127

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#13 » Sun May 31, 2020 3:26 am

oldgiant wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:28 pm I think this is an important talk to have, but I'd say your categorization of the problem misses the mark and I don't agree with most of your proposed solution. I would also like to see the xrealm timer increased, but others disagree and the manipulative use of xrealming is maybe a symptom rather than a cause of the real problem anyhow.

Appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts about this, hopefully it starts a real discussion because I think one is badly needed.
Well, it's not the first thread on this topic. I didn't say that xrealm is the cause, I said I'm willing to bet it's related to the currency factor. You think people swap factions because they want to win or because they want the most out of the played time? Played time = currency. No currency => no need to invest time if I get nothing. Better to swap. This is why having a chance at dropping currency might incentivize players to come to defend a keep or fort and/or stick for the long run. Because the more u kill the more u have the chance of getting something you're after, whether it's done while running supplies, roaming, ganking 1vx, defending or attacking a keep. What would you rather have: everyone in full sovereign and more action on the map or 1 city / day? What if you miss it? What if you have to work or have a kid? U can't just drop everything to show up in a city for a chance to get some currency. And so u need to wait for another, which u miss again. Maybe in 2 years u get full sovereign. When you could login, get some kills and contribution, maybe win a bag, maybe the legendary item drops, maybe we even lock that zone with your help and we move on, closer to the same thing u wanted before, a city.

Take this opportunity and discuss it.
Klindor - 83 - retired
Iprotecc - 82 - holding doors
Isushi - pugging

Posts: 127

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#14 » Sun May 31, 2020 3:27 am

wargrimnir wrote: Sun May 31, 2020 3:15 am We do take action against people being excessively toxic in chat, but people need to report the behavior they don't want to see.
Will do that, thanks bro! I usually just /ignore.
Klindor - 83 - retired
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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#15 » Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:24 pm

amagawd wrote: Sat May 30, 2020 11:30 am

2) Xrealming - I am willing to bet this is related to the currency as well. The grass always seems greener on the other side. Destro looks weak? Sure, let me change to the opposing faction for some fast and easy rewards. Swapping sides so often in an opposing faction environment results only in players playing against themselves. I know we're all ALTOHOLICS, but being able to swap so often ruins the experience for every1. Everything gets dragged on forever. I would suggest an increase in the lockdown to 3 hours. This would make you decide which side you wanna play on and at the same time impact the RVR in a good way - zones would get locked down within a timespan of 3 hours. Nowadays, we siege for 1 hour, we wipe, why wait 10 minutes for a new ram when u can jump on the other toon on the opposing faction and just get free currency? THere's a reason all the retail games don't allow creating characters on opposing factions AND on the same server, especially in RVR games. 3 hours is not so much, but it would mean a lot in the overall grand scheme of things. Maybe it's time to decide which character you're gonna play on.
I spent a few days doing RvR and kept seeing this Xrealming complain, but I'm still a bit confused. According to the post on the development section, the realm switch locks you out for 90 minutes, how are you able to switch to the opposite faction when you were just attempting to open a door with a RAM and failed? or you're just saying they logout for 90 minutes and then switch? Sorry if it sounds dumb I just feel like I'm missing something that's fairly obvious to everyone else.

Posts: 127

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#16 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 5:44 pm

blasras wrote: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:24 pm I spent a few days doing RvR and kept seeing this Xrealming complain, but I'm still a bit confused. According to the post on the development section, the realm switch locks you out for 90 minutes, how are you able to switch to the opposite faction when you were just attempting to open a door with a RAM and failed? or you're just saying they logout for 90 minutes and then switch? Sorry if it sounds dumb I just feel like I'm missing something that's fairly obvious to everyone else.
The 90 minutes counter begins once you are flagged for RVR. So you get on your Destro, play for 90 minutes than no matter what u did u can log off and swap to Order.
Klindor - 83 - retired
Iprotecc - 82 - holding doors
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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#17 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:09 pm

At this point in the game, Invader crests should drop from player kills and zone flips if you are full Vanquisher. I started playing mid-March and don't have full Invader on my rr73 Zealot or rr69 Slayer.

Before you say I would probably have full Invader if I didn't split my time between two characters, I've been playing my Slayer almost exclusively and only after breaking down Invaders at rr68 did I get full Vanquisher.

That said, I also feel there are too many armor sets for end game with not enough ways to obtain them. Ranked scenarios? Forget about it. Warlord? By the time you have enough crests you'll be able to wear Sovereign... At least make Warlord a reward for Gold bags in city to alleviate some of the pressure to grind Invaders and then Royals.
[Hemingway Daiquiri(s)]

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#18 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 9:57 pm

Even when they made invaders easier to get people still cry lmao, I was rr 82 when i finally finished my invader set.

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Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#19 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 10:09 pm

BelligerentBob wrote: Wed Jun 03, 2020 6:09 pm At this point in the game, Invader crests should drop from player kills and zone flips if you are full Vanquisher. I started playing mid-March and don't have full Invader on my rr73 Zealot or rr69 Slayer.

Before you say I would probably have full Invader if I didn't split my time between two characters, I've been playing my Slayer almost exclusively and only after breaking down Invaders at rr68 did I get full Vanquisher.

That said, I also feel there are too many armor sets for end game with not enough ways to obtain them. Ranked scenarios? Forget about it. Warlord? By the time you have enough crests you'll be able to wear Sovereign... At least make Warlord a reward for Gold bags in city to alleviate some of the pressure to grind Invaders and then Royals.
Breaking down a limited currency for one you will inevitably get simply for killing people in Keeps was not a very smart decision. I would not recommend doing that in any of your characters, ever. I started in March too, but got full invader gear weeks ago and now got some royals going.

Posts: 38

Re: The real State of the Realm -endgame discussion

Post#20 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:15 am

The rate of progression is way too slow for a pvp game, where the difference in gear between a veteran player and a new one make the game incredibly difficult to succeed at.

For veteran players you already have the advantage of greater knowledge of the game as well as practice which should be advantage enough, if you claim to be any good. It makes no sense to have such impossible gate keeping to actually play and succeed at the game at a resonable capacity. In the old days of RoR it was much easier to get the BiS gear without having to grind awful content like cities and forts which are only available a small fraction of the time. Or grind pve which should not be providing BiS gear but for whatever reason it does.

Recently RoR had a massive influx of players because of the video published by TheLazyPeon on youtube which received over half a million views. What players that video brought to the game are basically disappearing it seems like because the server pop has been gradually decreasing over the past few weeks. If the game does not appeal to new players and the only ones who are able to fully enjoy the game are those who have been able to log on at all times of the day to catch forts and cities then this server will continue to lose population, it is far too much of a commitment for people to become interested in or maintain an interest in. All the while you are getting destroyed by the players who have the best gear already which makes for not a very fun experience.

I really dont find forts or cities to be very enjoyable. They are often pointless stalemates or completely one sided ass beatings.

Sovereign insignias should drop from regular pvp as this would help prevent city logging as well as increase the average players level of gear which makes pvp less one sided in a lot of cases. Look at the number of players who have surpassed rr80 a long time ago and still continue to pvp on the same character, players dont need gear incentive to want to play the game. The game is about pvp not collecting gear, and the game will be easier to continue to balance once players are able to reach somewhat of a gear cap because it will be easier to recognize trends of over or under performance.
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