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The "fresh server y/n?" discussion

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The "fresh server y/n?" discussion

Post#1 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:44 am

So this has come up a number of times since that one video caused the population to grow by 500%. People keep asking streamers about it, the question appears in the advice channel every now and then, and so on. I didn't want to make a poll, but I almost think the devs ought to do that. Anyway, discuss the matter here.

I can see both sides of the argument.

On one hand, a fresh server is a bit of a blow for those who have played for a long time. If a hypothetical new server ends up becoming way more popular, they may feel that their maxed-out characters are useless as the old server's population dwindles back down to a few hundred. These are the players who have sustained this project. If they hadn't been there, Lazy Peon's review probably wouldn't have been very positive and all those thousands of new players wouldn't have arrived. A fresh server might be seen as disrespectful to their months and years of progress.

On the other hand, this has now become a server where 20% of the playerbase is miles ahead of the thousands of new arrivals who don't stand a chance against these RR80 full BiS characters. In a PvP-based MMO, that's not great for player retention. A fresh server puts everyone on an even playing field, giving new players a chance to catch up without months of being the helpless punching bag of maxed-out veterans. In the private server scene, resets have always been popular--look at WoW's series of successors to Nostalrius, or the Project 1999 Everquest server which recently doubled its population with a fresh server. This is because when an MMORPG has been running for years, jumping in as a new player feels pretty awful, so a reset is a chance for everyone to keep up. Without this, numbers are likely to drop back down to some middle point between now and last month as newer players discover how far behind they are and give up.

There's also the matter of server logistics. Right now we're getting a lot of lag during primetime because the project had no chance to prepare for 3k+ players. Would adding a server help with that? Would it cost more? I assume RoR is hosted at some datacenter, so maybe a second server wouldn't even change the lag unless the devs pay for more space. I don't know what it might take to start a second server. We don't pay for this, so if it's an added expense, that may be an issue. I'd love to hear the devs weigh in on the sheer practicality of this.

Posts: 5

Re: The "fresh server y/n?" discussion

Post#2 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:55 am

I personally would enjoy a fresh sever. The other solution at least for scenarios that I would like is a renown gear level based bracket system after 40.

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Re: The "fresh server y/n?" discussion

Post#3 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 7:00 am

been checking in here for about 3 yrs for a fresh/restart dont think it will happen tho

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Re: The "fresh server y/n?" discussion

Post#4 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 7:04 am

Remain the matter of the cost :). If i could, i would prefer to have a bigger house too :p, and a jet :p.
Even ads helps a lot, this project is pretty expensive per year. I fear we can't actually envisage a second server.

Posts: 7

Re: The "fresh server y/n?" discussion

Post#5 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 7:07 am

Yaliskah wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 7:04 am Remain the matter of the cost :). If i could, i would prefer to have a bigger house too :p, and a jet :p.
Would there be a cost to adding a second server without expanding network capacity? Say we just live with the lag, what does it take to simply create a new realm?

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Re: The "fresh server y/n?" discussion

Post#6 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 7:14 am

klarsen wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 7:07 am
Yaliskah wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 7:04 am Remain the matter of the cost :). If i could, i would prefer to have a bigger house too :p, and a jet :p.
Would there be a cost to adding a second server without expanding network capacity? Say we just live with the lag, what does it take to simply create a new realm?
As far i know, actual lag issues are not about population itself. It is about DB accesses. Having multiple areas/servers on the same hardware would not change anything ( but i'm not a pro on this...)

Posts: 12

Re: The "fresh server y/n?" discussion

Post#7 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 7:30 am


we don´t need a fresh server only a "wipe" for all charactes yes, its hard but other games do that from time to time reset all to zero, bring back the old Tiers the time when there weren´t enough players is more then over.

It´s not nice as new lvl 16 to be a one hit against RR 80.... this is **** and will cost a lot of players.

Fix Bugs, stabilize Server, set back the 24 player aoe cap AND reduced the received renown this is going to fast.

It´s fine to see so much new players but we must do something seperates them by the tiers or do a new server or everything else.

But whatever you do, do it quickly or all the new players will go again.

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Re: The "fresh server y/n?" discussion

Post#8 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:04 am

Zento wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 7:30 am

It´s not nice as new lvl 16 to be a one hit against RR 80.... this is **** and will cost a lot of players.

Because all who are able to kill you are rr80?
If you wouldn't leave T1 almost naked, learn your positioning and defensive play, then you wouldn't struggle that hard. Rank 40 players die the same way as you do.
Or do you think, that you play so well and use all gear available and only lose, because they are rr80?
Dying is no option.

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Re: The "fresh server y/n?" discussion

Post#9 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:09 am

Zento, i don't know if you are aware, but this project is a constant work in progress, and it is not a full time job for anyone of us :).

We are doing our best in the limit of our free time and abilities. We are happy to see so many players coming right now, but note, this situation is independent of our actions.

Saying " it is necessary that", "you must", "it is needed to" are words. Spelling is always the easy part of the thing.

Actually we have to adapt to this new situation, and it is stressfull enough to manage :).

If some missed the point, many people from the team have "ruined" their family weekend to focus on all actual lag issues, monitor and consider solutions.

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Re: The "fresh server y/n?" discussion

Post#10 » Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:17 am

I love all the noobs that are less than one week here and thus want wipe to have "equal chances" .

How about a big and tasty GTFO?

We did not spend countless hours here just to be wiped cause you want it.

Play, improve and stop whining.
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