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I don't understand the point of DPS in this game

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I don't understand the point of DPS in this game

Post#1 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 2:20 pm

This is an honest thought and I'm not trying to come off as whiner or anything, but just I have trouble understanding this game.

I have been playing this game for about two weeks now and while I really enjoy playing this game, I don't quite understand why there are dps roles in this game. Since my time playing I have gotten a SH to lvl 28 and a choppa to lvl 27 and on both characters it almost feels like I am not doing anything because of all the taunts and detaunts along with the shear power of healers in this game. You can have 3 or 4 people attacking a dps and a healer can just keep them up no problem whatsoever. Trying to fight a healer or tank one on one feels like an impossible task because I'm doing half damage a lot of the times or even when I'm not doing half damage, their damage is about 60% of mine but have way more survivablility than myself and it's just an easy win for them. There have been a number of times seeing two people trying to take on something like a war priest and the WP just flat out wins. Why play a dps when there are so many tools to prevent you from doing dps and the dps of the other roles are still fairly good?

I'm going to try a DoK in hopes that it feels better but as it stands now, I don't understand why everyone just doesn't play healers.

Am I just having an odd experience or is this common in this game? Does it change at higher levels where there will be a point where a healer would be like, "Oh crap, someone is on me I need to fear him" or will it always be no big deal for them? I enjoy the base gameplay of this game, but man - the pvp aspect of it makes me think, "What's the point of me being a dps"?

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Re: I don't understand the point of DPS in this game

Post#2 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 2:27 pm

You should rank your chars up to 40/40, play in grps/wb then you can check better their roles.
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Re: I don't understand the point of DPS in this game

Post#3 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 2:41 pm

It is true that most of the time, it is the tanks and the healers that decide the outcome of both smallscale and warband play. But at the end of the day, if you want to kill ****, you have to bring dps xD. Generally speaking, dps is also an easier role than tanking or healing well, as most of dps is about positioning and pretty simple rotations.
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Re: I don't understand the point of DPS in this game

Post#4 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 2:58 pm

Try and practise dps assisting other dps classes. You may not have noticed yet, but you can have both friendly and hostile targets selected at the same time.
Make a /assist macro and bind it to a key. Now pressing this key will switch to the target of your friendly target. It's very helpfull for the ranged dps classes. For melee dps it's a bit easier to be the one chosing the targets, but you can't rely on people assisting you when playing with randoms. So try and stick close to a tank or another melee dps and help them take down the target. Chances increases the tank throws guard on you if you help them and sticking close to another melee dps reduce the chance they single you out as there's now multiple threats they have to deal with.

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Re: I don't understand the point of DPS in this game

Post#5 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:26 pm

Without seeing you playing it is quite hard to tell what you are doing wrong, but I can say, you do a lot wrong. :) DD classes are fine, it just matters how you play them.
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Re: I don't understand the point of DPS in this game

Post#6 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:26 pm

roadkillrobin wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2020 2:58 pm Try and practise dps assisting other dps classes.
roadkillrobin hits the nail on the head here, because of the group nature of this game you must assist, ASSIST ASSIST ASSIST, I get your frustrations though I play a healer and they are strong but can definitely be flattened with assist trains targeting them, don't let it get you down dude make it to 40/40 and you might see a difference if not maybe try another class like a tank or healer you might enjoy it :)

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Re: I don't understand the point of DPS in this game

Post#7 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:31 pm

larsulu wrote: Sat Feb 22, 2020 2:27 pm You should rank your chars up to 40/40, play in grps/wb then you can check better their roles.
Lol, it's still occurs at 40/40+. I've been in game at moments where full WB on discord has hard time killing 12 man because the team composition of multiple WP, AMdps, WL and KOTBS is frustratingly difficult to deal with. Fighting tanks in this game.. even when they don't have a healer feels like you are fighting a mini-boss. There is no reason a solo roaming Tank should be living over 10 seconds against 10+ people attacking it. I've leveled up as a DPS in this game and I don't plan to level any other characters due to how long of a process gearing can be for those who don't dedicate 5+ hours a day on here, but if I could go back and start over, I would most definitely make a tank and just gear up DPS being that you get crap ton of armor and if you play correctly you can do enough damage to kill almost any and every class in the game solo... except KOTBS..Because that class with a shield is just dumb.

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Re: I don't understand the point of DPS in this game

Post#8 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:32 pm

The meaning of the game in RvR is to setup multiple layers of dps to reach critical mass to out-dps the enemyheal.
Critical mass is the amount of damage in a specific time you need to overcome the tankiness and heal of the enemy.

You can do this by layering DPS on DPS on DPS [...] until you reach critical mass and the enemy dies (works best for PUG, blob, RVR).
Or you can do this by lowering the amount of critical mass needed to out-dps the heal by taking out healers with CC, punting away guards, etc. (easiest done in small grp gameplay).

If you all insist of running around in big blobs with your low dps aoe-specs you'll need a good amount of aoe-dps-players to reach critical mass.
Thats the reason every smaller bomb grps needs Sorc/BW to reach critical mass cause they are the only classes that can deal real burst-AoE.

If you're not able to reach your critical mass dps without stacking aoe-dps then it's either the blob is too big (so aoe-dps is the most useful form of layer to reach critical mass) or otherwise you're just a bad grp.

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Re: I don't understand the point of DPS in this game

Post#9 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 3:37 pm

Later levels dps usually have more tools to kill healers (more knockdowns, silences, debuffs, burst damage). Healers get quite a lot of their important survivability tools early on (detaunt sometime while in tier 1, morale heal at lvl 8, RP/Zeal get their 10 sec dmg reduct buff at lvl 21 iirc etc etc). There are times when enemy team is stacked with healers and/or tanks or then they have few really good healer/tank players who are saving everybody or their dps are good at using their defensive skills but if you are good dps yourself, you can usually get plenty of kills no matter which tier you are playing.
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Re: I don't understand the point of DPS in this game

Post#10 » Sat Feb 22, 2020 10:09 pm

The most irritating part of playing dps is afk standing near keep waiting for 2 doors to get destroyed. Or you can use bypass defence and die on the other side of the wall.
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