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Skill shade of death have no crit

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Posts: 16

Skill shade of death have no crit

Post#1 » Fri May 15, 2020 1:16 pm

The Sorcerer skill in the path of agony at 13 point shades of death have an issue, the skill doesn't crit at all so he is pretty useless but is a really nice skill so it would be nice to have it work normally :)

Thanks :)

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Re: Skill shade of death have no crit

Post#2 » Fri May 15, 2020 1:22 pm

as a proc on damage I don't think it's supposed to crit. However, the damage is so low that it's not really worth the GCD if you can do anything else with it.

Instead of making it crit I'd suggest upgrading its damage to be worth taking at 13 points into the tree.
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Re: Skill shade of death have no crit

Post#3 » Sat May 16, 2020 3:12 am

Used to hit for 800-1500, now down to 90ish?

Mythic didn't have to nerf all procs across the board just for a handful of problem abilities imo :P

Posts: 336

Re: Skill shade of death have no crit

Post#4 » Sat May 16, 2020 3:27 am

It's the worst 13pt ability in the game how it hasn't been buffed is kinda a mystery. Meanwhile BW gets one of the best 13pt point abilities in the game in the same tree.

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Re: Skill shade of death have no crit

Post#5 » Sat May 16, 2020 4:37 am

Its pretty terrible. Attach a HD to it and increase the CD and it might be worth it. I dont think Sorcs are hurting enough in the damage department for them to make one of their bad abilities good though. Since it would be a buff.

Its an ability that should just be ignored and not specd for. If you do happen to spec for it though, you should never cast it.

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Re: Skill shade of death have no crit

Post#6 » Sat May 16, 2020 7:15 am

Seems similar to witchbrew, except it sucks. Is it just low damage or how it behaves that is detrimental?
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Re: Skill shade of death have no crit

Post#7 » Sat May 16, 2020 5:48 pm

The damage is low. Given the sorc mechanic, any ability that crits is probably going to do more damage than all 5 of the procs. A single crit from one of your dots will even do more damage than all 5 procs. So from a dps perspective its terrible.

That isn't everything though since it wouldn't be terrible to give up some dps if it gave you better burst. Using a gcd on a lower dpct ability to give you more damage in a tighter window is in theory good. But I think this procs off everyone's damage so if you are assisting, like you should be, it just turns into a damaging ability since the procs won't go off when you want them to.

And if you are focusing your own target, so you can control when it goes off, its really hard to trigger all the procs and it makes the rotation clunkier and less frequent.

If you wanted to make it slightly more usable you could make it only proc off the sorcs damage and then make it proc off the damage from WoP. Since it procs off of vision of torment and not WoP for some reason. Or increase its duration or reduce the number of procs and increase its damage to make up for the lost proc.

Its a pretty silly ability when you compare it to the BW who has funnel power. The only thing it has going for it is that its an instant cast with a short CD and doesn't cause backlash, but when you are in a situation where you don't care about backlash that doesn't matter.

I can't find a use for it that makes sense, but maybe some better sorc out there can prove me wrong.

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Re: Skill shade of death have no crit

Post#8 » Sat May 16, 2020 9:05 pm

Was thinking of this crap ability some while ago, and considered even writing a balance proposal for some Sorc rework of their worst abilities, but since the official balance discussion forums are a ghost towns, might as well dump the idea here;

-Shades of Death moves to 3pts left tree, mirrors BW Funnel Power
-Echo of Power moves to midtree 3pts, become a ranged KD of 65ft that requires Disrupt, make it 2 sec so BWs can keep their superior 3s rKD which they never spec anyway coz its too high in the tree, basically a 2s lifesaver in case a WL pounces your ass wide open or meleetrain starts tearing you apart from behind
-Gloom of Night moves to AoE tree 3pts, cast time down to 1sec, ain't no one got time for 2s cast when you get better dmg from spamming instant AoE attacks anyway
-Black Horror in all its glory, ehm, horrific waste of mastery point, would move to 13pts in left tree and become a ranged ground placement damage pulse, with 65ft range, and being placed to ground like a Zealot/Rp Rune, from where it would pulse to nearby targets (15-20ft?). Similar dmg as BW FBB which is at same spot, or bit similar pulse values as Slayer ID dmg pulse. 10-15sec CD, either instant cast, or 2 sec cast + but while moving. Doesn't have to be "op" values, but just bit similar to other classes 13pts ability dmg values, either Spirit/Corp, possibly Corp so it has better synergy with warband debuffing and less powerful for ST specs.

inb4 "how can you even think of buffing Destro", well, assuming people want to see Destro bring something that isnt a full meleestack to cities/open rvr, their ranged classes have to become somewhat more enticing than they currently are.
Shades of Death is terribad, EoP is bit meh, GoN is hardly used in warband fights and Black Horror deals less dmg than SS (even if you take into account double Corp debuffs) and you get same Init debuff from Conq gear Squig peeing all over the place or Mara usual AoE debuff spam, but without needing a 3s cast.

Posts: 630

Re: Skill shade of death have no crit

Post#9 » Sat May 16, 2020 10:11 pm

Aurandilaz wrote: Sat May 16, 2020 9:05 pm Was thinking of this crap ability some while ago, and considered even writing a balance proposal for some Sorc rework of their worst abilities, but since the official balance discussion forums are a ghost towns, might as well dump the idea here;

-Shades of Death moves to 3pts left tree, mirrors BW Funnel Power
-Echo of Power moves to midtree 3pts, become a ranged KD of 65ft that requires Disrupt, make it 2 sec so BWs can keep their superior 3s rKD which they never spec anyway coz its too high in the tree, basically a 2s lifesaver in case a WL pounces your ass wide open or meleetrain starts tearing you apart from behind
-Gloom of Night moves to AoE tree 3pts, cast time down to 1sec, ain't no one got time for 2s cast when you get better dmg from spamming instant AoE attacks anyway
-Black Horror in all its glory, ehm, horrific waste of mastery point, would move to 13pts in left tree and become a ranged ground placement damage pulse, with 65ft range, and being placed to ground like a Zealot/Rp Rune, from where it would pulse to nearby targets (15-20ft?). Similar dmg as BW FBB which is at same spot, or bit similar pulse values as Slayer ID dmg pulse. 10-15sec CD, either instant cast, or 2 sec cast + but while moving. Doesn't have to be "op" values, but just bit similar to other classes 13pts ability dmg values, either Spirit/Corp, possibly Corp so it has better synergy with warband debuffing and less powerful for ST specs.

inb4 "how can you even think of buffing Destro", well, assuming people want to see Destro bring something that isnt a full meleestack to cities/open rvr, their ranged classes have to become somewhat more enticing than they currently are.
Shades of Death is terribad, EoP is bit meh, GoN is hardly used in warband fights and Black Horror deals less dmg than SS (even if you take into account double Corp debuffs) and you get same Init debuff from Conq gear Squig peeing all over the place or Mara usual AoE debuff spam, but without needing a 3s cast.
I like all these ideas.

Posts: 336

Re: Skill shade of death have no crit

Post#10 » Sun May 17, 2020 1:07 am

What's an even bigger travesty is obsessive focus, that **** should of been pulled off the GCD 10 years ago, and it should end when the person its casted on dies.

Meanwhile bw can cleanse themselves in place of this...

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