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Debate about why Desto is how it is

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Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#1 » Thu May 28, 2020 12:51 pm

Hello everybody so i have learnd from Wonshots "Debate about why Order is how it is" that Destro have a clear Moral advantage, better classes, better synergy between classes, more ppl, more and (stronger???) Guilds etc. can someone tell me why Destro is not taking an advantage in the campaign with all this things. IC is constant at 1-2 stars the last few days while Altdorf is at 5 stars for like 4-5? days. It is not like Destro is not trying to siege Altdorf but they almost lose every Fort this week how can that be with all this advantage on Destro? In my opinon there is a huge imbalance in RVR maybe only in Forts but still an imbalance. Am i wrong?

Posts: 2

Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#2 » Thu May 28, 2020 1:21 pm

inb4 1000 replies about faction balance.

Because forts are literal garbage and these "top guilds" you speak of are playing Order alts while forts are happening. Hell I can't even participate in forts without dropping to sub 5fps on pushes while getting killed by engineers/BWs collecting renown pressing 3 buttons.

Also Order have a clear advantage when defending in orvr, especially when every fort defense/offense is nothing but a wall of engineers and bright wizards pressing 3 buttons to collect renown.

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#3 » Thu May 28, 2020 1:35 pm

Fazuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 12:51 pm Hello everybody so i have learnd from Wonshots "Debate about why Order is how it is" that Destro have a clear Moral advantage, better classes, better synergy between classes, more ppl, more and (stronger???) Guilds etc. can someone tell me why Destro is not taking an advantage in the campaign with all this things. IC is constant at 1-2 stars the last few days while Altdorf is at 5 stars for like 4-5? days. It is not like Destro is not trying to siege Altdorf but they almost lose every Fort this week how can that be with all this advantage on Destro? In my opinon there is a huge imbalance in RVR maybe only in Forts but still an imbalance. Am i wrong?
There's only so many times you can try and put 300 people through a small door and fail before people give up and become city loggers.

Posts: 542

Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#4 » Thu May 28, 2020 1:38 pm

-any brainlet can log a bright wizard and sit in a corner and press rain of fire on the door every 10 seconds
-tanks are forced to pop ID to survive the cluster **** of getting through the door but die to morale bomb where defenders are free to use damage morales because whats going to kill you? a s/s chosen?
-sub 40's are allowed in forts
-prime time rvr is these "top warband guilds" logging in and making it a stalemate typically

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#5 » Thu May 28, 2020 2:26 pm

PrimoSecondo wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 1:21 pm inb4 1000 replies about faction balance.

Because forts are literal garbage and these "top guilds" you speak of are playing Order alts while forts are happening. Hell I can't even participate in forts without dropping to sub 5fps on pushes while getting killed by engineers/BWs collecting renown pressing 3 buttons.

Also Order have a clear advantage when defending in orvr, especially when every fort defense/offense is nothing but a wall of engineers and bright wizards pressing 3 buttons to collect renown.
they push forts and than relog to their main to farm crests , because of global win/loose rate. it was also with forts when they where opened for all for few month. till they gear up.
well about bw/enginers , i would say magus do same as enginers . well bw is op in funnel byt infernal wave is better ( most bw whant infernal wave to bw)
"give wh and witch propper aoe like evrywone has it!"

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#6 » Thu May 28, 2020 4:24 pm

