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Fort Proposal

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Posts: 137

Fort Proposal

Post#1 » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:08 pm

Problem : With high number of defenders, defending the bottom floor of Fort stage 3 with a single door funnel is very difficult to overcome as the attacker side.

Solution: If you finish stage 2 with all 5 BO's as the attacker side, the fort inner posterns become accessible

This gives defenders a reason to contest the BO's til the end of stage 3 instead of gathering inside the keep very early, and it gives attackers an incentive to keep all 5 BO's as well and spread out. Defenders could still decide to stay inside and defend from lord room and 3rd floor if they wish.

To compensate the defender's side you could give a healer inside of fort for them if necessary.
Old School / Lords of the Locker Room

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Posts: 3159

Re: Fort Proposal

Post#2 » Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:10 pm

no, not happening.

There is some internal discussion about something we can do with posterns but this is definitely not it. Especially as most of the time attackers are free to cap all 5 BOs at end of stage 2 as defenders dont want to get stuck outside.

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