Fazuk wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 12:51 pm Hello everybody so i have learnd from Wonshots "Debate about why Order is how it is" that Destro have a clear Moral advantage, better classes, better synergy between classes, more ppl, more and (stronger???) Guilds etc. can someone tell me why Destro is not taking an advantage in the campaign with all this things. IC is constant at 1-2 stars the last few days while Altdorf is at 5 stars for like 4-5? days. It is not like Destro is not trying to siege Altdorf but they almost lose every Fort this week how can that be with all this advantage on Destro? In my opinon there is a huge imbalance in RVR maybe only in Forts but still an imbalance. Am i wrong?
1 Failing fort mechanics and fort rewards allows fort to be capped most of the time when attackers outnumbers defenders big time in early morning eu time or if defenders decide to throw the fort.200 people in that tiny room with those 2 tiny door defending are not so easy to wipe.Even more difficult since aoe goes tru walls ,pulls goes tru walls, lowbies that are basically cannon fodder in a fort,tank classes goin 2h and meltin like squishies,solo mentality of players that prefer to go suicide themselves instead of joinin a wb and try to do something useful
2 People moving free from destro to order or viceversa to defend fort / pride zones
3 Destro have like 3 guild able to do something and pushing forts seems to not be the priority
4 Farming order after they ve spent their time pushing to city is easier and reward are the same considering how bad is contribution mechanic in city.As an example one player who was afk 90% of time not only become champ in s3 (having 7k damage and being afk as tank) but also got gold bag meanwhile people who do their job most of their time got literally no bags cause contribution mechanics is totally random.

As someone said any brainless player can spam rof in fort and its funny that someone even brag about it in their signature when probably 80% of their kills is spamming rof in fort....then you met em in city where they can put rof up their xxx and you farm them like they deserve and thats the only reason i still play city.make them cry and bath in their salty tears on forum when they say how op is destro.
Grumm /a.k.a Grumug- RR87 Bo - Retired since 2021
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Posts: 219

Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#7 » Thu May 28, 2020 4:46 pm

This topic is unnecessary/ useless... same as the crap about "why order is...".
I realy dont understand why could some1 pay attention to this.

We all can see what state is the game in (most sieges order can stand on the wall and cast and destro could only watch - what are the walls good for? All the sieges destro hide behind, thats all - on the other side, destro has more melee aoe, better for close range fights like cities (if you dont have time to build m4 like in forts) so order has worse postion here it seems). Devs try to do their best and try to hear your/our opinions but there are SO MANY biased posts in threads like this one. No matter how objective argument you can write. There always comes biased reply --- as the one above (MOST BW (no matter the whole class is op) want infernal wave - just example).
What is it good for?

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#8 » Thu May 28, 2020 5:10 pm

The last month I have seen only handful of good Fort pushes by Destro. The rest of been unorganized trickle-in garbage that give us a chuckle. The tools (e.g. m4 squig bomb) are all still there, but judging by the guild tags it seriously looks like the good players who know them have all disappeared from the lakes. From what red side friends have told us, the top Destro players are geared full Sov and most just city log now, if at all.

This isn't a class issue, or even a gear issue. This is the bottom half of the player base is no longer being carried issue.
Slayer - 40/7x
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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#9 » Thu May 28, 2020 5:24 pm

Kwatchi wrote: Thu May 28, 2020 5:10 pm judging by the guild tags it seriously looks like the good players who know them have all disappeared from the lakes. From what red side friends have told us, the top Destro players are geared full Sov and most just city log now, if at all.
I am a city logger that would have access to regular large scale RvR events in the PnP/FMJ alliance, but I deliberately stay out of RvR as much as I can because it simply is no fun for me 90% of the time. It's massive zergs all the way to forts (at least in EU primetime when the events are on), and then you still fail fort because you have 3+ pug warbands with bad setups rather watching the door instead of pushing with your countdown, so you fail a fort. Then you fail the second fort because your realm mates still don't believe you that you need to double push to actually win against 500 order in T4. Then your premade warband has gotten enough and disbands.

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Re: Debate about why Desto is how it is

Post#10 » Thu May 28, 2020 5:35 pm

my own personal opinion but I hate city logging, it's basically just waiting till everyone else does all the work then showing up for reward. and you can't even use the excuse that well all I need is royals etc etc no point etc etc, a large portion of the people trying to push midzones and forts already have almost full sov, if it was up to me I'd make it so people who don't participate in the past few rvr zones won't be able to que for the city. again this is my opinion alone but yeah (:
gorbane - choppa

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